Has anime surpassed film in cinematography?

Has anime surpassed film in cinematography?

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Has OP surpassed Krager in faggotry?

how is that even a question?

Yes, anime is the way of the future.

RIP in piss Dragon Ball


anime has terrible characters, terrible dialogue, terrible pacing, terrible cliches, it's just godawful in general.

being able to create scenes from cool angles and perspectives will never make anime not shit

great scene


Why does Japanese Goku sound like he's five years old?

how predictable

how many times does this exact scene happen in dbz?


>terrible characters, terrible dialogue, terrible pacing, terrible cliches, it's just godawful in general.
So television & film?

There are good anime and bad anime, user. Same as any other kind of media.

daily reminder that goku is vulnerable to lasers


i've watched many so many acclaimed series and they're almost all crap. anime is a shallow medium filled with kiddy bullshit


is this the actual animation quality of the series? why would they do this?

no, but it's doing a good job nonetheless.


terrible kinography

Manga > Anime

With no little exception

Beers is seriously the worst aspects of Toriyama's villains mushed into one character. His entire fucking thing is "I'm the strongest Badguy ever, and I've totally been around since the beginning!"

comics > manga

it's actually great.

for anime :^)

Voiced by a woman.

>Bardock: goodbye, my son. our hopes and dreams travel with you.

yeah DBS is super shitty animation. I only watch it because I like the setting and the characters.

But why the new movies looked so good

Movies have a larger budget

Dragon Ball Z directed by Zack Snyder would be the ultimate live action anikino.

But I'm sure Dragon Ball has a better budget than most anime

The characters and settings are awful. They're the laziest concepts imaginable.

>Goku Black

I can't

I'm going to hate watching this on Toonami.

I know. I'm just a sucker for anything Dragonball. I never said it was good, just that I enjoy it. The original Dragonball was lighthearted adventure fun and I was hooked from there.

>Has anime surpassed
>Shows scene from 90s anime

le edge muh le blood and le robots muh le eva XD

I liked eva and thought it was good... back when I was like 15 or so.

Only people thats easily impressed constantly bring this up as some example of animes max potential.

DBZ is the most overrated shit and I cant believe they are still continuing. Shit is just so god damn boring and repetitive.

is that some crumb?


dbz is continuing for the same reason why the MCU is, plebs eat that shit up

they should just reboot dragon ball

maybe use time travel to reboot it all

why doesn't black goku just go destroy earth from fiddy years ago

Literally yes

>so many acclaimed series'
Anime fans have terrible taste in general. Do you recognize any of these? If not, you don't know what good anime is.

this is kino


...never before

Have you ever seen DBZ

That's from 2016.

Reminder that most anime is based on Manga (comic books for you gaijin).

Literally they just animate what an artist has created and usually in low quality.

Studio Ghibli has so far been the only respectable anime house for the past 70 years which is really sad.

is you thought that was bad, look at this

Has this been surpassed yet?

After 100 days of seen anime, you start to realize you're always watching the same shit with different character designs

But something good appears every 2 years



How can western """""entertainment""""" even compete?



Dragonball is for manchildren retards who find a anime where one character is contantly POWERING UP entertaining.