How do I get into Danzig?

How do I get into Danzig?

Other urls found in this thread:

With your tongue

Bring him offerings of French onion soup, and clean the bricks out of his yard.

Just ask him out, silly.

someone needs to go on a cut

He could probably get into you
He's like what 4ft tall?

Slug him after he shoves you

>mfw this thread

He looks like Henry Rollins' younger brother who has aspergers and looks up to his brother a little too much.


Start with Mother and stop there

You do when he was in the misfits, other then that no.

You roll out the Panzers and Anschluss the som of a bitch

Checked ... and wrecked

Fuck yo mother

Enjoy the first four albums and then none after that

good answer

Ask your mother.

Only time Danzig was good was with The Misfits.

you can start by buying him a drink

Pull out camera and the Danzig will get into you.

There's a few Baltic ferry routes
