Is Sup Forums the first board on Sup Forums to self implode into pure memery? I don't know what's real and what's not...

Is Sup Forums the first board on Sup Forums to self implode into pure memery? I don't know what's real and what's not, I want off this ride. I'm scared for us.

Is the new era of black cock and pizza posting the future we've built?

Is this board literally not moderated?

It gets like this every weekend when the janitors go out with their friends and only the social retards are left to spout their memes and pornography

You're too young to know this, but Sup Forums is taking the same course Sup Forums did. It's the natural result of a large influx of new users.

A general rule of thumb is that the more users a board has the shittier it gets.

>janitors go out with their friends

What did this poster mean by this?

>being a janitor
>having friends
Pick one.

You're probably too young to know Sup Forums has always been a meme manufacturer

I left Sup Forums a year and a half ago. I only skirt on the outsides to pick up interesting memes to trade in far off lands.

Its dead though, for sure. Barren waste.

What board should we ruin next?

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums and it's redditt and Tumblr friendly this time

You're pretending you're out with friends aren't yiu janny?

>Sup Forums
>"""""""""""""Television"""""""""""""""""" & """"""""""""""""""""""Film""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>it's just a bunch of forced memes and capeshit wars


There needs to be /film/ and leave Sup Forums to meme's and celebrity discussion

the number of threads that get deleted daily just show's that people want to talk about X here but cant because its not serious enough

"Out with friends" is a euphemism for babysitting /got/.

This post just summed it up it so accurately and succinctly that I think it killed the last part of me that had any fondness for this place.


Is Sup Forums just porn now?

Sup Forums killed Sup Forums starting in late 2011/early 2012
Sup Forums started the fire with Bane in late 2013
Sup Forums brought their normalfaggotry over here, especially their shit memes, like Doge, etc, and lately "senpai, desu, baka" facebook normie crap
Sup Forums brought over Big Brother because "Sup Forums MODS WERE MEAN :(" and this was outright admitted years ago. Also Game of Thrones and other plebby crap as well, and muh Blacked, "favorite actress" (read:porn stars) became more frequent as well. Nothing of quality came of those threads; everyone was just indulging themselves with their own opinion, you'd get more sauce/info out of a shitty /gif/ thread.

2014 was the nail in the coffin for Sup Forums as a whole, due to the Fappening bringing in all types of normies or idiots.
Sup Forumsedditor shit started appearing in 2014; MUH SJW! MUH WHAT IS THE ___ OF TV/MOVIES?! MY VIDEOGAME MOVIES! MY MISPOSTING! Also you're seeing more and more capeshit; Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums are mostly related by their demographic and prone to be attracted to underage as well.
Moderators for Sup Forums have been shit since 2012, with the great tripfag purge of 2013 pretty much banning or making them all leave due to harassment, even on different boards.

Since __2013__, statistics:
This board is pure spam, & in those 5 pages consist of 3 pages with image.jpg
APPLE USERS WITH THEIR SHITTY iPHONES EVADING BANS, POSTING GHETTO NIGGER SHIT, OR OTHERWISE POSTING DRIBBLE. Also, the fact they own an Apple phone is embrassing. Moot really fucked up by implementing a mobile version of Sup Forums.

It's Pandora's Box; you can't go back, you cant put it back.
All of this can be proven by simple searches on either moe or 4plebs archives.

OP has clearly never visited Sup Forums

pretty much

Last time I checked it was just porn, facebook drama and WEED420BLAZEIT threads. I doubt it's improved since then.


I FUCKING HATE Sup Forums sometimes. ... not all the time.

but... then again that's how it's been since like 2004-2005

>Game of Thrones
Stopped reading there.

It's not Sup Forums posting the blacked shit. It's SRS doing it an effort to trigger Sup Forums and drive them out due to Sup Forums's off topic shitposting.
They even plan the shit on reddit before coming here to spam.

That place isn't pure memery it's pure faggotry. It's actually worse than reddit and Tumblr

With an average user age of 13

You only think that because you're too new to recognize the memes. Lurk more faggot

Why would Sup Forums post blacked on Sup Forums that literally makes no sense m8

I thought it was r/asianmasculinity. Either way it's pretty obvious reddit is here

Because hes a cancerous Sup Forums / Sup Forums shit poster trying to pin the blame elsewhere

Even those retards on Sup Forums had to beg the mods to get rid of Sup Forums because how easily they ruin boards

Back to Sup Forums faggot do some research on pitchfork first

The only board that isn't shit anymore is slow as fuck and I think I like it that way. I won't even mention it because I don't want you fucks going there.

You people really hate phone posters

I've been on Sup Forums since 2007 and Sup Forums has consistently been the worst board.
It will never improve because the people who post there actually think it's good and the rest of us who go there to try and discuss music once just avoid it after realizing how shit it is.

>not phone-posting
Grow up

I don't think Sup Forums and Sup Forums have very much crossposting
very different posting styles between the two

It's false flagging by reddit invaders.
They want you to believe that getting rid of Sup Forums would cure Sup Forums of this cancer.

If someone tries to convince you that Sup Forums is behind blackedposting then chances are they themselves have a HDD full of nude black men.

I wish I saved some of the screencaps from reddit. This shit was planned.

t. meme parasite that can't spam memes on his twitter feed like he does with baneposting and capekino

Go back to Sup Forums and the fuck off our art board

I don't get why Sup Forums still has the worst reputation on this site. Sup Forums has eclipsed Sup Forums's shittiness by a country mile and is responsible for spreading shitty memes everywhere.

Sup Forums is definitely shit, but I don't think Sup Forums has ever been as bad as Sup Forums is currently.

Your on the wrong board m8, go back to your art

Sup Forums is full of underage retards, Sup Forums is for sophisticated memelords

>blaming other boards
>when they are A N O N Y M O U S
>when crossposting is obviously common, rarely does anybody ever just frequent one board exclusively



you find people with mostly right-leaning opinions (usually extreme) all over Sup Forums, not just Sup Forums and i don't get why video gamers (nerd losers) would like sports (jockucks)

Sup Forums isn't shit, it just has shit janitors who allow 20 GoT threads to be active at once.
apparently the season has ended so hopefully that will stop soon for a while

>Sup Forums accusing others of boardwrecking


or they can just shutdown the site that been nothing but a liability from day 1 but they too scared of Sup Forums pass users

If you ignore the bane and bvs threads, it's really not that bad.

>Complains about Sup Forums
>Bane shitposter

>ignore the bane

>Orlando shooting
>Sup Forums should slow down like it usually does since everyone goes to Sup Forums as we aren't allowed threads here anymore
>>it doesn't

>new game of thrones episode
>Sup Forums should move fast, but its moving a bit slower than usual
>>it shouldn't especially the next day(monday)

>e3 monday
>>Sup Forums slows down (threads actually last more than two hours after the last bump like they use to) meme cancer is pretty much gone

>E3 ends
>>Sup Forums goes back to threads dying after less than 40 minutes
Merely a coincidence right?

Or better yet were you not here when Sup Forums was getting blown out by the janitor/mod? They admit coming here because they weren't allowed their "sports bar" (facebook tier trash) discussion anymore

Everything else is just GoT and meme threads.
Occasionally some proper threads come around but they tend to die pretty quickly

I think he was using a picture of Bane to further illustrate his point. Baneposting was the death knell of Sup Forums.

Yes it is that bad. Everything is memespeak, GoT, Baneposting, Marvel/Dc shit, blacked, politics and meta discussion.

wait did you just admit to being a Sup Forums crossposter

>Is the new era of black cock and pizza posting the future we've built?

It won't last long. The autistic german spammer (same guy who spams miss alice) who is responsible for the cuck and pizza spam is bound to kill himself sooner rather than later.

until you produce some hard evidence, your claims are not substantiated in the court of go fuck yourself doofus

Sometimes I go into the more niche boards that only get a few posts a day and imagine a Sup Forums where everyone gave as much thought to their posts and shared a sense of comraderie. A boy can dream.

>german spammer
I thought it was an Australian autist and a handful of Americans who joined in afterwards.

Don't try to tell me it's one German guy using proxies.

Only when something interesting happens(like a shooter being chased) since we aren't allowed threads like that here anymore
because it upsets all the cancer that came here because they found baneposting on twitter/facebook/redit
You can ask anyone that was here. You can see it on the archive assuming it still has the day for it

>He doesn't know pitchfork is a meme

i'd rather ask you to shut the heck up

While you're busy memeing on this G-d forsaken board the robots are fucking your women

I've been here since glauposting and barely remember anything. I'm I alone in this? Sup Forums's history is a blur to me but I've been here for so long.

Lol Sup Forums is just 2deep4u

You probably listen to entry-level mainstream trash

Never reply to me again if you're going to use that language you piece of rude shit

we were never allowed threads like that, that shit was /new/'s territory

Sup Forums is actually pretty fun during "happenings".
Rest of the time it's just a pointless circlejerk.

Funposting (Bane, Jobs, etc.) gets deleted within 5 minutes

Cuckposting (Blacked, etc.) stays up for literally hours

Remember when LOST threads were viewed as being Sup Forums's biggest problem?

We didn't know how good we had it.

haha, Sup Forums gets mad what a surprise

This I don't get. When the Johnny Debt meme came out it was deleted within minutes, but fucking cunnyposts and cuck threads would stay up for half an hour. It's unbelievable.

No, Sup Forums is fucking awful.

It's literally r3ddit: the board

>Yeah, I'm into good music. Drake, Kanye West, FKA Twigs, Death Grips, Kendrick Lamar, Future, Young Thug, the list goes on...

It's not awful because "le pretentious music snobs", that'd be cool if it was that type of board. It's a fucking 14-19 year old nu-male/wigger hub.

Most nu-male infested board on Sup Forums, also highest influx of Tumblr/Twitter crossposters

haha, Sup Forums projects what a surprise

>entry-level mainstream trash
That's literally all I ever see on Sup Forums. They seem to share the same taste as every 16 year old male out there.

I got globally banned 6 days for posting that picture of fred unmasking a frog. To put that into perspective, that's DOUBLE the punishment they hand out for posting interracial porn.

What do the mods want Sup Forums to look like?

Sup Forums has the worst memes as well

Because they don't even make their own memes, DOGE was posted there for months when it came out, as well as "HERE COME DAT BOI" from Tumblr.


This really is bizarre and makes me believe the tinfoil conspiracies about mods or janitors trying to ruin this place.

Fredposters are scum. Based mods

>white girl sucking a black cock "What did she mean by this?"
>238 replies, posted 2 hours ago

>funposting about johnny depp

it used to be problem child 2 and summer glau, now its blacked and gordon ramsay.

shits been like this for years famalam.

Kek half the artists you just named are memes on Sup Forums, and the other half never even come up

You didn't mention animal collective, swans, grimes, or neutral milk hotel so I'm skeptical that you've ever even been on Sup Forums

Well one of the mods is a black dude, he's probably fapping. Can't say I blame him, if I was into that shit I'd be cranking down when it was posted too. Instead I have to wait for Aunt diane threads.

Confirmed for never actually been to Sup Forums

It's an inside job

sorry dude.

Its been true for about 5 years now

Neutral Milk Hotel posting is pretty much dead

I like Swans/Anco

Grimes posting is actually funny

But that place is a black-music-poptimist shithole now that non-ironically has HAPPENING threads for Beyonce/Drake album releases

Sup Forums fucking sucks and it's populated by fourteen year old anti-art homosexuals with fringe haircuts that wear their sister's clothes and think that Kanye West and that Muse cover band Radiohead are good.

Yeah, chalk one up for the r9k crossposters.

Also confirmed for never actually been to Sup Forums

I mean I know you guys like to shitpost here guys but this is weak. This is like saying "did you hear? All dogs are blue now. All the dogs in the world are blue"


1. Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums


3. /r9k/ (entertaining as hell but will get you in a really toxic place if you stay too long)


4. Sup Forums (r9k has beta male, Sup Forums has nu-males, which are even worse)
5. Sup Forums (literally europe: the board)

man porn is so wrong

What exactly do you expect them to do, cut out all the black music?

Sup Forums still can't let it go hahaha

Agreed. Sup Forums is definitely the gayest thing ever, even more pathetic than /r9gay/

>Muse cover band

>tfw outlaws posting is dead


>Neutral Milk Hotel posting is pretty much dead

Lolwut? ITAOTS still gets mentioned in half of all threads whether relevant or not

>I like Swans/Anco
>Grimes posting is actually funny

>But that place is a black-music-poptimist shithole now that non-ironically has HAPPENING threads for Beyonce/Drake album releases
Poptimism is more prevalent than it used to be but it's still a minority view tbqh stepfam

>mfw I played soccer from the age of six all the way through college and fucking love it yet still post >Divegrass and >Povertyball troll shit to trigger third worlders and yuropeasants on Sup Forums

1. /vr/
2. Sup Forums
3. Sup Forums
I literally just shitpost everywhere

/hiphopgeneral/ would suffice with occasional threads popping up is fine, basically like pre Kanye West 10.0 Sup Forums