New opera. What do you think?

New opera. What do you think?

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too many notes

Salieri did nothing wrong, Mozart was a cunt with an annoying laugh

Well, there it is. Very nice.

he drove the man to death, and he blackmailed his wife

Let's see Mozart's opera...

It's a funny little tune, but it yielded some good things.

Not enough notes, Salieri. Just add a few here and there and it'll be perfect.

Look at those subtle harmonies. The tasteful thickness of the orchestration. Oh my God, it even has an octet...

>Salieri did nothing wrong

He couldn't even become the greatest composer of all time. What a clod.

Salieri tried to fight god and lost.

>hurr it was god that made mozart sick xD
Christian's are so stupid.

mediocre at best

That Family Guy reference was based af.


Play CIA

The point was, his goal wasn't to be the best or to kill Mozart. He literally says his goal is to spit in god's face.

He gets sidetracked in an abstract quest, and instead, Mozart dies right after he begins to appreciate him and becomes immortal in his music, where Salieri fades away.

His victory is hollow. If Christfags want to think it's god that did that and not just his own fucked up motivations, let em.

Also, don't pluralize with apostrophes, you cack.

>double space's
Back to Rebbit you go.

Not quite my tempo.

AH! Now that is a challenge (for you)

I actually enjoy Family Guy, it's smart as fuck sometimes.

I'd like to be a pretentious dick about it but honestly I find it funny as all hell.


That is really super.

How'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful?

Yeah, there's literally nothing to dislike. If it had come before Simpsons or even South Park it would be the pop culture touchstone of a generation instead.

South Park is king brah.

Some of the jokes, especially the newer ones, are just ridiculous. Not from a PC standpoint but just from a writing standpoint.

However, then they turn around and literally have some of the funniest, most subtle, intelligent jokes ever:

I will admit though that I've seen a few jokes stolen from the Simpsons though.

South Park can't hold a candle to Simpson's. But they are really different shows, South Park is closer to SNL than a real show. And at the end of the day, half their humor comes from making silly noises.

Wow, what a r-r-r-retarded p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-ost.

Not enough constanze titties in this amadeus thread fampai-tachi.

Theres a reason for that, they weren't that great


Why are germanic settings the best ones for true kino?

Two of these are not like the others. Fuck off, waifu faggot.

Kys and suck my dick fagget

what's this fucking bullshit? it is known that most of the classical composers were of Afrikan descent.

He died without scoring just to be the best composser. He lived a life of celibacy for nill.

When he gets a chance to finally sit and work with Mozart, he can't keep up with the dictation. Salieri waited the entire film to hear the word of God and when he does, he can't handle it.

Instead of him admiting that in his mediocrity that he couldn't take the word of God even if it was given to him, he blames God for taking away Mozart just to spite him.

we wuz motzarts and shit

Eh...soon as Mozart died he already turned on God and with that his vow. It's implied that he got with Katerina. Probably nice guy'd his way into her bed...

Wait holy fuck Salieri was fedora tipping the whole movie...


liar, they were incredible

The thing is, Salieri still had a skill that a lot of people in the film lacked: recognizing genius when he saw it.

The Kappelmeister didn't see it, the Emperor didn't see it, Mozart's wife didn't see it, but he did.

Like eggs nailed to a wall user

you are misremembering, they are full and engorged.

great nips also

Wrong. Small tits that somehow sag AND have huge areolas.

>he can't keep up with the dictation

dude, he couldn't keep up at first cause mozart as you know had everything already in his head and was dictating complex harmonies very fast, after a while salieri got it and kept up the pace perfectly, in fact it's probably his only redeeming scene in the whole movie, cause he showed unselfish admiration for once

quality kek

I rarely find Family Guy funny anymore because ALL their comedy relies on totally unrelated skits.

>like that time when...

That's why I like Cleveland Show and especially American Dad a lot more. They incorporate the jokes much much better, without breaks.

I wish that blonde peasant maid had got her tits out. She was a qt.

Salieri was a mediocre man and did not achieve godhood. Mozart was a genius, no matter how he acted.

Salieri was mediocre but could have been so much better if he wasn't so obsessed with Mozart being way better than him

Mozart represents Reddit while Salieri represents Sup Forums

That's incorrect. Salieri was pretty good but wasn't great. He spent most of his time teaching nobodies rather than work more on his art. He only got obsessed with Mozart by how great he was.
This is also the reason why Mozart didn't want to teach kids. He knew it would be a waste of time. Though, funny enough, he mostly just spent his time drinking and fucking, so who knows if it's all equal.

Its the opposite. Mozart is vile, racist and with delusions of grandeur.

Salieri is hard-working eternal super-cuck.

The problem with Salieri is that of many good technicians. They are very capable of a certain style in their period, but they never break the mold.

Exactly. Though Mozart was an actual genius and started at a young age, which helped a lot.
