It's an all Hollywood monsters look alike episode

>It's an all Hollywood monsters look alike episode

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He looks pretty great. Its the human face that does it. Shoulda done the same with Doomsday and give him a human face.

step up your game hollywood

That's because they're all based off of high school bullies.
People forget that it's fucking geeks who make movies these days.

what kind of fucking school did you go to where the bullies looked like giant bald hunchbacked versions of maisie?

more like roided hambeasts

Troll was perfectly fine because it is a fucking troll.

Doomsday was pure shit though, so so awful looking in and otherwise really visually pleasing movie. Whoever gave the greenlight on that face should get his ass kicked with a ladder by Jackie Chan

Adam's High

10 years ago, much smaller budget, and looks 1000 times better.

Are all black parents abusive?

LEL wtf i'm I'm reading haha is this nigga serious haha

Only 8 out of 10

bitch even the birth scene was inspired by the uruk-hai birth in Fellowship and the Frankenstein's monster
all intentional baby

>>It's an all Hollywood monsters look alike episode
Someone post the goomba from the Super Mario Brothers movie.
and then the new teenage mutant ninja turtles

> feeding your child a lemon is abusive

white people s m h

Blacks are more likely to use violence against their kids than other races, but only barely (last time I checked it was like 92% for white parents vs 98% for blacks).

Though I'd wager that the intensity of the abuse is much higher among blacks.

What part of Doomsday's face isn't human?
Sup Forumsino

>implying both black parents are around

i thought that was abomination from hulk at first


There's a huge fucking reason they employ false bravado into every moment of their lives. They're tortured children on the inside.

That being said, baby's first lemon videos are funny af.


Don't talk shit about Dwayne Johnson like that

The same effects studio does both hence the looking alike.

kek. little nigger looks like fuckin mini me in the after picture.

>that filename


my dick

Well the Cloverfield Monster and the monster from Super 8 were designed by the same person so it would make sense that they share similar elements

Doomsday is the best villain capekino has seen. He doesn't quip at all. People who dislike him are morons.

Dont forget the harry potter troll

Don't lump predator in with all of that copy and pasted dogshit

why is there a demon hanging out with those ayyyys

Damn, I always new about this game but I never bought it because I was a kid then, but shit dude still a bit surprised they got away with this.


Are you defending the designer for being lazy? Elements is one thing, the same design is another.

Also, I saw some special feature or something about the Super 8 alien. Apparently it used to have different eyes but they made them look human so it would be like the kid was looking into his mother's eyes.

>Dead Man's Chest was 10 years ago
>still has some of the greatest CGI

Still the best CGI I've ever seen


>92% for white parents
lol, I'd love to see you provide that source. Such bullshit

idk stefan molyneux tweeted a graph comparing corporal punishment between parents of different races recently but it's whatever to me

God fucking damn that's an ugly ass baby.
Nigga looks like he's already 35 and out of parole

I can't remember, were Super 8 and Cloverfield supposed to be connected?

Holy fuck my sides are hurting

it probably includes a swat on the ass as the same thing as punching a child in the face so it seemed closer

>Are all black parents abusive?


Very believable, actually. I'm white and got the belt and wooden spoon often as a kid. I've never known anybody who didn't.


10/10 designs
10/10 CGI

literally how did they do it?

Holy crap, this was all CGI?
I thought most of it was costume and make up