Dark Matter/Killjoys tonight

Dark Matter/Killjoys tonight

Who's hyped?

Killjoys was pretty good. Haven't seen Dark Matter.

Pretty hyped. Killjoys for giggles and Dark Matter for 5-fu.

Who is that matter splatter?

My johnson is ready for Jodelle.

I hope her boobs have grown too big for being hidden anymore, it's a pity that we can't see Jodelle in all her glory.

Yes I am hyped for both shows, but sadly this thread's going to get deleted thanks to your jodellefaggotry.


Post Moar

When does DM air?

Oh, look, stupid fucking blue hair.

Glad to see the psycho bitches are now marking themselves so that they're easier to identify and avoid from a distance.

at night

I watched one and a half episodes of Dark Matter and it was really fucking bad

What happened to them at the end of last season?

I think someone in the group was an undercover space copper that helped them all get busted.

Wasn't it the nigger?

The nigga boy sold the others and the space police take them.

Don't remember user, was quite awhile ago. Wouldn't surprise me though.

On a side note, hoping for some delicious foot salad this season. Hng.

>it's an actress forces the writes to give her a scene showing off her cosplay addiction

Please happen this season. Star Wars exists in this universe so there is a lot of material to draw from.

Me. Dark Matter is one of my new favorites.

Fuck KillJoys, or as I like to call it Tryhards.


She only plays a 13 year old, I looked it up, she's like 20-something

So, let me see her boobz

There's going to be 10 seasons, right?

>10 seasons
>of a sci fi show
Not likely


10/10 would gf

she looks just like a prostitute I know

Why do girls pretend to like Iatz Raw?

thanks for the reminder shilling. I'll be sure to torrent it

Jodelle is cute! CUTE!

isn't that the girl from scott pilgrim vs. the world?

Oh fuck I thought Dark Matter got cancelled. I loved that shit.

Honestly both are pretty shit :(

Really wish I had some good sci-fi to watch...

Recently rewatched SGU... it started to slow down near the end but still better than DM/KJ

The Expanse

>The Expanse

Wow that actually looks pretty good. I can't remember the last time I was actually excited to watch some Sci fi. Thanks user!


what is this show?
shes cute

is it actually good? what about?

10 episodes and a two year wait for more

>Jodelle Ferland
Oye papi, que no ve que yo quero jodelle su furland?

: (

I thought it said jan 2017 for season 2? Regardless, better than nothing. I will watch some when I get home later.

Watched the first season+ and honestly thought it was pretty shit.

how is your mum?


What does her butt look like?

I'm hyped for both, as a matter of fact.

But this is likely my sci-fi addiction speaking.

I'm hoping 1 goes back to being assassin guy, his 'dark' self is much more interesting than the whiney corporate ceo version.

I just hope the second season doesn't end up being prison break: in spess. A couple of episodes or perhaps the pilot being about their escape would be ok, more than that would be a waste of time during which they could be developing their setting more.

l-lewd user

Well it depends, they might use the prison as a way of saving budget or they might get out in the same episode, here's to hoping more intergalactic wild west adventures.

>it's Julie AYY LMao episode

Nice play on words.

Based hat man is really the entire show, I hope they stretch it out and don't speed through the end of the first book.

She's really pretty ugly.

Why are pedos (pseudo-pedos in this case) on Sup Forums always into ugly chicks. Clhoe pignose, Arya raregeneticdisorderface now this weird instance of the uncanny valley.


the android is best girl but a blue hair is fine too

>the android is best girl

The android is an artifact, not a girl.

It's running a simulation user. It doesn't really think anything.


quit yanking my crank

I have no idea who the first and last ones in this picture are.

It's loyalty from her prime years


Huge stargate fan, haven't watched this yet. I reckon i should? I see Joseph mallozi (creator) post about the show quite a lot on various social media.

The Android is not a real person. Always remind it of its inferior status. If the Android speaks to you, feel free to ignore or interrupt it. If you see it in the hall, don't bother to greet or even look at it. If you need to get something off a high shelf, order it to lay on the ground so that you can stand on its back like a stool.

If it ever starts complaining about its treatment or just quietly whimpering to itself when it thinks no one else is around, make sure to inform it how easily and inexpensively it can be disposed of and replaced.

that tummy

Redhead is warehouse 13, asian dude is The Librarians

Holy shit, is that her??

so androids are exactly like women

the first few episodes are meh but it gets better

feels very canadian sci fi like stargate though

It starts mediocre, then gets better. I think killjoys follows exactly the same trajectory. I think they're worth watching, though they aren't on stargate's level. I think it's because they lack the humour of that series. Wit is a seriously underrated ingredient of succesful stories.

Hmm, thanks.

I feel i sort of owe it to Joseph Mallozi since he created SG-1 to watch it. He is very active on the stargate subreddit and answers everyone's questions always.

I'm more hyped for the second season of humans, but I'm not going to complain that these will be airing concurrently.

sci-fi is my thing, and apparently not enough peoples' thing.


kek, I forgot Andrea got a pretty fucked up death in that movie

I have seen this, but I don't remember what it is.

Must have been underwhelming

Second silent hill movie

Silent Hill (the first one)

That Webm was made from an aXXo rip, that's how old it is, and why it's so small.

I didn't remember that at all. I remember nothing from either of those movies. I only recall thinking that the first one wasn't resident evil atrocious.

I really like the first one, the atmosphere is excellent.

I also like the first RE film, the rest are trash though.


is this the live thread?

My mann

They look so soft

it could be considering show's don't start for two hours.

Blacked Matter when?

she doesnt show em off often tho

Go home, Winston
Thanks for webm


do you guys have a stream ?

I'd like to hit her with my turtle shell, if you catch my drift

Best grill was the sex android with the attachable penis tbqhwyf

nah, i dont

why dont these shows have theme songs with lyrics and stuff anymore

any panty in either show? :&)

No, it was the first.

is the gay guy a new crew member?

I'd like to hit her face with my big flaccid dick, if you know what I mean.

I need muh comfy sci-fi and I need it now, do I watch The Expanse or Dark Matter?

pls respond

I think I pick up what you're laying down

Supposedly dark matter season opener is about jodelle learning about masturbation

stop trying to get me to fap prematurely

You only have to wait a few more minutes