Why does this board so obsessed with jews? IT's supposed to be a movie board, not a fucking conspiracy believers club...

Why does this board so obsessed with jews? IT's supposed to be a movie board, not a fucking conspiracy believers club. Can't you just put aside the politics, stop seeing agenda everywhere and enjoy the cinema?

it happens when Sup Forums leaks

Jew is just a word we use instead of the real one.

You sound new. Welcome to Sup Forums.

Its a fucking meme.

People, and by that I mean edgy teenagers, post that shit because its so taboo normally. They know they can get away with it here because they are anonymous.

Now its just part of the furniture. Only a few of them are serious, so just ignore it. As soon as you argue against it, you'll be set upon for not getting the joke.

>he thinks we mean Jewish people when we say jew

This nigger knows
what's up

speak your complaints into a man's penis

jew is code for something else

More like obsessed with niggers

2 years on the boards and never knew this

>not knowing about the jews

J.E.W. is our secret way of calling our real masters.


Once you learn the truth, your life will never be the same.

Ever notice the demographics of Hollywood?


Really? I'm surprised. But maybe it's better for you this way. It means you're not in danger.

with Jews you lose

>racist fucks keep jews from having good jobs
>they create the movie industry because of it
>f-fucking jews are taking over my hollywood!!

you almost had them, Paul

>it's a fucking meme

They didn't create the movie industry. Your understanding of history is as painful as your naivete.

Your butthurt is as painful as a 0/10 given to you by Abatap.

>yes goy, stop talking about the jews! There are loving, well-meaning people that are only on Hollywood to make movies for your entertainment! Now go watch Independence Day with yout wife's son, it's absolutely not a waste of 10 bucks!

Your references are as disgusting as your uncircumcised dick.

Cry more

That's what just what a butthurt hater like you actually believes.

You're just butthurt

You're not worthy of my blue NeyNey fleshlight.