I am currently watching every episode of star trek the next generation...

I am currently watching every episode of star trek the next generation, DS9 and eventually voyager in the order of their stardates.

What similarly geeky things have you done lately Sup Forums?

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I watched The Big Bang Theory last night.

>Painting their cocks black

What did they mean by this?

if you can't beat em join em

Daily reminder...

Damn, the blue bitch has some nice titties.

The dude in yellow has a nice cock.

what about episodes where they travel back in time?

What is this?

It seems like a guy proposing to another guy.

senseless faggotry.

>That one dressed as Troi

Talk about terrible tits.

It's a reminder that TNG was pure, unadulterated homosexually perverse, degeneracy.

i'm surprised by just how many nerdy cosplay girls i see having big tits compared to the slut model girls having small tits.

Models have strict diets. Less fat= less massive tits.

I watched all the 200 episodes of Sailor Moon, the three movies and the live-action series which had 48 episodes.

And I don't give a single fuck about it.

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

>Wil Wheaton: Sheldon, Star Trek wasn't about ironic racism, it was about-




You got a list online for that?

Glad I got to save this one before it was deleted.


i guess there's a lot of overlap between ds9 and voyager? might be interesting desu

That klingon is thinking about killing all of them.

Daily reminder that Klingons are really just thin skinned, excessively prideful, and horribly insecure.

There is virtually none. One episode of DS9 has Picardo in it, and I think the pilot of VOY has a scene in Quark's bar

Sorry but fags in Star Trek is not canon


For the original series+movies, does it get better after the first season?

What is with all this degeneracy?

me giving the thumbs up to the two little girls

Yes... they are.

>wearing the skant makes you gay
No it just leaves your balls at risk of plasma burns.
Seriously, the only thing unisex about them is how many men have been castrated or otherwise sterilized from lack of protection.

What the fuck.....

I don't see how this is any different in practice from a kilt.
>b-b-but muh rich scottish cultural heritage
it's a fucking skirt you hairy degenerates

poorthern heathen "culture"

Yes; the third season (S) is GOAT tier

No it's not.

>Ronnie, what do you think of the new Enterprise design?
>Ehhnn.. WELL.. Uhh..
>Thank you so much, Mr. President it's been a pleasure to have you here on the set with us.
>Uh hunh, yes..

Welp, you sure convinced me.

>britbong patrick stewart planning OPERATION TAKEBACK in the background

And you convinced no one by saying "it's GOAT tier."

Do go on, o' ancient one, tell us about how it was full of sci-fi campy fun.

shit, i see it too.
he looks quite focused in an intent, almost ready to pounce, state of mind.

Oh please. That's a faggot, and you know it.

Typical trektards making shit up to either save face, or disguise the fact he hasn't got a clue.

You tards are the worst when it comes to making up rationalizations and doing all kinds of mental gymnastics to avoid admitting your errors, and all it does is make you look twice as stupid.

Wow someone is awfully triggered. Please, post MORE lines ranting about homosexuals, it doesn't make you look like you secretly want to suck dicks in a fast food bathroom at all.

Are we talking about the same thing? I was replying to an user who was replying to a post about Sailor Moon; they asked about the "original series" (i.e. not Crystal) and its movies, and I said the third season of that show is widely considered the best. Unless they just completely disregarded Sailor Moon and went back to talking about Trek without mentioning it.

Put children into their degeneracy.

That's pretty pathetic.

>I do the cucking now

Paint won't give you BBC

Sailor Moon was an anime for little girls.

Don't talk about anime here.

Go here to talk about anime.

>the face of a Trektard when presented with evidence that his favorite series casually promotes homosexuality

Those two children will grow to be more successful than you ever will though

Stop projecting like a jew.

Why do so many faggots delude themselves with the notion that straight men are "afraid" of homos?

You stupid morons. Disgust does not equal fear.

Go back to licking your urinals in private. The rest of us are quite sick of having to look at you.

Stay mad, the_donald

It's also a show which promotes ethnic/ gender equality and communism. The fact Star Trek has fans on /poltv/ at this point is pretty astounding.

>promotes communism

Please, go back to school or use the internet to better educate yourself on what the fuck the word "communism" means.

It is collectivist. At times oligarchical.

There is a ruling class and a proletariat. That means there is NOT an equality, intrinsic to the system itself.

This shit is like freshmen high school stuff and you could using it to represent Gene's "post-scarcity" false utopia.

Shut up, commie.

>Trektard Trek thread poster
>Trek threads rehash 20-50 year old tv shows
>Same shit talk over and over for years
>Trektard then demands: No, you're a commie!

I am really obsessed with the Stars OP, I've listened to it several times in the last few days

never seen one second of the actual show tho


Both of them seem pretty OK with the scene. The one on the left is smiling and looking directly at his cock while the right one is laughing

Daily reminder that Enterprise was the very best Star Trek series ever produced.

I have recently started from TOS. Why did you start from TNG?

Disgust is not anger, either.

Fuck off, fag.

Is there a Blu-Ray or similar quality rip somewhere?

>Jack off to depraved porn all day long
>waaahh im offended by nudity!

You're a real piece of shit.

>voyager in the order of their stardates.

What did he mean by this?

why the fuck would you not shave your pubes if you were going to do this? It just seems like a pain in the ass. Also nice tits.

only the first two seasons have been released on blu-ray so far. I have no idea where to get any rips though

The real question is why white male walking around naked

I secretly am not offended and was posting that image to get a rise out of people

It was Star Trek done right.

No faggots.
No feminism
Less technobabble
More realism
More character
Interesting aliens
Solid storytelling

100% truth
>tourists will deny this

You better not be mate. I'm watching (you).

Post more scifi lewds

I replay this song every Friday night in memory of when it aired.

Here goes..


I would do oh so naughty things to Patricia Tall(wo)man.

What does my trap porn have to do with that pedo

>it's a George W. Bush episode

This post is entertaining for a number of reasons, please keep posting.

i know the feel, shes elegant and has the facial features of like an oldschool anime character. Criminally underutilized character on the show too. She didn't really get an arc until the final season.



I can squuueeezze..
Outta' faa-AA-aarrrt..

Which means it's going to be a good episode..

So... Captain Archer is a mass murderer, right?

In the episode The Crossing, non-corporeal beings are trying to save themselves from their dying ship by taking over the bodies of the enterprise crew, but they don't cause any harm whatsoever, and at the end Archer destroys their ship, which contained hundreds of those beings, nearly all of which were entirely innocent and hadn't even touched a member of the crew.

I mean, he didn't even entertain the idea of communicating with them. Just straight up slaughtered hundreds of sentient beings without a second thought.

Back in the firecaves Ducuck.

Stardate overlap. There is lots.

fucking nice

At first, I thought that was the guy who played Mayweather in Enterprise.

Trektards hate it because it isn't gay enough.

From left to right, this is the correct ranking, no?

>but they don't cause any harm whatsoever
They forced out the "souls" of the crewmates they infested. But I think we all know who the most genocidal captain really is.

And those faggots who say Archer's too goody two shoes for their taste..

Fuck off, cuck.

I'll bet you feel sorry for all the genocidal mudslimes invading white countries in Europe, too.

Only if best starts with Archer, yes.

Yes, that's what left to right was implying...


ENT in a nuts-hell.

>Daddy's engine, daddy's boy, said I could do-I mean, BE anything I wanted. SHIT SHIT SHIT why are these aliens so mad? Who are they? I just wanna' water polo with Porthos and awwshucks it up with the crew!?

I didn't ask for this, T'POL THIS WASN'T REAL POST-SCARCITY!

Crap,I think so...
Can you make the two on the right farther away though?

Queer in a nutshell

Thats part of what I like about his character. He tries his best to be the boyscout, but since they're usually in over their heads sometimes they have to revert to more drastic measures.

I mean the whole Xindi arc is just Archer skirting that line. Threatening to throw a prisoner out of an airlock if he didn't give up information or stranding that ship of religious pilgrims in the expanse, and then his PTSD afterwards.

Archer is best Captain.

Grabs borg and pulls out its borg tubes... killing it with his bare hands.