Why is he only successful doing radio/podcast?

why is he only successful doing radio/podcast?

whenever he gets his own television gig it usually gets cancelled shortly thereafter, and dont say its cause he is ugly - theres plenty of ugly people in TV that are successful.

Even I just prefer listening to him and not watching. There is something off putting about seeing him. And this is a person who has probably heard every single loveline episode with him in it, im a big fan.

thats what happens when you piss off Jimmy Kimmel

what? i thought they were best friends, what happened?


Jimmy was tired of being a manlet sidekick and all the juggies blowing the Ace for favors and not him

the man show could NEVER happen in the yeaar 2016, could you imagine? the outrage of women jumping on trampolines

you do realize they are best bros right? hes been on jimmy kimmel live as a guest multiple times and all adam talks about on his multiple podcasts are him and jimmy hanging out, why are you making shit up user?

Only women watch tv
why do think its 100% shit?

probably because he doesn't bite his tongue and calls people out on their shit. cunty hollywood are too sensitive, so he's on a list.

He's ugly

he never knows when to shut the fuck up.

going on a rant is one thing. but even when appearing as a guest he constantly interrupts and never lets anyone speak. it gets old quick.

reminder this douche thought Drawn Together was beneath him

road hard was shit


everyone of his movies are shit the only thing he was good at was loveline where he fucked with the callers.

ever since he started his own podcast where he called the shots it all been shit.

much like sasha baron cohen, he is only good when fucking with people. when he goes off on his own doing solo shit e.g. podcasts, movies it all sucks tbph

I liked his renovation show.

would have been better without all of his forced quips

He has no acting ability, no screen presence, no charisma. It's the kind of thing you only realize when someone doesn't have it. Watching him is what I imagine watching a stand in for a real actor is like.

I thought he was funny from 13-17. After that I just don't find him funny at all anymore and now he truly annoys the shit out of me.

He was funny back then.

He's a legitimately talented improvisational comedian. In the prime Loveline era, listening to him deal with retarded callers was always great radio.

Once he descended into nonstop ranting, and his right wing pundit bullshit, he stopped doing what he was good at, and unsurprisingly he's no longer funny at all.

>everyone of his movies are shit

I liked The Hammer. He was essentially just playing himself, but I thought it was a pretty solid sports flick.

he's just better at riffing

>listening to him deal with retarded callers was always great radio.

literally the only good shit he has ever come out with