Would you watch the Extended cut if Man of Steel?

Would you watch the Extended cut if Man of Steel?


Yes, Zac, now please leave.

who's Zac?

Zach Snyder

You mean Zak Snider?



No, it was a bad movie without any redeeming factors.

Who's Zach Snyder?

No, it's a shitty Superman

What would you even need to add?

fuck! I totally agree with you. I hate the dark, gritty brooding jesus figure superman.
I like the boyscout. The nice and good guy. That picture sums up perfectly why clark is a true hero

>claims to know Superman
>doesn't read comics
>keeps posting this panel to make it look like he knows what he's talking about
This truly is the worst board.

steel cut oats

You don't even know what comic this is from.

"In the end, I saw Superman not as a superhero or even a science fiction character, but as a story of Everyman. We’re all Superman in our own adventures. We have our own Fortresses of Solitude we retreat to, with our own special collections of valued stuff, our own super–pets, our own “Bottle Cities” that we feel guilty for neglecting. We have our own peers and rivals and bizarre emotional or moral tangles to deal with.
I felt I’d really grasped the concept when I saw him as Everyman, or rather as the dreamself of Everyman. That “S” is the radiant emblem of divinity we reveal when we rip off our stuffy shirts, our social masks, our neuroses, our constructed selves, and become who we truly are. Batman is obviously much cooler, but that’s because he’s a very energetic and adolescent fantasy character: a handsome billionaire playboy in black leather with a butler at this beck and call, better cars and gadgetry than James Bond, a horde of fetish femme fatales baying around his heels and no boss. That guy’s Superman day and night.
Superman grew up baling hay on a farm. He goes to work, for a boss, in an office. He pines after a hard–working gal. Only when he tears off his shirt does that heroic, ideal inner self come to life. That’s actually a much more adult fantasy than the one Batman’s peddling but it also makes Superman a little harder to sell. He’s much more of a working class superhero.
American writers often say they find it difficult to write Superman. They say he’s too powerful; you can’t give him problems. But Superman is a metaphor. For me, Superman has the same problems we do, but on a Paul Bunyan scale. If Superman walks the dog, he walks it around the asteroid belt because it can fly in space. When Superman’s relatives visit, they come from the 31st century and bring some hellish monster conqueror from the future. But it’s still a story about your relatives visiting." -Grant Morrison

I'm pretty sure Snyder said that most of the cut scenes were Clark's flashbacks.

Would you like to see more Superhobo?


>Superman is boring as fuck
Thanks for injecting some life into a stale, lackluster character, Snyder.

>implying I don't read comics
Yes I do

Nightwing 141

Nice reverse image searching, kiddo.

user, just because you don't read comics doesn't mean other people don't.

Would seeing screenshots of the comics I have on my hard drive make you feel better?

The more this movie is shilled here the less interest I have in seeing it.

Sweet comeback.


nice. posting the most hackneyed shit in the superman canon
these movies are completely valid superman stories

yeah, sure.

with fucking way less cuts throughout the movie yeah i'd be interested in that

MOS was a chore to sit through and this one looks even worse, the fact it's being spammed over and over and over makes me not want to even bother torrenting.
