People at concerts who annoy you

- anyone who goes to alternative/indie rock concerts and is trying to mosh

- anyone who is over 6ft2

unironic crowdkilling
fuck those guys

>that guy who brings his gun to every show

haha manlet

6'2" is fine but stand at the back or to the side holy shit

-People who shout that they've ant the next artist to come up when the current artist is midway through the set.
-People who are shorter than 6ft2

>tfw 194 cm and always get in the front

>People who are in the mosh, but don't want to mosh.

Party poopers, the lot of them.

>People who are exactly 6ft2

-manlets who think I'm obligated to stand farther away to help them compensate for being small

6'5 here. I'll stand wherever the fuck I want you disgusting Manlet fuck.

>implying I (5ft7, 150 pounds) can choose whether I wanna be in the pit or not

People who put their bag besides them in the middle of the crowd, causing everyone to stumble over them.

Assholes who get there last minute and push in front of all of the people who got there early for good spots. It is always really tall assholes too

Also the retarded hippies who try to give you tincture. I don't want some retard putting oil on me

People who whip out their phone and take videos for Snapchat all throughout the show. Dude next to me was doing this for THE ENTIRE show I wanted to snatch his phone and throw it into the crowd but I was afraid I'd hit Panda Bear
>protip:nobody wants to see your shitsnaps of you at some concert

ironic moshing to indie music is always a blast

My gf does this shit. Embarrassing as fuck. I've seen her skip right past these types of snaps yet she participates in it. Woman logic

What makes ironic crowdkilling more tolerable?

I fucking hate the new HC kids that use the pit as a karate tournament or show off their crossfit moves.

lolol fuck off manlet


lol manlet mad

lame people who get upset when you puke on them and punch them in their faces

>not moshing at indie rock concerts
you don't like fun where you come from?

>moshing to Like Eating Glass by Bloc Party or Gotta Reason by Hard-Fi
doesn't even sound like fun

>People who shout "PLAY SOME SLAYER" at every gig they go to

>TFW you do this and have no shame

>deafeningly loud music that leaves your ears ringing for hours on end
>place so crowded you can't even move two feet in any direction
>people constantly jumping and screaming
Maybe it's just because I am autismo incarnate, but how is this better than just listening to music by yourself/with a small group of friends? Am I not approaching it with the right mindset? Should I just pop a molly and try to have fun?

when I went to swans some guys kept yelling louder, kinda annoying but also kinda funny

>Am I not approaching it with the right mindset?
Probably. Or you are expecting something else from it. Do you go with friends? Or have some beers and just let loose like nobody's business?

fuck off i weigh like 120 and i can get out of the pit if im not moshing.

>that guy who's so tall and whose neck and shoulders are so wide that you can't see the show no matter what angle you stand at

I went with friends but I was sober as a nun. Maybe that's where I fucked up.

no sorry

>deafeningly loud music that leaves your ears ringing for hours on end

that's what the hearing protection is for you fucking autist

Girls who want to dance when I just want to feel the artist sweat on me and stand right against the stage for the whole gig.

>anyone who goes to alternative/indie rock concerts and is trying to mosh
you sound like a massive bitch and why even though i prefer what's deemed indie/alt i fucking hate the static dead crowd.

moshing is fun, and for some alternative/indie rock bands it is fun.

however, what i hate more than anything is crowd surfers and stage divers

Just because we are at a punk show at a trash bar doesn't mean I want something broken on me.

>Oh it's punk man if you don't like it fuck off

No. The genre doesn't justify assault. Fuck you and your shit, I was standing off to the side and everything.

I swear man people think they can justify any behavior at punk shows just because it's a punk show. Fuck that shit.

>going to venues with stages
>going to venues with crowds


learn mma, hit them.
punk kids can't fight for fucking shit. although in my experience metalheads who flail their arms around like fucking dipshits deserve a fist to the face way more.
or maybe don't listen to fucking shit punk. all good punk bands tend to have physical but non-violent crowds.

so you're in a mosh pit, enjoying yourself (i know, what a fucking revelation), getting swept up in the music

then you bump into some asshole in the front who's got hardcore ear protection, not even headbanging, with their arms crossed, like some kind of henry fucking rollins wannabe, and they try to kick you right after you bump into them

That's true. You have good points.

- Dead/moody crowds.

- Really drunk people, especially if it's the beginning of the show and they're in the middle of crowd.

- People who show up late and try to fight their way to the front.

- Hecklers.

- Fat people.

- People who don't use deodorant.

- People who stand around, arms crossed, looking judgmental during the opening band's set. Sure, a lot of them aren't that good, but you should at least have the decency to not make them feel unwanted or bothersome when they're playing right in front of you. Save the apathy for when you ignore them in your private life.

- People who clap, unless encouraged by the band. It's usually not even on beat.

Womanlets get the most concert perks.

Saw The Besnard Lakes about a year ago and some cunt made the same "Play that song you play" joke three or four tracks in a row. Eventually the band essentially told him to just shut the fuck up.

Also when I saw silver Mt Zion a few years back there was some idiot center of the crowd right near the front who held a fucking pirate flag over his head for half the show. It didn't even make sense.

>people who don't move aside for women

>people who don't buy drinks for woman concertgoers

>men who think the close proximity is a valid excuse for inappropriately touching women

>men who don't allow a woman to jump on their shoulders if she requests it

>men who don't escort women out of the crowd at the end of the show when everyone is pushing

>Men who don't buy the tickets

you're not worthy

>people who try to stage dive from like a 12-inch stage at a gig with like 20 people

why do people take their shitty girlfriends to concerts

should've asked him about it during the q&a segment

I usually will Snapchat like once or twice. It's not that bad. It yeah if you're doing it the whole show, it's ridiculous.

Oh fuck I forgot about that, during the segment people were asking about the album cover for Fuck Off Get Free and that same guy just kept shouting WHAT DOES THE LIGHT MEAN? over and over.

>- People who stand around, arms crossed, looking judgmental during the opening band's set

fuck finally got me
it's usually at larger shows, i'm not trying to make them feel bad!

People that clap their hands ruining every acoustic song that the band may try

I saw Sleaford Mods in England recently.

British people are fucking annoying as hell.

People who are too busy trying to look cool to enjoy the gig.
People who complain when i smoke a quick cig, oh you have asthma? Oh no my fag is totally gonna kill you rip you fat ugly bitch with lame ugly boyfriend, Stand elsewhere vapid wenche.

Brit here, we can be fucking awful at times.

I've witnessed people "moshing" to Example, who wasn't even rapping but barely MCing.

Goes both ways though, European crowds are generally pretty tame from what I've seen.

As a brit i can confirm. Sleaford mods have annoying generic poltics that bland white ppl think is radical. Fuck that shit

>who goes to alternative/indie rock concerts
I never really been to alternative/indie type
>and is trying to mosh
that shit is annoying all around, it looks so childish

I like this bait a lot

aggressive meatheads who go into the pit like it's a fucking wrestling match

White people that smell like wet dog.

>at a concert
>lights dim
>friend wants a picture of where i'm at
>take picture
>flash is on

is there any worse feeling?

>the asshole that stands on the stage with the microphone yelling words over the band behind him playing

The guy who puts up his shitty phone to record the gig and blocks my view. If you are that guy, end yourself.

This, also black people who rob you in the parking lot after the show

This, also Asians that do laps around the venue in their shitty ricers after the show

It annoys me to no end. Why do you need to let everyone know you're at a show? The video will sound and look like garbage. Just listen to the damn music.

I thought that guy with the shaved head was Anthony Cucktano

People who form pits
>"Hurrr, how do I listen to music? With my whole body ofc"
>Paid 100 bucks to essentially wrestle other dudes and not feel gay about it
>Paid 100 bucks to do aerobics to my favorite band
>Paid 100 bucks for amateur mixed martial arts aches.