>Sadie, again, her point over here, not very good. Just like her music

Fantano is a fucking legend

Other urls found in this thread:



Exploding In Sound BTFO too


holy shit

Why do some artists insist on voicing their disdain for negative reviews for their music? It makes them look petty, insecure, and just all around bad.

Not even anton does this shit.

because they are all those things, and they cant help themselves

It's a pride thing from what I've gathered.

god forbid a white male has an opinion and shares it...

exactly. I can't stand when someone like melon gets stuck with ">le ebil mra" meme. it's dumb

How else would talentless hacks respond? They have no argument so they resort to, in this case, false personal attacks. Also, Sadie went to MIT. I would expect to her have the ability to form a well-thought and well-researched response, regardless if it's Twitter or somewhere else.

You wouldn't post some passive aggressive comment on twitter if you truly didn't care if one dude didn't like your music


sucks because i really enjoyed ontario gothic and had plans to purchase it on vinyl at some point.
warren's distastefulness is something awful.

Who gives a shit?

t. melon-sucking cuckbois

fantano seems okay as a person but reviewers/critics of any kind are literally worthless. i mean a job centered around giving your opinion on something?
it's almost as if people are stupid, can't think/feel for themselves and need some random fuck to tell them what to think/feel about something. yup all true.
inb4 dumbfucks who read album reviews before listening to the album start crying

everyone's a sheeple except You yes we know

that bitch sadie is an awful piece of shit person irl.

>fantano seems okay as a person

yeah i agree with that sentiment but if you can make money doing it and garner a following then why wouldn't you?

i don't know why but that dude has a serious hang-up on fantano

This and only this, it's a shame that you guys have give these failed artists a platform from which to judge anything and everything. Worst part is that you follow the critics like sheep. Cue the "hurr fedora" replies.

Because it lacks integrity and does a disservice to music and art itself.

When did indie become so sensitive and petulant?

spill the beans my man

Criticism has been around forever. You whole argument of people not thinking for themselves and being fed opinions by critics is the dumbest shit I have read all year and clearly revealing about you more than it is anything else. That is not what criticism is, you fucking idiot.

>critics are failed artists
[citation greatly desired]

Yeah, I looked him up and I'm having deja vu of looking him up before after seeing him tweet something. What did he say before?

>muh safe spaces

they see themselves as existing in their own little diy sphere and don't need no negative vibes. totally independent, except when they haul off to play sxsw or some heineken/converse/redbull sponsored festival because to resist capitalism you have to capitalist, or something


You do realize it's okay to listen to others to find their opinion right

Like how is finding what Fantano's score of an album worse than going on Sup Forums and asking what they think?

maybe it's because anthony hasn't reviewed any of his music yet

when people started becoming politically correct i suppose


>i'm going to use an outdated term for being a braindead fucktard because it nullifies the fact that i'm a braindead fucktard
he's okay he seems robot-like and is a bit too meme-obssessed for my liking but he's a youtuber. i'd have a drink with him
sure. if i could make money throwing glass bottles into a brick wall i'd do that too.
>Criticism has been around forever.
morons like you have been around forever too.
>ur dumb and u have issues
great argument.
>That is not what criticism is, you fucking idiot.
do you need a dictionary or perhaps a visit to your nearest mental health institute to diagnose your clinical retardation?

>listen to others to find own opinion
do you read what you type?
>Like how is finding what Fantano's score of an album worse than going on Sup Forums and asking what they think?
it's not any different. Sup Forums just like any other collective hivemind is filled with braindead fucktards who echo each other.

you're not wrong but this sure bothers you more than I think is healthy

why would it bother me? you guys are the braindead fucktards lmao.

Men are angry when a woman holds the door open? What?

this thread sucks dick

what makes you such a Real Music Listener
your obsession with how people find their music probably eclipses your interest in the music itself
that or you're just too old to be here

She seems like a real cunt desu talkhouse.com/sadie-dupuis-talks-lana-del-reys-short-film-tropico/

He thinks he's being funny but it just sounds bitter.


you clearly don't understand which isn't surprising.
let me help you out, the "normie" who likes some song on a tv show and starts listening to that band has more of a mind of their own than some retard who watches a needledrop video or reads a p4k review before listening to something.

i was the coordinator of the KidsInterviewBands (i quit in late 2014). me and other two women i was working with went with the kids to interview the band. everyone was cool except sadie. before the interview i remember she told me "eek, why would i want to be interviewed by a bunch of goofy-looking kids? dude that's fucking weird haha." when the interview ended she gets up and told us "alright guys time to go away and never come back, okay?" then slammed the door.

literally every male who liked this tweet is the definition of a nu-male. It's funny because the one I can see completely fits the criteria

where does the guy who thinks that people who watch reviews to get recommendations are sheep fall on your lil sliding scale

the fact that you think there's a scale says enough about you.

I thought Fucktano was a feminist.

No. She is delusional.

armchair psychology already? are you off your meds or something? gimme whatcha got chief

I'll never get why people get so bitter over music reviews.

>taking that comment as psychoanalysis
calm down buddy i was only calling you an idiot who can't think for yourself. perhaps you have some meds you need to take.

>>ur dumb and u have issues
>great argument.
>>That is not what criticism is, you fucking idiot.
>do you need a dictionary or perhaps a visit to your nearest mental health institute to diagnose your clinical retardation?
oh, the irony

if they won't help me be as woke as you i might not even bother

lol this guy makes the blandest indie pop thats so popular now

the guy wasn't making sense he was just raging like a baby, but i get that you wouldn't be able to see that. also it wasn't even towards you, why are you so paranoid? calm down buddy you're just an idiot there are many of you.


>fantano seems okay as a person but reviewers/critics of any kind are literally worthless
Okay then why don't they go start shit with p4k or RS or other major reviewers?
Its because they pay for those reviews or the producers pay most of the time, Fantano for the most part is unbought.

you're still a dumbfuck idiot for even reading them but i wouldn't expect you to get it. calm down there buddy

>calm down buddy
>you're just an idiot there are many of you.
Yeah, I'm the one who's not calm.

Regardless, it's still laughably ironic. You say "great argument" to that user when you say this afterwards:

>do you need a dictionary or perhaps a visit to your nearest mental health institute to diagnose your clinical retardation?

I don't have the time to listen to all those fucking albums myself. That's the sad reality. Having some entertaining dude with consistently good opinions help me sort the hundreds of albums that comes out each year is beneficial.

Quit being such an edgy faggot.

>listen to others to find own opinion
You're fucking blind, that isn't what I wrote. Looking into what other people thought of something is perfectly healthy, the issue comes from when you blindy start following a reviewer or website instead of forming your own opinions.

People like you who think critics are unnecessary fail to realize critiquing music is key to discussing it. I don't agree with a lot of Fantano's reviews, but I don't know why people like you think he's equal to the musical boogeyman.

what are you even saying?
i don't give a shit who pays who for what, i'm saying reviewing as a career is a fucking joke and people who read reviews before they listen to an album are morons.
calm down i'm just pointing out the fact that you're an idiot, don't get mad. take it as a review of yourself.
why is it "ironic"? i wasn't being dumb in pointing out that you had a rage seizure of a sentence which made no sense. whereas you don't even know what the word criticism means which is just pretty sad 2bh.

not him but everybody always says this in defense of Criticism, but nobody can ever really give a solid definition of Criticism, what good is serves, etc.

>no time
if you really have no time i could get maybe looking at a list of the "best 50 albums of 2016" or something and checking random ones out. but hearing his opinion out before you even listen to the tracks? that's sad.
>You do realize it's okay to listen to others to find their opinion right
uh okay, this is what you wrote. it's even worse lmao.

and nope. talking about music is like dancing about architecture (zappa, 19??). it's fucking pointless, you use your ears to listen not your brain and what someone told you about it. i mean really, you really think talking about something won't affect the experience of it? try listening to something without any preconceived judgements, expectations or even knowing who the artist is. saying some dude giving his dogmatic opinion of something won't color the experience and that music critics are helpful for music in any way other than giving artists some exposure is just dumb.

this would be a nice story to make it to twitter

>be me
>strong independent womyn
>walking through door
>see oppressive FUCKING WHITE MALE REEEEEEE coming towards me
>I don't let the door go in his face (much as I want to, the fucking misoGYNIST SHITLORD BASTARD RPIST)
>I hold it open
>look into his eyes
>filling with tears
>his face contorts into a confused mess
>his penis audibly shooting back into his pelvis in fear
>he falls to the floor in fetal position
>he begins to wimper
>"th-thank you... m-mmm-ma'am"
>"it was my privilege"
>every woman in a five mile radius starts vag-clapping my empowerment
>Bill Gates rocks up and makes me the new CEO of Microsoft
Feels good to be an empowered woman

>it's a thread derailed by one retard

What are you doing on a music discussion board if talking about music is so futile?



I've had women hold doors for me. It's just something that people do for each other.

I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe someday, when you're all grown up we can discuss music like civil adults instead of you dismissing others' opinions because you just don't agree.

One last question, if you think discussing music is pointless, why are you visiting a board dedicated to discussing music?

Y'know, after so many years I would've thought I'd eventually stop groaning audibly at shit like this. But here we are.

Yeah, Sadie Dupuis is quite the retard.

>i mean really, you really think talking about something won't affect the experience of it? try listening to something without any preconceived judgements, expectations or even knowing who the artist is
Are you implying I don't do this regularly?

It's like a movie dude, you discuss it AFTER you listen to it.

I've both held doors for women and had the door held for me by women.

I didn't even realize it was a gender roles thing at all, I thought it was just a polite thing to do.

yet here you are posting on Sup Forums...

why are you even on a music discussion board then?

>I don't care that he gave me a bad review
>Posts a sarcastic tweet about it

I've held the door for both men and women and viceversa.
Am i bisexual or something?

I am insecure and bitter: the tweet

He is and pro-black livesmatter yadda yadda, but just because he did an interview with sargon and said he has some conservative views on economics people think he is LITERALLY an mra, nazi, and what ever buzzword that has completely lost all meaning over the last few years.

if anyone can make it into twitter that'd be nice

Just set an account up in some normie-sounding name, put a stock photo image as the avatar and do it yourself.

>Anthony Fandango

holy kek


who are all these nobodies


once a women held the door for me and all the test in my body plummeted to zero and my dick fell off

she's right



O tell us of your ways, Enlightened One, for you alone know the truth.

>because it lacks integrity and does a disservice to music and art itself
Kek, at least you're aware of your fedora ways.

ho shid..XY chromosome btfo

t. fedoranigger

Lol, that's me. Not sure how I should respond considering he's deflecting the question.

He's sperging out. I'm not sure anything would get to him.

is this guy 5?
