Le evil republicans

Le evil republicans

>>Sup Forums
go back cuck

>being right wing

>le le meme

blast yourself nigga


Sideshow Bob Roberts is a fantastic episode.

Please, listen, I have had to explain this you twice now, moron. The joke is twofold:

1. A shot at the republicans, playing on their public image as precisely 'the evil party'
2. A shot at democrats and other anti-republicans for having an inflating image.

>dur hur what is irony?
>huurr what is pastiche?


>that face when, in just a few answered questions, Mook becomes the god that moot had never been

Hiroyuki, champion of free speech and friend to all who also embrace it.

le evil gomunists

If you aren't a literal multi-millionaire, why would you be a republican?

>in b4 muh degeneracy
>in b4 muh old fashioned morals

Why would I want to engage in politics in general if I'm not getting anything out of it?

>I take modern politics seriously

i hate muslims and gays

>giving in to rightist propaganda

This was twenty years ago, before the left turned into what they are now.


I seriously fucking love those rare people who put interesting and aesthetic above profitable or politically inoffensive

So you're a bigoted subhuman. At least you're honest...

You mean reasonable?

Why are liberals so pathetic?

>evil capitalism
>p-pol is bad for profits

Fucking worms.

>Modern liberals

lol, Marxism completely, utterly lost

...and get this. Fascism and Nationalism are coming back!

How do you like THEM apples?

free speech is cool and all, but when Sup Forumstards are constantly shitting it down everyone's throats in all sections of the basket of Sup Forums like SJWs you start thinking about whether or not being a degenerate is so bad after all.