ITT: Do your best to draw your favorite album's cover




My actual favourite is Fun House by The Stooges, but I'm not even going to try to draw that

here ya go user :^)




the "do your best" part is optional, right?



my nigerian


ITT: plebs guessing overrated Sup Forumscore albums

boring. what the fuck am i even doing here

who said anything about guessing you sped? the names are literally in the pics

is this bait/irony?



>lsd and the search for god
>Sup Forumscore

good one

Nice, Locust Abortion Technician

watch out guys, Sup Forums elitist up in this bitch

That's really good


why would you post the original :^)

Lots of threads about Geogaddi lately. I'm digging it tbqh