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hate to be "that guy" but if he was a black singer/songwriter it would have gotten at least a 6.5

Why do they do this now

woah I just realized there is a division symbol on the album cover. heh, I guess that's why the album is called "divide"

It's a 1.5 at best anyway

Your god is made of straw

pitchfork. com/reviews/albums/8104-lateralus/

haha and 2.8 divided by 0.7 is 4 lol

Yeah, it was quite clear the reviewer already had a bias against him because he was white. It's clear that Shape of You is a better song than any of Rihanna's hits and she acts like it was some throwaway. The whole review reeks of the aggressive egocentric millenial trying her best to hate on someone for being an enjoyable and unassuming guy.

Ed Sheeran fans need to get lined up and shot in the fucking head. Including my gf.

I wholeheartedly agree

How are you going to type with one hand

I wonder what the reissue would get.

>he doesn't type with one hand

That's what happen when their staff is a poo in the loo cunt and 2 dozen (not to be antisemitic) kikes

what did he mean by this

Get a grip, I like pop and half the album is shitty boring ballads

so there are people here that actually listen to ed sheeran?

jesus christ lmfao

I listen to whatever I think sounds good and the mick has a few songs I didn't mind.

I didn't listen to the album, bud and I've only heard like 3 Ed Sheeran songs. I just read the review and it's you can easily tell what type of person the reviewer is by that.

>giving the fragile 2/10
Questionable choice.

I try to listen to every thing maybe I'll pick up a good song or two. This one anyway had none.

P4k used to give anything remotely mainstream a joke review/score.
They really slathered on the edge back then.

Now they give any minority that tries to play an instrument a +8.5 BNM.



Why are they reviewing this? They hadn't reviewed anything by him before.

He doesn't act stereotypically black so he might as well be white to the jews

new question: how do you feel justified playing the racial discrimination card when you think and openly post dumb shit like this

are you actually mentally impaired somehow, or does it really just seem like your logic isn't flawed

if you read the review, it was because the feminist was triggered by the lyrics

xD this white boy sucks

I only listen to REAL music. Drake, The Weeknd, Rick Ross, Beyonce, Miguel, Rhianna, Young Thug, the list goes on...

What do you mean? I never said anything bad about black people. I'm saying he doesn't act like a stereotype so they'll shit on him like every prog musician

he actually does play it. That's a no no.
Plus he plays white boy music, he's what P4k would call a 'house nigger'

This is what I meant by these

P4Kposting stopped being fun after they went full Salon/Jezebel

We get it, worship BBC music and hate lil white boy music.

2016 was even worse

jesus christ lmfao

Ed Sheeran isn't Irish

>somebody took the time to make this

The more the "professional taste makers" hate him the more I respect him.

I used to hate him too but he's actually quite good, a good guy and always brings the grime guys with him. He's a good lad.

>He's a good lad
holy shit. tell that to the family of that 8 year old child he killed in cold blood. Tf is wrong with you?

All those songs were fire.

Empress Of is white.

I've never even heard of this happening, at any rate, we probably don't know the whole story if it's true.

lmao who cares about white "people"

Nice try, pol.

Best post

snapes reads like someone discovering their parents' collection of select/melodymaker/nme and desperately trying to bring that lacerating review style into the 21st century and failing miserably

Fuck yeah I hate Ed Sheeran

I don't understand why they would even bother reviewing this. It's obviously not going to be good and it's not the time of music their readers would listen to. It's just something easy to shit on.

>He’s fashioned this weighty chip on his shoulder into an arrow in his quiver, using it to shore up his everyman image and personable nature, while distinguishing himself as a bit of a cheeky system-shunning maverick who’s made it this far on chops alone.

seems right. lil white boi skipped out on college because he's a wonderful musician with a story on his sleeve, except he comes from a decent family and his only struggle is not having enough money to hire better producers

thought the review had something going on but then it delved into feminist drivel.

>He's a good person on a personal level = you should respect his trash ass music



almost as pathetic as heavily relying on pitchfork for reviews

I think the problem is more with how utterly insincere p4k is. when you're regularly giving equally gutless, dull shit like the weeknd, the xx and beyonce scores of 6 to 8+ you can't really turn around and shit on ed sheeran

they give out one hard pan on a [spoiler]white[/spoiler] pop album every year; they did the same last year with that godawful Charlie Puth record