Tfw Sup Forums mods get their shit pushed in

>tfw Sup Forums mods get their shit pushed in

wtf im gay now

>omg how big is this gigantic fucking black cock

>nigger jerks himself off
>not even throat fucking the hot girl

literally what is the point?


> wanting a woman to be completely degraded on film.
Mysoginist pls

Why bother posting here? We based cunnyfags moved elsewhere, why can't literal cuckolds do the same?


Thanks, I just lost my job.

Why do they always wear a condom in gay/tran porn but not in straight? I mean, you can't get an asshole preggers so wouldn't you have less reasons to need one?

At least it was worth it. Nothing is note precious than a white woman getting her pussy getting fully satisfied by a big black cock

What kind of person keeps spamming interracial gay shit on a chinese cartoon board?

>gay/trans porn
Clearly that's a woman you faggot, and maybe she doesn't want to get an std

thanks, my boss just promoted me to his personal nighttime assistant

>keeps on spamming
This is my second post BTFO of fag mods and gay af anons

women don't have balls

I just deleted 150gigs of porn, and i play to be delete at least 500gigs more of porn during the weekend.
I just want to say that.

anyone got source please?

As long as some hollywood chad doesn't croak Sup Forums should be safe

They come running to post a sticky whenever one of their boifu's kicks the bucket

I have about 1 TB of porn, don't know why I even download them, I never watch them more then once.

the kind that wants you to vote trump

You're hanging out with the wrong women then.

is your boss a well endowed black man?


>I have about 1 TB of porn
lol, only 1TB of porn, come back when you get on my level with at least 8TB of porn faggot, half of which is dedicated to black cock / white woman porn

>cute teen actresses posted on Sup Forums
>mods: "no, this is wrong"
>black men and trannies posted on Sup Forums
>mods: ":^)"

This is just my collection over the last 3-4 months since my last HD crashed. I'm working on my BLACKED collection. They're like Pokemon cards, gotta have them all!

kys shill

He definitely should kill himself, but I'm pretty sure you're either fueling his fetish or taking his bait depending on how serious he is.

Is this kino?


They're talking about pirating, m8