
Writer:Max Landis
Details: 89 pages
A former astronaut dives deep into the ocean in an attempt to journey to the lowest point on earth, only to find that there may be other things on the bottom of the sea that don’t share his enthusiasm for record-setting.
This script recently sold for seven figures to MGM
>To lazy to read but tell me what you think.

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Didnt Landis say this way his lord of the rings sequal?

Hey good for him.

The only reason I'll watch this is because one of my countrymen (a Literally Who in the US) is somehow set to direct it.

Skimmed through it, seems like The Abyss meets The Descent. Typical Landis hackery.


Higher sound a lot more interesting to me, I don't want to watch "Gravity starring Bradley Cooper with ghosts at the end"

>tfw Cthulhu is at the bottom

Max Landis (born August 3, 1985) is an American screenwriter, director, producer, and actor. ... He left Beverly Hills High School for a therapeutic boarding school in Connecticut, but still graduated with Beverly Hills High School diploma.
>Beverly Hills, nuff said

Also, my dad killed some kid on a movie set.


Fuck yeah. I'm one to hate on Landis, but if he's throwing stories like this to studios then I'm actually liking him now.

If they make it a small cast with creepy vibes then this should be good.

Max Landis is our boy

>starts off with quips/jokes
like, ugh, could you like NOT do that?


Terrible. Lovecraft ripoff.
Cthulhu included
>He looks down, to see the pod, blown open, IN THE GRIPS OF A MASSIVE BLACK TENTACLE, hundreds of TENTACLES rising up from the teeth an impossibly GIANT FORM rotted human ARMS AND FINGERS rising up
from a mellow black darkness below around a human eye that SNAPS OPEN revealing its rotten popped pupil-

Ends with Cthulu rising from the waters. BTW.
Very original.

nepotism's one hell of a drug

He apparently run out of original ideas.

That's when I stopped reading THNX

>fucking RLM shills tricked me into watching Victor Frankenstein


What!? I saw the review and immediately discarded the movie. I don't remember they were very excited about it.


This afterbirth needs to be ovened, he even looks like he wants to die.


I'm starting to understand why he always cries about his scripts been mutilated along production.

I admit I have a preference for movies developed through visuals, but there's a fucking ton of innecesary dialogue there which could be cut without any problem.

Is that you Max?

Show yourshelf fag

>NO, just too lazy to read this but appreciate those that do it for my lazy ass

he was really funny on that episode of red letter media

>My scripts will likely never see the light of day because I wasn't born into it

Let me off this ride please

I remember when the video was posted describing his Lord of the Rings thing commenting something about how I expected it to be a lovecraftian twist.

where's my cut bb


I never hated you Max I just joined in on banter threads.

Keep it up!! This is actually sounding like a refreshing fucking movie.


Someone read it and tell me if he actually got this made

You're a dumb guy.

Fuck you

Are you implying it's not original?

I like you Max.

Not him but if that's true pretty much every fucking story involving Cthulhu ends that way, even the most terrible fan fiction.
>"him" awakening in the end
>people losing their minds just looking at it.
>fade to black
>the end

No one goes further, (well based Carpenter did).
That would be original.

>one of my countrymen (a Literally Who in the US) is somehow set to direct it
>White God won the Prize Un Certain Regard at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival and the Octopus d'Or at the Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival for the Best International Feature Film.[4][5][6] The dogs in the film were also awarded with the Palm Dog Award.[7]

His script is fucking called


How has no one commented on this yet
