Am I the only one who loves this movie?

Am I the only one who loves this movie?

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No I was a faggy ten year old loser who was obsessed with Command & Conquer too.

It's vicious anti-slav propaganda.

Yeah but it's still a good action movie and this guy is cool.

Best ejection sequence in movie history.

Straight up copied for GTA 4, and they also stole part of this movie for COD:MW

that guy was supposed to be a cool and calculated badass sniper but he lost his patience and got outfoxed by fucking Owen Wilson. worst part of the movie besides the Coke scene.

But the Coke scene was comfy as fuck.

It's one of those movies I saw once when I was 7 or 8 and is ingrained in my head. It's not even that great but I like it a lot too

i wanted the serbian guy to blow off wilsons head throughout the whole thing, pretty annoying movie.

10/10 movie the minefield scene is intense

Literally how it is done.

No one directs like this anymore

I liked it better when it was called Clear and Present Danger


Speaking of direction, this was cool too.

Forgot first part.

Greatest bullet time ever?

I guess so, because it doesn't look anything like the Matrix cliche's of the time. It stands on it's own really well

Too bad they had retarded missiles and flares.

Probably my fav Owen Wilson movie, sad he never did more action movies.

I loved it too

Yes this is true, but the movie was made by a sfx guy so whatever.

Also the soundtrack is elite.

The flares are ok, the missiles that had unlimited fuel and fire shotgun rounds? Naah

>showing how a jet is slowly destroyed while it is damaged instead of it just exploding in 1 second
Why did movies decide to lose realism and style?



>What are ball bearings

Other then those pet peeves i can enjoy the movie without delving deeper into dislike, i know alot of people dislike it for its "slavs are bad" type shit but as a slav i dont care.

Wow even without the sound this is some real intense filmmaking. The camera work too is genius. Not shaky whilst the cuts are perfectly timed so we can see everything happening at the intense fast pace

The idea behind showing that missile in a movie is legit but it doesn't fire like a fucking shotgun

They exist just not like that..

They killed harvey specter the bastards