Why is Hollywood such a magnet for paedophiles?

Why is Hollywood such a magnet for paedophiles?

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the celebrity status enables them to act on their natural desires



It's a magnet for jews so...

He actually seems like a nice guy.

He only possessing CP, he wasn't "creating" cp or something.

There is literally nothing wrong with watching CP.


>Digital files of the alleged material were found in Alexander’s New York home

I tough possesing CP on New York, was legal.
What went wrong?

Why are wealthy people such a magnet for easy pussy?

It's a godless industry.

I fear for chloe, she's in this sick depraved industry and I know someone down the line will destroy her innocence

While the possessing part would be considered a lesser crime the addition of "file-sharing" would make him a "distributor" which would put him in a lot of shit defense-wise

>Buzzfeed """"""""""""""""""""News"""""""""""""""""""

>Implying she is still Innocent...

New York does a pretty good job except you have to marry your victims.

Fuck off with your degenerate thoughts and poisonous words

Wait which Chloe? Money or Mudshark?

>with your degenerate thoughts and poisonous words

You'll need to elaborate on both those buzzwords

Chloe Monet or the feminist nigger fucker?

I never understood how 'possession of CP' is a crime. This is surely disgusting, but how in the fuck is having videos on your hard drive criminal in any way?
>b-but but owning CP you increase demand for it
This is fucking stupid. Almost all areas of economy are linked to criminal activities in one way or another, we might as well just stop doing everything and crawl back in the caves

>The arrest of Alexander came after an investigation in which police downloaded child pornography from an IP address belonging to the director on July 24.

Guys, I'm scared of this shit.
How the police know you've downloaded that kind of thing?

Why on earth would any right minded human bring up the fridge?

It's East obviously

So long as he's not upset any Jews he'll definitely work in this town again.

because you literally download and get off to some kid being raped in a basement somewhere
not only are you a peice of shit but a threat to little kids


I didnt do that kind of things.
If no one download that kind of material.
Still, this would be created.

>because you literally download and get off to some kid being raped in a basement somewhere
Read my post, I agree that its disgusting and despicable, but still, there's no criminal act involved in WATCHING A VIDEO.

Also, OPs post states
>"""""children""""" less than 17 years of age
Dude was probably jacking off to some jailbait sloots, like anyone would

society dictates its own rule, and we don't want degenerate pieces of shit among us

>Me on the left.

I think the idea is to prevent actual crime from happening by penalizing nonzero-risk behavior. I don't necessarily agree with this practice (it sets a terrible precedent).


>under 17

How young are we talking about here?

I'm not saying specifically in this case, but if you own a video of an actual child being fucked you should be punished in some way. If you are attracted to little kids and lack empathy to the point where you can get hard over them being abused you could potentially cause harm to a child in real life. Maybe not jail actually, but some form of rehabilitation and put on the sex offenders register.


>getting jailed for something harmless as that

How is someone watching videos of the feline goddess going to cause harm to her? Have you seen her recently she's fucking loving it mate, normie as fuck

Well, some people watch CP, and yet they still atracted to mature womans.


>Never mentions names.

Honeypots, usually, even on TOR.

Which is honestly kinda shade-y itself, since the government kinda distributes the illegal files themselves.

I did mention the name you're just too new to pick it up

It means you are more likely to try and rape a kid. And if you think she's happy, you're incredibly ignorant. A child who was forced into that kind of shit in the first place and made by her parents to do it so they can get money from pedos. Have you not considered she's made to look like she's enjoying being molested by old creeps forcefully? Do you think these people give a shit whether she's happy or not? They don't and neither do you. And while they might also be attracted to actual women, they are still attracted to kids as well.

It's not only Hollywood.


>(it sets a terrible precedent).
This. That kind of crime prevention stuf is a slippery slope. Today you are branded a dangerous sex offender for having a cp video on your computer, tomorrow you are branded as nazi extremist for typing "Hitler" in google, policing thoughts instead of deeds is a shitty idea

Yeah but only the down right retards fall for the obvious as fuck baits.

The feds never post any good stuff, it's usually just nudes

what the fuck did I just read

Feline goddess ? what the fuck is that ?

The only "CP" I've ever seen was from a girls of 17 years old who had sex on camera with his boyfriend and when they split he hacked her twitter and posted three video

It was consensual and already two mature people (17 the guy could have been 18+ for all i know) and i was unaware of the girl age when I viewed the video

So I don't feel really bad

But anything younger with little kids getting abused should get you a swift ticket to prison

File-sharing services that the FBI runs

Don't worry, it doesn't harm kids for the govt to hand out CP because reasons

you could argue the other way with slippery slope
you let them off for it today and soon they're legalising creating CP

who knows...

lmao there is literally no connection between those two scenarios. CP is obviously a crime compared to googling Hitler, which is historical.

If you actually googled "how to incite violence like Hitler" that would be another story...

Fuck this thread is a new kind of shit.

Please keep going on.

Her name is cat or something
she started when she was like 8, I'm not that guy and I only know because I browsed Sup Forums
anyone saying she was happy is delusional

I wonder how many 14 year old girls viginities he has taken?

>he doesn't realize the majority of CP produced in 2016 is self-made webcams

I can understand where anti-CPers come from in that they believe CP = uncle forces kid into basement and fucks them. In reality that format is dying out in favor of self-produced CP on webcam chat sites, Snapchat, IG, even Youtube. There is significantly more CP released through these channels than otherwise

What ? the FBI share cp ?

It's the honey pot referenced earlier ?

Fuckin This, even the same fbi, file-share those files.

That shit is fuckin sick.

>It means you are more likely to try and rape a kid.
Don't speak for everyone senpai. I have a "friend" who got off on pedo porn yet never looked at a child or thought of doing anything that may have caused them distress.

>And if you think she's happy, you're incredibly ignorant.
During the video? Who knows. The reason the goddess was so popular was because she appeared to enjoy it, she even testified that she fully consented.

> A child who was forced into that kind of shit in the first place and made by her parents to do it so they can get money from pedos.
There are situations where children are forced and there are those where there is a mutual consent (whether you think a child can consent is another argument) and you can tell

I dont think he's satisfied with 14 years old hags anymore, user

>self produced by little kids

> Started when she was 8
> She was happy

Lmao these sick fuck should go to prison

But how was she so popular that it's litteraly discussed on a Sup Forums board ? I thought CP was for the darknet

You haven't been around long, have you, m80

>Sup Forums

There you go

I suppose 12 is probably what he goes for now


The irony is that due to procedural errors, most of the people they busted are going to go free. So the FBI provided 2 weeks of unlimited CP access to thousands of members of the public in exchange for busting like 4 guys

are got honestly so delusional you're saying the little kid can't be told to act like she enjoys it, or say she consented? Especially when it's the fucking people who whore her out asking it? And you can't say anyone who watches CP is no risk to a child. They are attracted to kids, there is no getting around that. If they got the chance they would act on that.

>Sup Forums

Here you go



>I thought CP was for the darknet
Clearly you've never been on Sup Forums, or googled nudism

Has she sprouted titties yet? A lack of titties prevents me from getting off

Isn't it funny how none of the jewish directors ever get convicted?

This reminds me of a thread while back in /x/ that mentioned of a sick fuck father and his 5 year old daughter.

I'm pretty sure the police will be aware of it by now, they haven't done anything though

Didn't you see those new pics? She has nipple piercings, she's far from innocent

>using a stage name that's the same as a director convicted of possessing child pornography

He's not a pedophile but he definitely takes money from Epsteins pedoempire.

Lmao i've been on Sup Forums longer than you're alive you deepshit weeb

>new pics
Is she legal yet?

Clearly not talking about that Chloe

Chloe Moretz, googled her.

Any link, you saved any picture?

I mean of the thread.

Have you seen any kid who's "acting" is worth a shit? Especially one who's pre-pubescent. Also she came out and said it was consensual and not forced once she reached of age. She's living a happy and normal life

I'm assuming you've never seen any cp the difference between a forced video and one where the child is co-operative is nigh and day

Well nudism isn't CP mate. i've plenty of video of my birth where i'm buttnaked and the dick flowing freely in the wind

Yeah, c cups if I'm any judge. She's got a kid now I think

>said it was consensual


>Jason Alexander

What did he mean by this?

I see what you did here.

How fucking old is she now? I've never watched any of her stuff, preferring the works of rodents from Siberia. I suppose i'll check her post puberty stuff

What the fuck are you talking about?

Girls posing naked in front of web cams

Yeah google her name plus "see through nude" she's 18 now

Yes, but was it some attempt at a rebuttal?

I don't see what I did there. I'm genuinely in reading a present day CG interview.

Mid twenties.


>I'm assuming you've never seen any cp the difference between a forced video and one where the child is co-operative is nigh and day

I'm assuming you've seen both. Kill yourself

Nice try fed scum
