Fucking faggots

Sup Forums sucks right now because there's nothing on.

So post underrated current TV shows that you wished more people watched.

Shows you know Sup Forums would like and could have threads about.

If you want to get our attention, post a good youtube clip and/or a pic of a qt

Other urls found in this thread:


Youre the Worst
watch it you fags.

It's everything that LOVE tried to be and failed.

Man in the High Castle,
Life On Mars,
Ashes to Ashes,
Big Love,

>some of my top shows

The Gavin McInnes Show
East Side Dave
anything on the Anthony Cumia network

just torrent everything desu

Workaholics used to be solid

It's hit or miss nowadays



Season 1 and 2 are on Amazon Prime. Get on it, gay boys.

who is this mattress enchantress



best part of Tomorrowland, but the movie was ruined by Lindelof's shit writing

post more of her body of work

>So post underrated current TV shows that you wished more people watched.

The expanse is probably the best sci fi show in the last 20 years and hardly anyone watches it sadly. Also its CGI animation is top natch


what a feisty little actress

is this waifu

I'll watch it.
I need some good spaceship shows.

All these space sim games coming out and flight sticks and shit. Star Citizen and No Man's Sky and shit like that.


You shit asses better not be sleeping on Nathan For You and Fargo

she looks quite young

she looks quite jewish

>People ITT being this new to have missed raffraffposting

Too young

it's the only reason this thread is still up though

with that said


New BBC show called thirteen is really great

>titles thread "fucking faggots"
>posts image of young girl watching TV

Yea yea fuck off

more pics of faggots pls

Xavier: Renegade Angel
are both underrated shows imo

more like JUST RIGHT

Who is this funny bunny?

is this love? is this love I'm feeling?

I have all four seasons of Banshee and the three seasons thus far of Black Sails ready to go, but I've decided to watch Ray Donovan first

Usually, I don't like to start watching series when they're ongoing, but I'll make a few exceptions


Raffey a cute :3

she's delightful
go watch Tomorrowland

also did a really good short film with Lysa Tully

molly moon is a pretty good movie though desu

more cute

>Ashes to Ashes
Nathan for You is the best fucking show



Damn it! Sup Forums

I bought the blue-ray of Tomorrowland™ only for the little robot girl.

about to turn 14, just the right age

I really lile her accent and the dress in the beginning of the movie.

She looks so cute... A CUTE

you chose wisely

correct user is correct

Post THE dress.... THE DRESS!

blacked and culturally enriched when?

i wanted to steal it but security was too tight unfortunately.



i want the girl who first admits it tastes like shit to piss in my mouth.


I understand burqas now

Her accent is so cute and finest.

Too bad,.Sup Forums has mute webms


good casting on that kid he looks like George Clooney



I laughed so much when coppercab was on the show

Clooney was fat as a kid.

Google it

i wasn't being sarcastic i think they look a lot alike.

You have the webm when the kid saw her for the first time?

O-okay..... Y-you too.

>East Side Dave
Flutesy is so fucking hot with her jew nose and enormous ass.

Fortunately, she's old enough

my webms are all unorganized, i'll see

Its before that scene.

She walks and get close to him.

I hope you and everybody else has Icaros

It's a program that adds thumbnails to webms

Pushing daisies is the comfiest show in existence


I was just watching Tomorrowland because I have been really depressed lately.

It was saying pretty much what my doctor and counselor was telling me: Stop being negative. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Don't worry about the bad things that could happen tomorrow. Think about today and making tomorrow better.

Meanwhile, I am positive that your thread sucks. But I am trying to turn it around.

reminds me of another great show with Lee Pace

Halt & Catch Fire
It's about the PC industry in Texas in the early 80s. It also comes back for season 3 next month.

I want her and Elizabeth Debicki to fight



>This thread

i dont have it, but i could make it

I know, but i'm trying something new.
This board is stale as fuck

The perfect bruh.

You deserve a medal.


Watching this new AMC show. Part family drama, part crime drama, part foodie drama.

h-how do i keep the lewd thoughts out of my head

There is no way shes 18. Pedofags leave

>Adhering to arbitrary age rules
If she's got her period, nature is telling her to reproduce

>mfw the red pill is growing stronger within me


That isn't the webm

Is when the kid saw her for the first time and Doctor House make a Cameo.

She's 13

wow this girl is really beautiful but I am not attracted to her as I am attracted to girls my age

am I a pedophile? if I say I want to see her when she is 16 or 17 am I a pedo?


uh oh...


>people like this exist


And when she walk to him??

haha crazy question

but like

does she drink blood?

just asking for my friend steven

ha ha steven is such a strange one~

You forgot >MFW

best thread on Sup Forums today


Why dose my chest hurt and feel so heavy? I suddenly want to die

Roger is actually a nice guy.


And for good reasons too and go commit yourself into a psychiatric hospital.

Post the webm of House's Cameo

holy shit I went to that website family watchdog and there are 5 pedophiles around my house!!!! they live 5 to 15 minutes away