Ghostbusters already won

>ToysRus is sold out of ghostbuster toys
>Mall is sold out as well
>Fucking walmart is sold out as well
>Some small comic store manages to have a FEW toys of the black dude
Face it. They Columbia Pictures already won. It doesn't matter to the studio if the movie flops or not because they're already making a killing from toys.
Those ghostbuster hate threads were slightly amusing to browse but now they just seem pathetic. Everyone hates on the ACTRESSES for the GENDER SWAP instead of Columbia Pictures, the ones who PRODUCED the movie and making the big bucks from the toys. This pisses me off because the studio is not getting called out for making a shitty film and will most likely produce another shitty sequel with the hopes of SELLING more TOYS.
If you're wondering why i was buying toys, it was for my 5 year old nephew.

Other urls found in this thread:

this its all about FACE HEIGHT FRAME

OP you're full of shit.

Literally stuffed on the shelves of my local Targets, Walmarts and TRU

Nope. I just got back home a few hours ago from shopping. Posting a single picture doesn't prove me wrong. Believe me or not, what i said was true.

>Buying them for my 5 year old nephew
>implying any 5 year old boy would want fake Ghostbusters figures

I choose not.

Prove it. Show empty shelves with item names. I provided proof on my part. Now it's your turn.

That's fine with me

>Implying you can't just clear out a shelf, take a picture and put shit back.


OP's gift is the kind you take and say "yeah, ok, that's cool" and then set it aside awkwardly never to be opened

I don't have the "audacity" to take pictures of empty shelves.

Ugh, facts are a tool of the patriarchy. Please fuck off shitlord.

Maybe it's just your town OP, seems fitting that it's full of cucks considering we know at least one lives there.

How Can Facts Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real.

Those trips are real.

>Some small comic store manages to have a FEW toys of the black dude
>the black dude

Nice source there, user. You fag.

Oh mama

Posted two more pictures than you. That kind of fucks your case.

reminder game of thrones writers support this movie

OP confirmed shitty Troll.
Go ahead, check Walmart online and Toysrus online, they're all there for pickup and delivery.
shitty troll is shitty

Full of shit, OP. I'm a avid toyfag and all the stores can't get rid of the girl ones. The REAL Ghostbusters shelf warm too but not as bad.

It's boys who play with action figures, lol. You really think they want to play with a bunch of girls from a crummy movie that hasn't even been released?

>Bothering to put the shit back


Go get her, Ray

>It's boys who play with action figures
Action figures are just dolls.

>it was for my 5 year old nephew
Would've been funnier if you said it was for your wife's son.

I agree, they have already won. Even if the movie bombs, they've managed to mitigate their losses due to all the e-drama they've stirred up and thanks to all the idiots who took the bait. Expect this tactic to be used more in the future.

It make YOU look like AN IDIOT if you CAPITALIZE words in no PARTICULAR order to TRY and MAKE a POINT!!!!1111

Also you're full of shit, stores can't even give them away, and absolutely nobody is going to see this movie other than blue haired landwhales and their hopeless beta orbiters
Overall pretty shitty b8

white males BTFO

Yeah, poor beta orbiters, lets just stand around cinema and try to save them, buy them a hooker or something, poor guys just need to smell some pussy...

>>ToysRus is sold out of ghostbuster toys
>>Mall is sold out as well
>>Fucking walmart is sold out as well

Yeah, nice lies faggot.

No they aren't you fucking piece of shit. Barbie's are dolls, GI Joe are action figures. If you can't handle that I can headbutt the cum outta your ass bitch.

I hope this movie gonna flop just to show feminazis that they cant just barge in like they own the place, cant wait to see their tears and blame myzogeny because it failed. Gonna be good!

pretty good bait thread so far, appreciated

Cool story bro!

Yeh all my sons friends at school were talking about the movie, about how excited they were! Oh wait no they didn't, fuck this piece of shite.

Absolutely lying.

The toys have barely even made a dent in sales numbers. Want to know how I know this? I manage stock ordering for a couple of large chain stores. We were forced to order a fuckload by the retarded as hell directors, and now it's not moving. At all.

Will it reach one million?

>Even if the movie bombs, they've managed to mitigate their losses due to all the e-drama they've stirred up and thanks to all the idiots who took the bait. Expect this tactic to be used more in the future.
>Millennials in 2016 legitimately believe their angst and drama is somehow quantifiable with real dollars.

I work at a target and from what I have seen. The Ghostbusters stuff isn't selling. I've seen a few people buy some but it was stuff from the old movie like the stay puft marshmallow and Gozer.

Yes, because two pictures and several people reporting having saying this (both on Sup Forums and /toy/) is irrelevent anecdotic evidence compared to te big bag of nothing you are giving us.

Except for the part where very few people hate the gender swap and cast alone. All the htred has been directed towards the direction, the production and the marketing.

I wonder if the desperate shill gets paid per post or by the hour.

We get paid per shilling post that gets dubs.
You pretty much just stole my monthly paycheck with your trips.
Thanks, dick, now I'll have to sell drugs, my kidney, put on a wig and a skirt and go to the red light district to feed my family and it's all your fault.

Dolls are more or less immobile pieces of plastic that look pretty. A glorified shelf ornament. Action figures have high articulation and "action features" for play value.


Sup Sony

The useful idiots didn't realise they were being taken for a ride this whole time. They used the women as outrage bait for free publicity then rake in the cash from SJWs and merchandise sale. After all, every single girl's parents are gonna want to fight back against the sexist neckbeards by buying the latest ghostbuster merchandise to prove that a girl can be anything.

and these idiots never learned. this is just another sarkeesian except at the corporate level.

CHAD capitalizes random WORDS while YOU work HARD at utlizing proper TYPE CASE.

>it's a retarded autists are guaranteed to fall for OP's bait episode

Bitch didn't go to Target, where it had as many toys as well as E.T. The Extraterrestrial for the Atari

>they've managed to mitigate their losses due to all the e-drama they've stirred up and thanks to all the idiots who took the bait
How the fuck does that mitigate their losses at all? Unlike previous cases like Anita, this time the ''us womyn'' card has backfired spectacularly, especially since the James Rolfe incident where the mainstream public got a taste of the media's revolting finger pointing and unabashed accusations of sexism.

I can't seem to go anywhere without hearing hype foe the new Ghostbusters. Tons of co-workers talking about seeing this, and I can't even seem to find tickets on Fandango because all the showings that opening weekend are sold out.

Everywhere I go it is wall to wall kids wearing Ghostbuster merchandise and playing with Ghostbusters toys. Recently I heard a bunch of kids talking shit on the old Ghostbusters, and talking about how cool it is that someone like their mom is fighting ghosts.

It's ober, this is going to make cinematic history. Ten years from now people won't even remember the original Ghostbusters.

>then rake in the cash from SJWs and merchandise sale
You mean the non-existant one?

SJWs don't buy anything, and they're the extreme minority. Even Anita, who had backup from tons of people, not just them, only raked in a few thousand dollars. Meanwhile Sony has a 150 million dollar budget movie that they themselves admitted will most certainly flop and only make 50 in revenue.

Also the merchandise isn't selling at all, in fact it's so bad that it's already on clearance.

>every single girl's parents
Bahahahaha, you really think that demented way of thinking is shared by anyone but the same sjw minority I just mentioned? The fact that Barbie still exists is proof that the mainstream public doesn't give a shit about ''the patriarchy''.


I remember back in the 80s kids went apeshit for The Real Ghostbusters toys and again, everywhere was sold out. I managed to get a Winston figure from Hamleys but it was a while before I managed to get all four.

I remember as a kid it took me over a year to find a Michelangelo figure in stock from the Playmates TMNT line.

The firehouse was the coolest shit.

These toys actually look quite well sculpted

Heh, how much did Sony pay you, bruv?

this. my favourite was Egon since almost every kid's favourite was Peter. still took me about a week to get an Egon and my dad was friends with the store owner

I like this post

Proud to say that my mother gave my daughter the Melissa McCarthy Ghostbusters toy, she pretended to love it and then threw it in the fucking garbage after everyone left.
Granted, her saying "Fuck Grandma" was a bit too far for my taste but I appreciate where it came from. So I only hit her twice.

>Ghostbusters already won
It only wins if YOU go to see it you pleb

This isn't true at all.

/toy/ here. Omg, the one store you hit was sold out! If it was Target, they may have already hit 90%-off, and that's WHY they sold out. In the last week alone, I've seen pegs at over a dozen stores FULL of unsold Girlsbusters. Classic Winton seems to be the one frequently missing at Wal-Mart. That's because there are fewer of him in cases.

You are the only person here who thinks you're not full of shit, OP.

Get fucked, shitlord. If you don't go see this movie you're literally saying you hate women by not supporting their franchises.

I will see if six times just for this post - enjoy knowing you just made Paul Feig even more ticket sales ;). Enjoy being on the wrong side of history.

Well crafted b8 m8


BWAHAHA how the fuck could they fuck up her eyes so badly on this toy? I swear whoever made this did it on purpose


>Still caring about movies and tv-shows made after 2012

You are all a bunch of cucks. There is literally 100 years of movies alredy made, go and watch them and don't give a word about this crap, you retards.

But what is real?

Generation Onision

y-you'll never get my money you fucking liberal feminist beta nu male Jewish kike!


you're just mad because you played with dolls

They're going to see it... Aren't they?

They played themselves.

Aha! It was you all along Sup Forums! You're the one behind the misogynist Ghostbusters scam!


Toys 'R Us worker here. Our store is still quite full on Ghostbusters toys. They are even featured this month in our store, and we still have a ton of them. They aren't selling at all.

>it's a sony marketers post lies on Sup Forums episode

Question for you toyrusanon, why is Toys R Us so shit now?
Went there last week looking for a super soaker for a kids Birthday and the selection was fucking pathetic.
Also the store looks like it hasnt been updated since I was a kid.

ahh yes. well done children, well done. HOWEVER

Well I know at this point we're in the process of switching from summer toys to back to school, so our selection is getting smaller. Even when summer stuff was in full swing, the Super Soakers were still shit, despite having quite a few different ones.

>Edrama is somehow going to re-coup 150million+ dollars

Millenials everyone....

>we're in the process of switching from summer toys to back to school
It aint even July 4th yet, what the fuck?

Yeah I know. That's basically the reaction of everyone I worked with to set that up. I like to think it's to give the kids the grim reminder that they're going back.

>This is an adult.

Are there any hot glue videos already?

This one is one I've been involved with for years because I collect action figures and have since I was a kid. Hasbro and Toybiz have pushed female characters for decades with Marvel Legends and females tend to sell slower/peg warm. Sometimes Social justice warriors create controversy for the sake of controversy. they don't put their money where their mouth is. It's like they complain about it yet have no kids. They don't understand the demand is not huge. I say this as a dad who buys tmnt, marvel, Barbie, and every other toy for my 3 year old daughter. This same arguement/debate came up with star wars and Rae's role being kinda hidden to avoid spoilers. Now Rae is on everything and surprise it's still there about to hit clearance. Ghostbusters reboot has an identity crisis. I don't think many of the female fans they're currently chasing are the type that will go out and buy these for their daughters. Chances are they don't have kids. The ones who would buy these for their kids are most likely the same ones like myself who are being alienated with all the sexist accusations just because I hated the Spider-man reboot by the same executives and the trailers/leaks about the movie make it look awful. The way this movie and the product have been pushed are confusing and an absolute train wreck. This movie has a massive identity crisis and was set up from the start to fail by Amy Pascal and Tom Rothman.

>It's an OP gets btfo episode

I actually can watch this all day.

I'm in the North East and see these warming the pegs of Walmart. The CLASSICS are flying off the shelves. The neon green reboots are sitting there rotting. Mattel even doubled down on their losses by pushing a second section/end cap of these bull. They still sit there.

Clearance express.

Also this:

If your lives weren't so empty you wouldn't care so much about this.

Big question is, why is OP going to kid's shops

This is correct.

SWJ =/= Capital spending.

because /toy/ autism

>tfw saw a fat neckbeard carry TWO Lego sets of the 2016 Ecto-1 out of my local Lego store yesterday.

my life is pretty eventful and honestly if this movie didnt try so hard to justify its attempted rape and then insult me for it, i wouldnt be so eager to see its complete failure in the box office
just gonna laugh when this is finally shat out by the corporations and lands with a complete thud and they stop making paltry abysmal excuses for why its such a complete and shameless ripoff of the original and then lamely try to brush it off as if they werent sitting there defending it with all their pathetic neediness for the past 3 fucking years in PR fucking hell