He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie

>He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie

Name me something better than a Coke Zero while enjoying a movie at the cinema.

your boyfriend's cum


WHY is there so many of these daily reposted threads?

Who is posting all of them?

Mountain Dew Code Red. This is not up for debate.


>not drinking Pepsi

baka desu senpai

>diet soda

>Amerifat is addicted to cola thread

I think drinking copious amount of coke zero made me start getting panic attacks

I don't drink any coke cause I'm not an unhealthy fuckwad who puts sugar or caffeine in their body.

Ginger ale heavily laden with whiskey.

The ale is optional.

this meme is gay and OP sucks hobo cocks

this so much, coke has way too much sugar and gas to be enjoyable past two sips

Jefferson's Reserve whiskey in a glass lined steel flask. Chased with a cup of ice water.

Yup I drink Coke Zero, don't need dat sugar

>he wants rotten teeth and diabetes

wew lad

My theater applied for a liquor license but got fucking denied.

>coke zero
kill yourself

Pepsi is objectively superior to Coke. You have fell for the marketing. If you want true A E S T H E T I C drink Pepsi.

I didn't think I could hate Kevin Hart anymore than I already do.

In one image you have proven me wrong.

Coke Zero tastes like french pressed dogshit

>diet soda doesn't give you rotten teeth and diabetus
retard, it does that and more

The 2 I've been to that had a license were pretentious as fuck, and had price scaling on their beers that match the insanity of a typical theaters soda.

Just pocket flask it.

Movie theatres typically have a deal with either Coke or Pepsi.

Therefore you don't get to choose, you take whatever they've got.

In my younger days I snuck vodka into a theatre to watch Snakes on a Plane, and we had a drinking game where we'd take a drink every time we saw a snake. I ended up vomiting outside within 40 minutes or so and had to go home

Normal coke not that cancer version

you should have picked a movie with fewer snakes.

I didn't know, I just didn't know. Also I was 17 and didn't realize I was the only one dumb enough to actually follow the drinking game

Vanilla Coke

I don't bring any food or drink with me at the cinema. I'm not going to risk needing to go to the bathroom during a two and a half+ hour show when I paid $10 or more to be there.

100% bullshit

If you didn't put any sugar into your body you would be stone dead

Coke Zero tastes like bleach

>Pepsi is objectively superior

Cherry pepsi > Cherry coke

Coke Zero is for pre-diabetic fatsos pretending to be on a diet.

My bleach that I use on my asshole to make it pristine for my wife's black bull tastes like bleach.

Just a side note.

Prebottled either is vastly inferior to cola mixed with cherry syrup.

All soft drinks are disgusting, fit only for burgers and bongs. A real man should drink wine or even beer.

Regular Coke is the best get some taste. if not regular than Vanilla Coke