Ned, take my son and claim he's yours...

>Ned, take my son and claim he's yours. I need you to not ask Robert to legitimize him despite that easily being within both of your power and to give him a romanticized view of what is essentially a prison for rapists and murderers. Make absolutely certain never to tell anyone his true heritage, including your wife whom you trust so that she'll secretly dislike him forever, but to make a grand mystery of it so that he'll grow up wondering the answers to questions he'll never know, despite it actually being easier to just say that you fucked a barmaid and she died in childbirth or something. Lastly, and only if there's time, try to make sure he grows up feeling ostracized and alone by having him eat at a different table from your real children, and make sure that literally everyone in the North and most of the people in the South know how much of a bastard he is.
What did she mean by this?

Jon would of been killed just like Rhaegar Targaryen's other wife and kids. Remember the whole thing of Oberyn going "You raped her, you murdered her, you killed her children" yeah? That was Jon's step mom and siblings.

Ned wasn't a good liar. That's all there is to it.

Legitimizing him wouldn't have changed the fact that he was a child born outside of Ned's marriage. Ned couldn't tell anyone of the father's identity because of Robert. The story is that Ned did fuck some random woman. It was Cat's doing to have Jon ostracized.

>All Targs have silver hair
>except Jon

Awfully convenient.

>He was a good friend.

>Not knowing about dominant and recessive genes

Spotted the GED loser who will amount to nothing in life.

i want to FUCK cordyfu

>All Baratheons don't have silver hair and have Targaryen blood

Only pure bloods Targaryens for sure have silver hair, such as dany.

>If you truly loved Lily Potter, you’ll dedicate yourself to a life of being cucked by protecting her husband’s son from literally the most dangerous wizard of all-time

What did Dumbledore mean by this

Its still unrealistic that she got kidnapped so long ago yet he would have just coincidentally gotten there 5 minutes before she died.

can someone link loli lyanna's ig?

Excuse me? I have a MA in American Lit, asshole.

Robert would have killed Jon instantly because he is the heir to the targaryen throne

>not ask Robert

Robert hated the Targs more than anything (granted, it got worse after Lyanna died) so it's understandable that he would probably kill Jon

>never to tell anyone his true heritage, including your wife

Again, if he told her and she let it slip, Jon was a dead man. Plus muh honor muh promise to Lyanna. It occurred to me that he was going to tell Jon after all when Robert died, he just never got the chance

>having him eat at a different table from your real children

The only time this happened was during Robert's visit bc Cersei would get offended

>make sure that literally everyone in the North and most of the people in the South know how much of a bastard he is

All indications are that Jon was respected other than by Cat, and in fact the book takes pains to point out that he was treated unusually well for a bastard

You a showfag by any chance OP?

Bastards can't be heirs unless legitimized.

Not all targs have silver hair. If you read into the history of westoros {Princess Rhaenyra had three sons and all of them had brown hair. Targs probably only had silver hair so long because they intermarried in their own bloodline.

I think it is more that he refuses to lie beyond what is absolutely necessary as it wouldn't be honorable.

Still would've killed Jon for being Rhaegar's son.

It wouldn't matter if he was hair or not. Being rhaegar son would have been enough for him to hate kill them. He was happy enough when the mountain killed Aegon and Rhaenys

In fairness to OP I believe they are asking why Ned didn't ask to legitimize Jon as a stark not a targ

That's fair but then again Cat fucking hated Jon so maybe he didn't go that route just so she wouldn't turn off the pussy faucet

And you're on Sup Forums?

>got kidnapped
she wasn't kidnapped, user
she went to Rhaegar willingly

the "kidnapped and raped" portion of the story is another fabrication for Robert's sake

He lied about Arthur Dayne's death.

This. Ned spoke very highly of Rhaegar, you don't do that about the guy who kidnapped and raped your sister unless he didn't actually do it.

>he lied about Arthur Dayne's death

Only in the show, for some indecipherable reason. In the books Ned mentions that Dayne would have killed him if Howland Reed hadn't snuck up on Dayne and stabbed him in the back.

What a weird thing to change.