/bb/ Big Brother 18

rare pepe edition

>No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill Winner: Vic
Veto: Paulie

HoH noms: Paul & Bronte
Roadkill nom: Tiff

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1st for bridgette

1st for victor

1st for paul

previous thread: reddit tier op maker

Why is paulie pulling the black girls hair out

anything good tonight?

1st for Devin and Bronte

What is Tiff doing?

Bridgette feeding Tiff's paranoia about being on the edge and that the men are the biggest threats that want her gone.

>Veto: Paulie
so bronte is gone?

i hate her face

tiffanessa a poop

tfw no /fit/ gf


are they voting out bronte instead of backdooring vic now?

bronte and bridgette too


me when bronte or vic leaves


Is this how Glenn plans to win the Battle Back?


negrotti is tarded

victor is still being backdoored

"Tiffany you can have your bed back. If James and I sleep together, we won't sleep." -Natalie

>you will never serenade Michelle with Karaoke renditions of Tame Impala

why even live?

Natalie's ass in James' face what a lucky man

Seduce her with chips or cake or something.

show her your reddit karma

>You will never get in a horrific accident and fade away after Bridgette's care while looking into her concerned eyes.

off camera by fuckboi corey


So I'm tuning in a bit late this year. Was Jozea as annoying and clueless on the feeds as in his edit? It's blowing my mind.


yes he really was but it also made the feeds have something fun to tune into even if it was ridiculous

And then some.
It was great to watch on feeds.

imagine if they actually manage the all girls alliance and they all gain 50 lbs

love watching them get fat


frank killing more waifus

Frank swinging Bridgette around and gave pretty good shots of her butt at 6:18 AM EST

which bb girl would give you the best looking offspring when you breed with her?

Bridgette was hyper as fuck tonight. Probably from the ice cream.
She's like a child.

Bridgette or possibly Natalie.

Daughter - Bridgette
Son - Bronte

will victor explode when he's nominated or will he accept his fate?

>3 males evicted in a row
