Why does everything since 07/08 feel like some surreal dream?

Why does everything since 07/08 feel like some surreal dream?

When did it happen to you?

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around that time

Things got surreal for me around 2014 when I started hearing about shit like "genderfluid" and terms like "cis"

What the hell happened?

other people have this too?

It happened when I started smoking weed all the damned time

for me it happened when i stopped

I swear, genderfluid people did not exist in the 90s nor early 2000s. This is something that only began like a couple years ago.

What I mean is there was never a craze of so many teens saying they are neither male or female.

Was something put in our water to make people like this exist? Also the rise of furrys is so bizarre.

Blame smart phones, they caused this degeneracy.

For me it is 2012 but thats because I finished school (22 now) and my entire life changed.

>anyone who says they dont miss school is a liar

>When did it happen to you?
I was never with it in the first place

If anything I've become more comfortable with the world as I've gotten older

For me it was when I stopped watching tv and stopped going on facebook for 2010-2013

I graduate from college and everything seems...weird. It's like I woke up out of a coma and culture speeded past me.

and Twitter and Tumblr for giving people a platform to spout their opinions about everything.

But how can phones cause so many more gende identities?

I hate when some say "but these people always existed in groups just that internet allowed them to communicate".

If they existed before then they would be on the news and there would be parades.

Only parades were for gay pride back in the day no such thing as genderfluid or gender identity EVER existed.

Having a sex change is entierely different from being genderfluid.


I just dont get it

The jews kicked their shit into overdrive around then.

This is true. I also found myself not being into playing games much anymore as I used to.

Its as if I want to return to my old younger days but something is pulling me away.. if that makes sense

The general 'rule' seems to be that after the last year of hs it starts happening to you. At least, looks like the case with the many on Sup Forums. Scary and depressing shit. 2009 here

it's called the past op. i feel it too.

you're remembering it through the obscure fabric and constant flow of time. you're remembering not what happened, or how you felt then, you're remembering what you piece together about yourself via context clues of whats left over. nobody remembers anything, they just see what they have now and fill in the blanks. 07/08 does feel like a fever dream. but that's simply because we've changed so little since then, our brain doesn't know how to fil it in. it doesnt seem real. but it is op. it is.


Same age and graduation

Dude I can't believe it's been a whole high school worth of time between now and the year we graduated.

I can't remember anything good happening to me in the past 2 years like what the fuck. Time is just moving faster and I'm counting by the weeks instead of the days.

Whats hs? Sorry im confused

It was when your brain was placed into a jar.

Wake up.

Lost a lot of my morals and grasp on reality when I started smoking I think.

2007 is when the iphone was released, so the culture shift probably started with early adopters then. But I don't think there was a real tipping point until around 2011 or so. I think by that point almost everyone had a smartphone of some kind, and the new zeitgeist really took hold. Something about the always-on nature of social media made people insane.

>kids today will never enjoy the GOAT shows of the late 90's and early 00's

Same here. Nothing good has happened to me socially. I dont even feel happy when chatting to people on vidya games. I just have had no interest.

Maybe because at school I had a friend group but at college I never formed any bond with anyone.

Judith Butler's Undergoing Gender

they don't deserve such pleasures.

>That box episode
>That zombie episode

sophomore year of college me and my 3 best friends shut off the entire world and just got baked daily and played tony hawk pro skater 2 for literal days. we had a few friends we'd rotate through but it was mostly just us. we'd go to parties on the weekend and get tanked in the corner and smoke pot, never bothered with talking to girls or getting laid because who cares? we were fucking baked.

those were some of the best days of my life and i was a complete piece of human shit. i miss smoking pot all the time. now i can't even get high without freaking out about money

I find apps now to not be fun at all compared to early internet days of chatrooms.

I feel so disconnected from the world actually now than I did back in 2005 with the first xbox ps2.

Why did those days feel so colorful and friendly whilst this decade feels so dark and antisocial?

was in a car crash in 2012, since then my life became increasingly awful. Sometimes I feel like I'm still lying unconscious on the hospital bed and I'll wake up at any moment. Other times i remember I'm a NEET with no prospects or foreseeable future.

There's my blog for year.

Weird how the world being good just happens to coincide with your childhood

The world has been dog shit since 9/11 though

Kids dont even watch tv shows much. They are too busy on phones. Fucking 5 year olds use phones! It is just too insane

Social media probably, internet was better when it wasn't as exposed as much

has anyone else here effectively given up on trying to find a partner?

i feel like ever since i graduated college i just kind of...stopped thinking about it. i live alone and got a few mates i get drunk with. but i dont know, i don't think at this point dating around is even worth it.

Partially because you were younger, but I also feel like our culture is atomizing and people are becoming more isolated.

yes, me

I swear: growing up in the 90s, 2000s were the best time for a kid.

It is just so shit now. There are no good kid cartoons at all.

Attracting a partner just seems like the most foreign concept in the world to me at this point.

I literally can not imagine being loved.

>Parents who give kids smart phones

>it's an "old people shit on the young people" episode

Yeah I don't think I can love again

Yeah same. I have tried to use things like Tinder but the women never keep on talking.

Also I am antisocial so I hate interacting with new people. If someone starts talking to me then im fine otherwise I keep to myself.

I have to face the fact that a qt skinny grill may be something that I will never embrace.

People who were impressionable students during the Bush years are now out of college. They had eight years to hear about how awful Republicans are, and how evil conservatives are, and how stupid Christians are, and now they're loud beyond their numbers thanks to social media and Internet """"journalism""""

Young people... it's always about you isn't it?

>ex girlfriend from college that i've stayed mildly close with invited me to her wedding
>went for some reason
>got blackout drunk before the cake was served, hit on her bridesmaids, then went to bed

i can't help but think how much better i'd have been if i never broke up with her. fuck me though

It hurts to know all they watch is Minecraft videos with screaming e-celebs and Five Nights At Freddy's videos.

But they're probably all horrible people anyway.

I know someone who was so impressed when their 4 year old was able to use an iPad. Like it was the greatest thing ever

This, I've been in 3 relationships, they were pointless, and women seem to be universally more interested in talking about sex than actually fucking, so I am really uninterested.

>I have to face the fact that a qt skinny grill may be something that I will never embrace.


i know the tinder feel, i always match with qts who give up talking after 2 messages because they match with some chad with a six pack and 8 inch dick

This thread is shitting on young people stuff.

The only hate young people when they're being blatantly stupid.

Also their taste in music is fucking shit

>nowadays kids will never grow up listening to blink 182, simple plan, three days grace
Instead its dubstep and shitty rap lyrics (I am not saying all rap is bad cos the early 2000s had some good stuff but so many mainstream rappers are such huge sellouts)

>2006 was the last year of true prosperity


serenity now
serenity now
serenity now

I have legitimately wondered if maybe I died or went into a coma and the last few years have just been some bizarre dying dream before. Everything is so incredibly fucked. It just doesn't seem real.

Because western civilization is dying.

no they all listen to throw away tracks on soundcloud

I gotten a couple of cute girls numbers within the last week but I just stop there and don't even continue pursuing. My high school crush rejecting fucked me up there o believe

I have felt the same since 08 ????? !!!!! I am 27 now it feels like we are living in a nightmare where logic has been replaced by madness . things are so divided between races genders sexualities its surreal man

Reminder: you will never have a gf this qt

social media gave a voice to people who should never have one

What's fucking hilarious is how much old people bitched about blink 182 and simple plan (never heard the other one). Why is it all doom and gloom with you guys here? New music is new music, and people are more likely to hear that than old stuff.

I had a dream and when I woke up everything felt different. Maybe the Bernstein shit is real.

I actually feel like this so fucking much.

Ever since my grandma died, me losing the friendship I had with my cousins that were always close, losing golden friendships that I used to have...

It seriously feels like I am dead and am living out some alternate reality

>meet qt on tinder
>talk to her all day
>think she's into me
>click really well
>she stops responding out of nowhere

She looks like she does a lot of meth.

I never even tried to begin with. I've just never cared enough. Yet, I still masturbate like a fiend. I guess my sexual desires still need to manifest themselves in some capacity.

2010 when I went off to Uni. been living in a haze ever since

Everything about this post rings true with me.
My life is pretty good other than that but I just shut myself off to romance entirely after I realized I sucked dick at it.
>comp sci job
>live with good mates
>get to play vidya and browse Sup Forums most of the day
And yet women are a completely foreign concept to me. I will die without the companionship of one and the thing is:
I will probably die a virgin and I'm all right with that.

>never owned a cell phone
>entirety of human culture now revolves around apps, texting, selfies, sexting, always being on social media, always being in contact with your friends and strangers, always having a camera on hand, ect, literally an omnipresent connection to a global computer network like some cyber punk shit

I feel like I'm a time traveler in the future

the old world has died, but the new one has not yet been born

I think you have to be super forward with the whores on there

Every fucking time

>You will never live in the 19th century.


>sorry I couldnt help it but find this quote to be strangely relative

I've never been interested in relationships tbqh

ironically I could get a gf very easily since I happened to be born into a rich family and if I mention having shekels they all immediately start flirting without even realizing why lmao

theres some real advice to getting a gf: get money first

>Girl I dated two years ago started talking to me and admitted that she still had feelings for me but couldn't do anything about it because she is engaged now and has a job and her own house
>all other girls I've dated are married and some have kids
>Things have been downhill for me since college and my dad died and now I live with my mother and have no job
>My friends don't even talk to me anymore
No one will ever love me again.

I still don't own a cell phone, even though everyone of my friends and family have one now.

Ah right I forgot how broke I am.

I also forget that grills only care about how much money you have and also how others view you i.e. if you have heaps of friends then they will like you but if you are a loner then they won't be attracted to you.

fuck i know this feel too well. used to seem like i had all the options and friends in the world. then time ticks on and it just slowly shrinks. every girl i've ever been close to is in a long term relationship. all my friends are scattered around the country.

when does life become fun again user?

You say this but when i joined tumblr in like 2013ish because my then-gf wanted me to, there was no such thing as an sjw and tumblr was basically a picture blogging site

I only have 2 friends left that talk to me and never had a gf

I wish I could feel happy again but recently all happiness has died as I feel dead inside

I use tumblr for bdsm porn, kinky ass whores on there desu.

Graduated HS in 2012 and college in 2016. I don't like most of my peers.

>graduated high school in 2011
>still haven't graduated from college

Holy fuck I remember that! I remember my cousin showing me her shit tumblr that was just movie quotes and pictures of actors and shit.

I then browsed a few pages and it was the same thing: just random pictures and people making gifs.

Then suddenly without warning... SJW's were born

>my friends dont even talk to me any more
i know that feel. Everyone just drifted apart after graduation. I know that sounds cliche, but thats just what it feels like. It doesnt help that theyve gone and scattered themselves all over the damn country. One of them in illinois another in carolina a few in california. Hell one of them is in japan now

Haha! Graduated this year, motherfucker! I'm 18 and full of youthful optimism about the future!

It's just persistence, self-motivation and time management.

You can do it, bro.

Are you me

That's when we switched over to the Berenstain universe.

I have a friend moving to England :( I havent seen him face to face in 3 years.

Even when we talk on facebook he hardlt ever replies or it takes days for him to say 1 message... so i have to write him off as a "friend".

9/11 caused a split in realities or this is all a computer simulation

What is the Berenstain universe?

Could be worse

You could be in cc

And be stuck saving up for university because you can't get free government bucks like everyone else

This 100% at the same time 07/08

>when does life become fun again user?
Wish I knew.

The universe where you currently live in.