/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

No Mean-Posting Allowed Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

Last thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw incredibly low self-esteem
>tfw hate to play even remotely loud
>tfw you own a twin reverb
>tfw toanz = shit at low volume on a twin reverb because duh
>tfw you live in a guest house/converted garage so you could easily crank it if you wanted to
>tfw you play great unplugged or at essentially inaudible levels but your playing goes to shit with any volume whatsoever
>tfw your lack of confidence/self-esteem is holding you back
fucking kill me

oh, while we're at it

>tfw you will never write a song that isn't an absolute dumpster fire

I'm the opposite. When I play loud it sounds like arena rock tier stuff. And my adrenaline gets pumping and I literally bust out guitar solos of legend. Everyone in the neighborhood gathers near my windows and women start having orgasms in the street.

Will /gg/ pitch another fit in this thread because no one takes them or their opinions seriously in real life or online?

None of you will ever have 1/10th of the success Kirk Hammet has had playing guitar.

Why do you think that is?

i'm trying to write songs now too... I'm fucking terrible at pulling riffs from scales.. I cant write a hook that would catch a dead fish.. .

About to order this beauty, what do you guys think?

So like... does anybody want to jam?

i'm not a dick rider.

I would never personally order a strat without playing one.

>buying a strat with only 21 frets in 2017

haha fucking loser

I've played on Strats, and I have a Squier Strat from the 90's which I had for like a fucking decade now, and which I actually love. If I'm that infutiated with a Squier Strat, I'll love my new Fender. Plus, like I've said, I've played on many Strats before.

What does /gg/ think of Rob Scallon?

What do you prefer to call it? Bandwagoning?

Choosing to ride a bunch of smaller dicks instead of riding the big giant one is still riding dick, user.


woah that ring is actually cool

All guitar related Youtube personalities are shit since they eventually get desperate for content and make lame shit.


you know what I mean

>not enough guitars to play every tuning

woah buddy, this is /gg/ you can't criticize unless you're better than the player you're talking about.

No. I just dont ride any dick and do it all for myself. Fame is the goal of youth and stupid people. I dont want to make you feel anything with my playing. I want to get out what I struggle to express in other ways.

That's my point, in my own eprsonal experience fender strats and teles have been very hit and miss more often than not coming down to the individual guitar feeling good / bad instead of using the models as indication. Played a few dog shit fenders worth ~£1000 and some incredible ~£200 dark horses. hence why I would never buy a fender strat without trying it myself.

Yeah less than 22 is basically unplayable..

Gonna get me an 1960 Tribute Plus.

Doesn't look like I'll have enough time today to order it, so have to put it off till monday.

SGs should never be without the pickguard. It looks naked.


Looking for an acoustic-electric. Is this worth the money?

I just found out there are people who play G chords with three fingers and that this is a common, "accepted" way to play a G chord. What the fuck?

>I do it all for myself
Sure you do, squirt.
lmao, express to who? The people you "don't want to feel anything" with your playing?

You can't even be honest with yourself, this is why you're a failure taking shots at successful people like Kirk Hammet online.

Yeah i feel you on that, beautiful burst colour mind you. Tumblr is great for gear lurking because all the hipsters put time and effort into their pictures in the hopes people notice them.

>he's still this upset
put him in your trophy case roman

i'm not upset at all friendo

Goddamn, check this idiot out /gg/.

>falling for reverse b8

>not him
I don't give a flying fuck if kirk can play or not, doesn't affect me in the slightest, I don't listen to his music. If people enjoy it then whatever, people are also into being shit on (my point being to each their own) but guitar is a great way to express yourself musically, it doesn't have to be to anyone else. the only other person who listens to my playing is my father because he plays too, outside of that I play for my own sense of gratification and because it's (this may be hard to understand) f u n. Guitars are fun, they're infuriating, they're nice to look at, they're whatever you decide to make of them. if he thinks its shit, so what, you think its not shit, so what. nothing changes because of these opinions so stop getting worked up over things you can't control. Fuck me, lads.
>6/10 if rused im sick of /gg/s bickering

>express to who?
Me. Can you not read? Or are you too busy trying to read between the lines at your own script? Your bait is cute but your argument style is one of those "just declare yourself the winner and you've won" types. Have fun being a faggot.

>tfw you got roman hook, line, sinker again

Have you ever seen me come up empty handed, /gg/?

>it's this fucking ez

>he can't play everything he hears by ear in 1 second after hearing it once
how does it feel to be bad?

ask roman

You were right , I had to step it up.

You know you respect my work, Family.

most brands


Talk to me about Hagstroms

they're based as fuck desu. i want a swede so bad, my local shop has one too, i played it yesterday.

How heavy is your electric guitar and what would be the weight of the absolute heaviest guitar you'd play standing up?

And do tonewoods really matter or is it really just the pickups, amp, strings, and pick that make 99% of a solidbody electric guitar's sound?

I have a Viking

Very comfortable to play
Gets really great feedback when you want it. Though that's probably the same for any hollowbody.

hm I guess you're right, bro. I'll go and play it, and if it feels right, I'll buy it. Luckily, the shop I'm ordering from isn't that far away, it's like 3-4 hours by train, I'll just go and try it out. Thanks, man.

vikings just seem way to big imo

My guitar is about 8 pounds, though i'm willing to play a 10 pound guitar standing up.

As for tonewoods, they don't mean much imo. Pickups,amp, and string matter much more for a solid body. That being said, the denseness of wood as a small effect on sustain from my experience.

Lads, where can I find a place that sells custom SG bodies?
The Warmoth body isn't what i'm looking for, I mean a real SG like this

I guess. But unless your like 5'6 I don't see how they can be that big. Super lightweight too.

When it comes to a Strat what's the big difference between a rosewood or maple fretboard? How much does it affect the tone? I have several guitars and they all have rosewood so I'm thinking of going maple when I finally buy a Strat but I'm not sure.

for you

>mfw theres always that one guy roman drives crazy in every thread


>space for 2 extra frets
>puts a useless piece of plastic there

>mfw someone triggers roman in every single thread
he's like a sjw snowflake with an extra side of autism


>roman is actually the one triggering himself
he must be on another level or something

what kinda guitars do right wing players own?
pic related

explain the roman meme

>tfw I can get to you but you can't get to me

>autistic grown man
>pretends to be a teenage "le master trole" that gets bullied by his mom
>on a string instrument classifieds website

Nige isn't a guitar my man.

I own a Squier Special Tele with a soapbar in the neck position

>tfw triggered roman again

>on a string instrument classifieds website
how very reddit of you

it's nice when actual guitar players post.
this generic meme retarded humor is unbearable.

So he's some old miserable faggot who is a regular in these threads? How do you spot him? Or is roman a concept, not a person?




Go Gibson or Go Home

will they ever learn senpaitachi

you need to stop practicing unplugged right now

roman's looking a lil burnt desu

I sold my Two-Rock Crystal this week (the closest the common man can get to a John Mayer tone). It was the most expensive piece of equipment I've ever purchased ($3.5k), and was fucking unbelievably amazing, but in the end I realized I'm just not worth of it. It was like driving a Ferrari to the grocery store. I'm going to continue practicing until I've earned the right to such tones (been playing 20 years btw).

Nice demo vid that shows a typical tone: youtu.be/-gOp9nR9LfY

Why would you want to sound like John Mayer anyways. Also that amp doesn't sound like anything special, you can easily get that sound out of a Deluxe Reverb.


what did you cop instead

>tfw u r the triggermaster

I didn't want to sound like Mayer, I just wanted perfect cleans. Short of a Dumble I don't think there is an amp that can rival its clean tones, every single person who heard it or played it was floored. A modern Fender amp isn't even in the same ballpark unfortunately. It just had magic, I don't know how else to say it: youtu.be/-BP20vXgu-w

Nothing, I've got a few g's I can just put in the bank or find something new. I'm actually considering picking up a Kemper for the massive variety of profiles. They're all slightly inferior to the real thing, but it's a compromise I can live with. youtu.be/BY7tYUn445E

Second part of was meant for you


don't get a kemper. i did the whole axe-fx thing for a while. it was nice, but the technology changes so fast. that shit will be outdated before you know it. I sold mine and haven't looked back.

very much so
none of it is even the slightest bit intellectual or funny.

Boring af.

Daily reminder that if you cant sweep youre a pleb.


its used in all kinds of music and you must know how to do it.

> making fun of Telecasters, Strymon pedals, Two-Rock amps, and Chappers/The Captain/Rabea


I know, the thought of pulling the trigger on Kemper is painful because I know they'll just always ship a superior one in the near future, kind of the opposite of valve amps. I'll at least wait for the next one, we'll see.

"sweeping" isnt a necessary skill you dumbfuck

How the fuck else would you do it? Mute the a string and just let the high b play instead?


Hey guys.

Just wondering what useless piece of gear i should waste my money on this month instead of becoming a better play. Let me know.

don't be that guy, its so obvious it hurts
> pic related is you

I listen to many genres of music and nobody I'm familiar with sweeps. Actually I take that back. I took my father to see John Fogerty live a few years ago and he did some sweeping during the "Ramble Tamble" jam. It didn't impress me that he was sweeping so much that a 70 year old took the time to learn a new technique like that. Tells me he's still into learning new stuff.

yes we get it you're one of these meme retards who posts all day about some guy named "rome" or about "baiting"

why dont you grow up a little bit.

Pretending to be a retard isn't smart because even if you're just pretending everyone still thinks you're a retard.

Its necessary if you want to be anything more than a pleb guitarist in the modern day. Stick to chords if youre so triggered.

Buy a Les Paul and you will be a better player duh.

>implying anyone here actually PLAYS guitar

guitar players are fags. i just carry around gear to make people THINK i play guitar

No, I'm not, however that post is quite clearly low hanging bait regardless of what fuckwit posted it.
Why do I always get the feeling /gg/ is full of underaged kids...

What if I play all my arpeggios legato, but faster and more fluently than most people sweep? Can I still be a patrician?