What did they mean by this?

Apes are afraid to work hard because Trump may abolish the welfare system.

Trump doesn't want to do that. There are people who genuinely need help. Fucking leeches who steal from society by abusing these programs should be forced to work until they've paid off every penny they stole though.

>using a african american language when being a cis white male

>a african

Don't worry boy, my father is 25% negro so I have a pass.

What's wrong with being multilingual? I respect AAVE as a well-fleshed out and intricate language and decided to educate myself in it. Sue me

>correcting grammar

>not being full black

this isn't OP

this is

t. OP

look at those beautiful blue eyes. There's no way anyone this physically attractive, sensitive and social could possibly be on the wrong side

>yo yo, my fellow African-American comrades! I be listening to the new Y.G. album. It is indeed pretty lit, as you guys would say! That album contains strong anti-Trump sentiments, which I totally identify with! He is certainly not MY president, and his recent executive orders have only served to display his gross racism...I've never been more ashamed to be a white American male than in 2017. Black lives matter MOST to me!

I'm confused by this reaction image attached to this text. Is he the speaker? Is this a reaction to reading/hearing those words?


>these people unironically think they're on the right side of history


thats the face he makes when he talks to blacks.

Just when I thought it wouldn't get no sicker
I woke up one morning and heard this red ass mothafucka talkin' out the side of his neck
Me and all my peoples, we always thought he was straight
Influential mothafucka when it came to the business
But now, since we know how you really feel, this how we feel

>talking to blacks

Truly pertinent politica/social commentary. And people say blacks in the USA have an average IQ of ~85! Not so


>Even acknowledging the existence of black people

Wow, it's like you're not even redpilled

that was actually one of the better, more articulate anti-trump songs
granted, that's not a high standard but compare it to fucking le tigre

>yes goy, just IGNORE the problem, you wouldn't want to be fooled into thinking there was one now would you?

It's amazing that this is considered one of the more articulate anti-Trump songs, just goes to show how fucking stupid niggers really are