What would Sup Forums do to me?

What would Sup Forums do to me?

Take an iron pick, shove it in a furnace, then stick it right up there.

Fuck your pussy

Why is your pussy sewn up?

Bake you for 20-25 minutes in a high powered oven.

Send you to church.

So I finally got around to watching Citizen Kane the other day and I don't see why it is so highly regarded. Desiring love is a concept that has constantly been explored. Why do people love some film a rich cunt has made for him?

What would Sup Forums do to me?

That's a nice boipussy, I would give it a good dicking.



I would eat this guy's creampie out of you

Probably marry you and lead a beautiful, happy, fulfilling life, we can even adopt some children!

Let's see the rest

literally perfect.

just girly enough that i could fuck it


what a time to be alive

is this a fucking boy? asking for a friend

Reply to this post or you will get testicular cancer and will be forced to amputate your genitals to survive.



Asymmetric ears
Would not rape

Just in time

c'mon man

Get a load of this poofter

is this annie clark?

it's me

okey dokey

i'd wait until you posted feet

post your cute boysoles. now.

post more pls

sent ;)


no u


i love your music, annie
new album when?


>girl pussy

That's pretty fucking gay

Post your feet, sissy.

Didn't I just see this thread in Sup Forums too?