American Godzilla sucks, I can't wait for a real Godzilla

>American Godzilla sucks, I can't wait for a real Godzilla

Still think it'll be better? This Godzilla looks like shit.

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>real Godzilla

You mean Titan Godzilla?

it's closer to the original design
probably a remake of the original (50's) to start a whole new series.

Literally what?

Just the trailer is 10x better than the American Godzilla.

>>probably a remake of the original (50's) to start a whole new series.
It's a reboot but I don't believe it's a straight up remake.

It doesn't suck, just isn't Godzilla. Chessy rubber suit Godzilla will always be Godzilla.

Looks like Godzilla to me faggot, I bet the only Godzilla you know is the 1998 one so I can pardon your ignorance.

Zombie Godzilla! How original!

Was he always that tiny?

He looks so fucking sore. It looks like he's covered in exposed wounds.

>Why can't I hold all these nips...?

Pretty fitting, the original Godzilla's skin was meant to look like radiation scars, the new one just turns that up to 11.

Cloverfield vs Godzilla when?

King Kong vs Godzilla will disappont...

this godzilla is a cheap rubber puppet so whats the problem?

since the original movie his skin is supposed to resemble the keloid scarring, Anno though has taken it to a new level of pain

Supposedly the plot of the movie actually centers on the Japan + US forces trying to keep him on land because returning to the sea will contaminate Japan's waters

You're memeing right

Dat googly eye.

fucking kek those eyes

>Enlarge the arms to 2014 arm to body proportions.
>Give him larger eyes that move and don't look glued on like a doll.
And this would be a fucking badass design,

I thought the plot was
>godzilla acting stranger than usual
>the world watches as a parasite rips out of Godzilla and leaves his carcass to rampage/spoiler]
>godzilla begins to regenerate
>saves the day

This Godzilla looks like he just remembered something. Like he left the stove on or forgot to pick up Billy from football practice.

And this why I hate Japanese cinema...

its a complete reboot, thats why they bother with regular tanks and airplanes. they are trying to keep him on land, and there will be other kaiju. he's suppose to resemble that big tsunami and earthquake they got fucked

is that really the plot because it sounds kickass

yup and the parasite exists because of global warming that several scientists tried to warn everyone about.

The main "bad" human is a guy that resembles a certain american, hair and all, who till the end keeps trying to say that wasn't the case until godzilla steps on him.

Movie ends with everyone dancing together with rainbow flags because it turned out that godzilla was a woman transexual turtlekin.

Anno is above this, your describing something out of a Nick Spencer comic you bitch ass fuck.


So how pissed would you be if it was true?

that "leak" was confirmed fake, although that does sound like some shit Anno would come up with. Hell if this turns into a series I can see pic related happening

>monsters dick spike is smaller than the ones on his chest

What were they trying to convey here?

where the mechs at

you believe wrong things