BFG flops. How did Disney + Spielberg + beloved children's story fuck up this badly?

>The third “Purge” film and “Tarzan” are battling for the second slot with preliminary forecasts for both in a wide range between $30 million and $37 million, while “The BFG” is heading for a disappointing $25 million.

It looks boring.

Why cant they come up with original ideas anymore?

It looks shit

>Disney weak spot are original live action movies.

The only dahl book that works as a movie is Charlie and the chocolate factory.

I've only heard about this movie on reviews. I haven't seen a single add for it.

The BFG is a giant fucking gun from Doom, I feel like these old people made a story off a fairytale even they thought was obscure and outdated.

it's literally just fucking come out hasn't it you daft cunt

piss off with your meme statistics

put this meme to bed, 90% of all movies ever made were based off books or other media

It got basically no marketing and advertising.

it doesnt tap into any childhood fantasy that anyone would relate to. the trailer made it look bland. and honestly when i first learned Spielberg was making this movie my reaction was disappointment because it feels like hes been wasting his talent for the last 15 years making shit and his time is running out. Maybe others feel the same way.

They made it look too boring. Should've made it in that Disney animated style and it would be making billions and getting 90% at RT.

films are increasingly based on previous works

I can't get over how generic they made the evil Giants.

They were fucking terrifying in the animated movie. Legit scary. They're now stooge type funny face baddies.

ffs Cucksney

Poor guy thinks this will be the ET of the aughts. Not happening, buddy.

Tons of YouTube ads for it, I'm getting sick of it and can't wait for different ads.

It being an old problem doesn't change that it's a problem that exists.

surprise, surprise, the more shit that exists the more there is to draw from

I've seen ads for it all week on tv, the ads make it look boring though.

Fucking this, Spielberg hasn't made anything really fascinating since A.I.

It came out and it flopped. Thats how movies work.

more like big fucking gayboy

it's not a problem, there is literally nothing wrong with turning books into movies

>not having adblock plus
How the fuck do you cope with it?
You can even get that shit on your phone.

>not having ublock origin

Man there sure are a lot of flops this year after last year had so many huge hits

>all week

A traditional Disney film gets months of trailers.

top kek!

Nigga did you forget about Matilda?

The Witches was alright, I think. I never saw James and the Giant Peach.

I still support YouTube creators. Hell, I'm thinking of making a channel. Hopefully not everyone has Adblock by the time I get a decent amount of viewers.

Dont you go dissin on fantastic mr fox.

What are you gonna do? Review films?

They should make the twits into a film.

Cast Johnny Vegas and Kathy Burke.

There are no good youtubers left

Probably just funny videos with my friends.

Ryan Higa still puts out content. He must have been uploading for what, 10 years now?

I was thinking about that actually a few days ago. It seems like it would be pretty easy to adapt. I remember there wasn't as big of a fantasy element in that book compared to Dahl's other stuff. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly.

Looks gay.
Although The Purge looks just as gay so I don't fucking know.

They're different mediums, and if you want to effectively write a story you need to write it with the medium in mind.

We should also be encouraging original stories and characters instead of recycling old ones.

I really don't understand why they used the actual book title as is. It sounds confusing and forgettable.

Battlefield galactica?

BFG? More like


the BFG himself looks really well done and I like what I've seen of the scenery but the evil giants' redesigns are AWFUL

The giant is kind of creepy looking. Kids would be scared.

the giant should've been a giant qt3.14 instad

I saw it, and it's too leisurely. Spielberg is in love with the scale and magic, but it's a simple story that gets dragged out by its devotion to the source material.

what are you talking about i said it looked like shit and was a mistake to make in the first place

there never were any in the first place you newfag

Which one should I see this or Tarzan?

The BFG. Both look pretty boring but The BFG was directed by a talented directed whereas Tarzan was directed by a hack.

Oh just wait, Gigantic is gonna be giant loli kino. /d/'s gonna cum its pants collectively

Skip both of those movies. If you like The Conjuring then go see The Conjuring 2. If you like Nicolas Winding Refn's films then go see The Neon Demon although it probably isn't playing near you. If neither movie is playing near you or you have no interest in either movie then skip going to the movies this week.

anyone see the britbong "danny, champion of the world?" it was pretty good

>How did Disney + Spielberg + beloved children's story fuck up this badly?
I dunno man, I can't afford to go to movies, and doubt anybody would want to go with me. Otherwise I'd go see it.

I never read Big Fucking Giant as a kid, but it seems like it would be a good time.

>skunkpaste hasn't uploaded in 6 months

They never did.

The bfg isn't that good

pretty much all Dahl adaptations have been great.

It looks boring and shitty
And 0 marketing what so ever

Are you seriously trying to argue against the validity of adaptation? Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now, and Spec Ops: The Line all have their bases in the same story, though each has a different impact on different audiences due to their different mediums of storytelling.

I hardly believe that's what Spielberg believes..

i didn't see a single ad for this flick

Derrick Comedy was pretty good.

Marketing in the Netherlands was pretty damn intense for this movie, seen more about this crap than Resurgence. Trailer was literally shown before every movie. Still looks boring as fuck baka

Those aren't direct adaptations like The BFG or Ghostbusters. They took the same underlying ideas and created a story that was designed for that particular medium.

> it's a dcuck has to say that every movie is a flop so Pooman V Superpoo looks like a hit episode

it wasn't animated. Disney can't into live action without star wars and marvel as crotches. Now watch as a giant loli proceeds to show how it's done in 2017-2018

>implying Jungle Book wasn't a stroke of genius

Spieljew should just have fucking retired after that fucking debacle Hook 25 years ago

They should have put a gay character in it. Only then it would be making billions.

>the queen sending in fucking seal team six to take care of the giants
just felt off didn't it

Uncanny Valley

White Giants

I'm searching my brain here, is this Spielbergo's first time accepting the Disney dollar?

It looks like an overly-sentimental version of the book that doesn't really understand why the book was good. Just watch the animated movie.

I thought there already was a BFG movie.

This, cg looks weird and what kid would care about some girl hanging out with a gigantic creepy looking old man

There was an animated movie

Maybe don't name your movie after an acronym for "BIG FUCKING GUN", which can be extrapolated to "BIG FUCKING GUY" easily. I know it's the book's title, but I'd much rather have it read "The Big Friendly Giant".

Then what's this?

And to think of how god-tier the source material could be in Gilliam's hands...

Anyone else confuse this movie with the Iron Giant? When I heard about it being in production I was excited

Uncanny Valley
Zero Marketing
Zero star power
Most people who read BFG are 22-30+

>hmm, how to related to this kids?
>I've got it!
>we'll use an old disgusting man
what were they thinking? kids don't like this shit

Big fat goy

It looked terrible.

Maybe it's just me but I hate those overly sentimental movies that force that whole childhood wonderment thing that Spielberg pioneered. Even as a kid I hated ET and Jurassic Park

The military literally invades giant land

How the fuck is that kid friendly

The giant looked weird and scary

>anti-semite author
>succeeding in Hollywood

I saw it and it was fucking boring and dull shit.

Big Fucking Guy

No giantess, no go.

Fuck you (((Spielberg)))

I didn't mean you, I meant Steven.

Sup Forums is going to cum /d/'s pants over this

and I don't even know how that works

the Big Fucking Guy