Things Plebs Say

ITT: Things plebs say

>literally nothing happens

Other urls found in this thread: Things plebs say >literally nothing happens/

>i make the same thread over and over again


>at least im not as gay as OP

>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn,Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed

>BvS is bad

>BvS is bad

we know it's you OP, you posted that before

>BvS is good

spot on
I would add stalker to the second meme arrow point though

>People who repost tired copypasta on a repost thread unironically

The op can't bump their own threads Things plebs say >literally nothing happens/

10/10 would pet

jesus christ, the shame



now do this for all the other threads that get posted over and over


I once heard a friend of mine say: "Wow, Now You See Me was really good. I think it will win an oscar."


literally a newfag

Did they make it so you can bump your own thread now?

Pretty sure you're confused. i've never known OPs not being able to bump their own threads. if you're the only IP in the thread then it won't bump though,