Eternal /got/ general

Naughty Cat edition.


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5th for episode 10 was pleb bait

If you liked it you should kill yourself

There's already a thread you faggots

Don't start thread wars during offseason


Honestly, why did you make this thread when we were at 200 posts?

5th for Alfie, Conleth and John.

Promise me, Willas

how many horcruxes does the night king have?

*fish noises*

I was in the previous previous thread and lost track of time. Sorry :(

So will he appear in Oldtown?

Throughout season 6, I must've seen about 15 posts or comments complaining about the stalling of Jaime's character progression. In the books, he learns humility when he travels with Brienne and loses his hand, and then begins to hate Cersei after he gets back to King's Landing. I think season 3 nailed the first half (that bath scene though), but his "oi m8 i'll kill evry one of you if i get to bang sursee" speech was a bit of a kick in the bollocks for the second. Many people were (quite rightly) angry at the fact they decided to toss final-form Jaime out the window and instead stick with the weird half-developed character from season 3-4 seemingly forever.
Well, after last episode, I'm 97% sure that they didn't cut his book character, they merely postponed it. I've only read the books once (I know don't kill me) but IIRC a turning point is when Tyrion tells Jaime about all the people she's slept with during his escape. This is a scene that never happens in the show, but I think the final push for Jaime in the show are her actions in episode 10. She killed half the cast and caused Tommen to kill himself, their final child. And then she immediately dances on his grave by seizing the throne for herself. As of last sunday, I think show Jaime feels the same way book Jaime does about Cersei.

I believe GRRM wrote until book 3 hints they'd be a future couple, but gave up on the idea.

Jon will end up alone, with Val or with Dany and Sansa both (political marriage).

>Willas will never appear on the show
For some reason I like the character


is bran going to have to have that arm amputated?

Summer's death was a travesty and we will never forget.

Possibly, they still have the opportunity to cram in some magical intrigue from the books with Sam in the citadel next season. However I'm pretty sure the faceless man in the citadel was working for Euron.

You couldn't cut butter with that dagger.
They really need to step their game up.

How you said that when the last book was all about Jon's obsession with Arya? That was literally the reason why he got murdered.


God, I hope not. Bad enough his legs are dead weight. Living will be impossible with one arm and no legs. Might as well let Night's King turn him wight.

My queen

They're not Romero zombies, they're not contagious from contact.

Calling it, Petyr will start making plays next season, Jon won't trust him, he'll go to Sansa asking for advice about Littlefinger since she's the one who has insight into him, Sansa will be happy Jon actually came to her for shit and trusts her, she'll come up with a plan, Jon will listen and do as she says and they'll work together to stop Littlefinger.

What's with costume designers these days and overuse of leather straps.

Cousin Willas



im talking about his mark which makes him a human tracking device for the nightking to come track him down wherever he goes and give him an assraping


*tower noises*

does anyone have a link to the interview with D&D where they say stannis would be a bad king and renly is loved and would be great? It is from like season 2 or so



>about his mark which makes him a human tracking device

Is that ever actually stated? The king just connected with him and used his psychic NSA hacking skills to locate them as far as I'm aware.

The 'mark' just looked like frostbite from the brief period of 'physical' contact.

Bran would probably like that.

I rejoice at your return, Branposter. The thread has been poorer for your absence.

John looks confused in every photo.

>Nutella is mad because of Smirkfu's woeful fate
>falls into the Rage of The Warrior and breaks free of the fetters
>beats the Mountain violently with the Book of the Father till he turns into a pile of forcemeat
>imposes the punishment of the Mother upon Cersei so she won't be able to drink wine ever again
>goes to the Young Rose's place of death to mourn her in prayer
>suddenly has a divine afflatus
>resurrects Lady Stonesmirk with the power of The Seven by sacrificing herself
>becomes Nutella the Shadow and haunts her sweet little queen during bath time

name a deus ex machina plot device stupider than this one

Is Bronn going to get the Bad Pussy?

Can someone post the story about Conleth Hill stopping his cast members from saving a drowning child

He's shy.

Who rules the Twins next season? Some girl? Big Walder?

Nikolaj looks like an awkward dad in that picture.

What s7 arc are you most hyped for?


why are oberyns pants about to fall off of him

47th for the Queen of Love and Beauty

>Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding!

I'm honestly hoping either Dorn or the Reach backstabs Dany, or the Ironborn somehow get more reinforcements from other countries, or ally with the North or the Lannisters. I just can't see them being a legitimate threat alone, even with magical god powers and valyrian armor.

how are the dragons in any way a deus ex machina

>thought alfie's arm was maisie's foot for a second



Yes, in the scene with the 3ER.

Hey /got/, how mad will you be if Dany's destiny in the books is to be Jon's Nissa Nissa? Like all her story leading her to that single moment when she gives her life to Bring the Light.

Think with me, the only way for us to care for Nissa Nissa's death is if she's a well know character. And whose death will we care about the most?

Is Jon just going to leave his fellow brothers of the Night's Watch hanging when the Walkers attack? Is he even planning to fight for independence and avenge his family? Also, why did the Vale decide to ally with a bastard of Stark claiming to be the King in the North? How does it benefit them? They outnumber the Free Folk and the Northern houses probably 1-10, if not more.

Its heavily implied, 3ER looks at his mark and tells him that NK knows where he is now

If the last Targaryen dies to Bring the Dawn, I'll consider it a worthy end for the character and the lineage.

I was just about to post this, yeah, even more so than Charles, it's great.

Because our Queen is hugging him.

I think it's all set up for a horrific tactical failure on Dany's part while Euron has an incredible tactical victory. If he has an array of ballistae and shoots one dragon down, he can force the other dragons to stay out of range, protecting his own ships.

In the show he'll probably die at the end of the battle after clearing out most of Dany's fleet, in the books he might have a bigger fate in store.

Because he still sees her as his little sister. The original plan was for her to go to the NW, and for them to bond further than that. When he departed from that road and gave up on aging Arya, she stays as a little sister to Jon.

Do you think Breera is endgame?

>Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding!
>Tyrion shot Tywin
>Ramsay stabbed Roose
>Arya bakes Black Walder/Lothar and slits Walder's throat

Dany suddenly being fireproof without magic

Reminder Brann's storyline serves no purpose at all.

Hope so. Bran lost his legs, his home, his family, and Summer. He deserves some happiness.

Realistically, ballistae aren't accurate or mobile enough to counter flying creatures as fast as dragons unless the dragon's riders are idiots and fly directly at them at low altitude.

Mind you, seeing them hover in the air to burn ships rather than make strafing passes kinda implies they are that stupid I suppose....

I just had a chat about Season 6 with my bookfag friend and he was incredibly disappointed about ep. 10 because of the plotlines just abruptly ending.

Reminder that Dragons aren't invincible

You dumb.

what happened to euron eye in books?

why are d&d so shit at writing all of the plots that have anything to do with magical stuff?

Show will make Ghost the Nissa Nissa

It's been done before

>interrogation marks



Jon Sucks

There's more evidence for Dany being Azor Ahai than Jon being it.

>sam is dating gilly irl
what the fuck

I think it would be really fitting dany is a better savior than ruler, and it would explain her immunity to fire if she had the flames of THE LORD OF LIGHT in her the entire time.

Does that mean if Jon decides to be named Jon Stark that House Stark will become the new Royalty?

House Stark of King's Landing (if it's still there or rebuilt) and House Stark of Winterfell.

Winterfell could become a cadet branch or each generation's heir could be considered Prince of Winterfell like the Targs did with Dragonstone.

explain how this random bit of magic thats never been hinted at or alluded to before but was only used for plot convenience beause d&d couldnt think of any other way to get bran out of the cave isnt completely stupid or a deus ex machina

i'll wait

deepest lore

>unless the dragon's riders are idiots


I have something to confess.

I am in love with Alfie Allen.

It began when I first started watching Game of Thrones back in 2011 when it originally aired. I enjoy the programme a lot, it seemed to capture the essence of the books and most of the characters were well casted. We won't get into what it has turned into, I liked it at the time. I noticed Theon didn't look like he did in the Books, I thought he looked quite odd. As the season went on I realised how good an actor this young man is.

Something changed, I saw him stand beside Robb Stark and then witnessed the pure emotion he displayed as Ramsay's captive. Seeing his little face as Reek warmed my heart and filled me with a burning desire to rescue him. I no longer see the odd face, weak beard and greasy hair. I see a true beauty, a beauty that emenates from his most deepest being.

He is the reason I continue watching this show, I am filled with pure glee every second he is on screen and I never want the scene to end. I feel both joy and sorrow: joy because he exists in all his deep brilliance and sorrow because I realise this straight London lad, the son of the abrasive Keith Allen, will never be mine.

It feels good to finally express it. I thank you for sharing this moment with me.
It seems to have some abstract purpose or meaning in Aeron's hallucinations, he calls it a "blood eye"

Kinvara pls

Jon's a Targeryan and he will find out.

Reminder people in King's Landing are starving to death right now.

They didnt end abruptly. But the buildup was so boring and seemingly nonsensical that you didnt realize it was buildup

My interpretation of that was that he's just recognising that Bran made physical contact with the king.

Just looks like frostbite to me. Unless they're planning to have something significant happen as he tries to get rid of 'the mark', I can't see why they'd saddle him with a magical GPS tracker.

If he isn't being tracked, how aren't they up to their ears in white walkers? When Benjen finds them, it seems more like the wights are searching for them the old fashioned way.

>Faceless assassins
>No subterfuge throughout their entire arc

The waif got killed offscreen after Arya was walking around the town without a care in the world. What the fuck was that about?

Dragons were wiped out to extinction. I don't get why people act like 3 dragons is an unstoppable force

Cute to bee honest