How bad is this going to be?

How bad is this going to be?

Be honest now.

Other urls found in this thread:

not gonna watch it, come the fuck at me


3 maybe a 4. 10/10 for sjws and feminists.

On par with Jurassic World. It's the same kind of deal, cashing in on an old franchise.


I thought Kristen was better than this desu.

I won't even torrent it. Not even YIFY rip.

>feminist critics trying to make excuses for a cash grab 'soft reboot'

Cashing nostalgia with no survivors.

holy hit you're right. i didn't thought about that. That will cause more laughter than their movie.

maybe in a couple years when they screen it at the dollar theater

omg i love bane posting! do more! call me a hothead UUUU

Better than the original.

Was getting mad part of your plan?

I thought people liked Jurassic World though


fuck this movie

hope it burns like hell and destroys some careers

It's going to be bad. I can't wait. I'm not even going to watch it. The media shitstorm will be 1000X more entertaining.

Leslie Jones seems really, really dumb.


She and Chris Pine could be twins

It's going to be really unfunny crap.

Critics will pan it.

It will be terrible but it will probably be a financial and critical success unfortunately.

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
Who the actual fuck

Jurassic World was acceptable because everyone was expecting it to be bad but it was just bland family entertainment.

The toys hitting clearance two weeks before the movie even comes out has been a riot.

The hospital, they were filming nearby and were like "wanna come in and take some photos with dying patients?"

'pixels' bad.
women don't go to the theaters alone.
They only ever go with a date, and men aren't going to see this sexist movie.

It's gonna be great.

I go by myself all the time.

>on Sup Forums
>Thinks you're a relevant statistic.
>Thinks exceptions to the rule invalidates the rule.

both the hospital and the marketing team should be blamed.

It was a stupid decision all around.


Wiig's smile just screams 'I was the only one who was against this and it's going to backfire terribly'

It will be mediocre. But it will be reviewed too highly by critics and reviewed too harshly by fanboys. It won't be an utter flop but won't make much money.

This is a standard mediocre remake from the looks of it and deserves neither the weird loyalty from bloggers nor the hate it gets on Sup Forums. It'll be a movie neither better nor worse than any other not-so-great movie.

Some of the jokes I've seen for the trailers and TV spots are just shit Scary Movie tier, you might aswell play it off as a movie parody.

Every time I go Walmart I see the same set of Abby and Erin figures. The classic Ghostbusters toys have sold out and been restocked, I saw all four of them the other day. Too bad Egon and Ray look like shit.

I don't understand why you'd go to a ward of children as characters from a movie which wouldn't even be out for another year and a half. I mean who the fuck booked that?

kek, this is the impression I get from her during interviews too. Like she knows the movie is no good and is trying not to seem like she supports it too much



See apparently they just happened to be nearby. Still, I would personally had felt pretty awkward about doing that kind of photo op if the kids didn't specifically ask for me. Just don't seem right

It will be absolute garbage and when it flops and gets shit reviews Sup Forums will adore it, shill it for a year, then move on to the next shit movie.

If it doesn't end up on IMDb's 100 Lowest Rated Movies, then it didn't get honest ratings.


Is there more of this? Any more book leaks? This is awful.


i feel like only guys can do this sort of thing. john boyega seems like a really cool guy.

>''smash the patriarchy''


Actually the ooga booga did it right.
Kids were happy to see him.

These bitches though...
You know what? I'm gonna watch the movie, I'm not gonna pay for it ofcourse. I'm gonna download the first bullshit camrip that goes online, (which is me doing it a favor because watching their ugly faces on HD, makes the movie even shittier) so I can honestly hate-rate it.

It will be like a long SNL skit, and we all know how funny that is these days. It end up feeling like a parody of the Ghostbusters, which no one really wants. I think the following weekend of it's release, the Star Trek and Ice Age movies will kill it in the box office.

Literally a gorilla.

Mysoginistic rapist detected

>Robinson also criticized the film for apparently ignoring "Latina, Asian and Indigenous women"

Ok, we need to remake this. 15 Ghoustbusters teams of 4 with a woman from every city, ethnicity, tribe and creed around the world.

It has three sequels and everyone gets fatter with each one, so that we can represent every bodytype.

The difference is that Jurassic world marketed itself as more of the old.

This is marketing itself as something to replace the old.

I love the narrative caption and larger image its glued to normally, but this cropped picture alone succinctly describes the pain

>Sup Forums thinks this matters

Thank you for posting quality

This. Jurassic World was a good intentioned sequel aimed at fans of the original that just happened to be not very good. Ghostbusters is deliberately aimed to piss off and alienate existing Ghostbusters in hopes of replacing them with the (apparent) hundreds of millions of girls who really like Ghostbusters but hated the first two movies because of men.

Their marketing indicates that they're trying to murder the old and turn up to the funeral wearing its skin.

why would we need book leaks when that guy from reddit already fucking told us everything?

>more of the old
>raptors running with motorcycles

I love reddit.
They're always right about nearly everything.

There's been a lot of re-shoots since then. I'm pretty sure the dance scene got cut.

People liked the raptors fucking people up.

They got more raptors fucking people up

>same thing you liked before
>only slightly different

Seriously watch this. I know you hate Max Landis but he's talking truth here.

Ghostbusters seems to be the exact opposite of deadpool.

One was made to satisfy its fan base by staying true to the original concept.

The other made to screw over the existing fan base because Sony decided that Ghost busters is for women only now. Then, they make a mockery of the original concept.

I have to imagine it's the result of some female executive at Sony. Trying for years to get the old Ghostbusters to do a movie but Murray refused, Aakroyd is insane, and Ramis goes and dies on you. So you come up with the great idea; "I'll show those fucking MEN. If they won't make a new Ghostbusters then I'll destroy everything about it!"

I've watched this before, Landis makes some great points.

W-we're t-totally not pandering, guys!

>take that fans of the old Ghostbusters movies and cartoon.

Give me a TL;DR.

I'm giving shekels to nobody.

Jurassic Park was at least a fun blockbuster even if it was retarded, and didn't have a political agenda.

This is Max's other great point in this video. WATCH THIS!

Max ethers Ghostbusters

Fantastic Four (2015) levels of bad

This film fucking fails hard on the diversity bandwagon. I really can't tell who's who, other than the obvious, since they're not even female versions of the original characters, but only based on their races.

Stop shilling your videos Max. Just type your opinions into a post like a normal person

>Ignoring the disabled and otherkin

Don't watch it. Don't even go to the movie theaters. If you pay money to see this garbage, they fucking win. It's obvious they are doing this for the rage factor and the tumblr factor.



the dance scene has actually been cut from the movie.

kind of fitting, since it's one of the few ideas Feig pitched day one.

This - they've definitely been trying to push this so that everyone 'has to go' to have an opinion.

are any of these sluts' other movies worth watching or should I go into Ghostbusters blind when it leaks later in the year?

Not even ISIS would bomb a movie theater playing this shit. They don't do mercy kills.

Historically bad. This will end the reboot/sequel era of Hollywood.

Now that more trailers come out it just looks normal bad and not offensively shit on every level like it did at first.
Tell you what though, making the hatred of it into some sort of feminist issue is genius by whoever came up with it.

>the dance scene has actually been cut from the movie.
There goes the greatest webm since Emo Spidey 3

>This will end the reboot/sequel era of Hollywood.
We wish

At least if it works it can't work again. If they try to make a new movie nobody will show up because they already saw how bad it is. Even a chimp gets bored with throwing shit at a wall.

It sickens me when I hear people saying "I'll see it anyway, I'm a Ghostbusters fan." Just, no. No. You do not have to see this trash.

If only I could believe this was true.

I swear, man, this poster is the only tasteful thing about this film.

Honestly the face in the corner doing a snarl like she just took a jagged shit kind of ruins it.

Wow Landis was excellent here

I have a feeling that it won't be as bad as Sup Forums in general thinks it will be having seen and sort of liked Spy. But that doesn't mean that I support it or am going to see it. Hell, I'm done with shit like this on principle, Robocop remake was the last straw.

>opening weekend is only estimated to make $40 million
>total box office domestic is expected to only be $130 million
It's gonna be another Amy Pascal 'The Rascal' Sony Pictures disaster.

Do you really snarl after taking a big dump?

Watch and learn how bad really Ghostbusters is.

Fantastic Four (2015) suffered from the same issue as Snyder's BvS with the company demanding Josh to cut it down.

There was at least an extra 20 minutes with tons of more action during the final fight scene but all this was cut out.

I have no idea why you people blame Josh Trank for the movie being a mess.

This B Roll footage shows some scenes that got cut:

>internet shitstorm repurposed into a feminist campaign
I have a feeling it'll do quite well