Did they ever actually explain what this guy's major malfunction was?

Did they ever actually explain what this guy's major malfunction was?

I mean yeah, he was obviously a psychopath, but why? Did Roose diddle him as a kid or something?

he just didn't feel emotions
mentally he was innocent like a child
but he had to be put down like a mad dog

He was ugly so he was butthurt at everyone, much like r9k

That's book Ramsay

he was written terribly he was one step away from being 1960s joker prancing around with clown makeup giggling to himself

he was just doing everything ironically

Toxic masculinity

>Green Dreams of the weirwood net equivalent of Sup Forums

this is what drove Ramsay to madness

Nigger the '66 Joker is the pinnacle of fucking screenwriting compared to fucking GoT Ramsay

not gay or anything but he looks pretty handsome, i mean im no homo but id suck his dick you know what im sayin

Would suck his dick.
But yeah, he was terribly written. He was acted well though, considering how bad the script was and he had shit material to work with.

because he had to call fat walda mum

boy did they beat the "lol dogs that eat people" horse to death

>/s4s/, not even once

In the books he dont have a girlfriend? that girl who fuck with him its only in the show?

In the books he's just your typical edgy brute, psychopathy aside.

He's not the cold, calculating mastermind that the show tried and failed to portray him as.

Oh and yeah that was only in the show

I see and imagine is dad is more cool then the show too

Book Roose is probably a fucking vampire and is implied to be ludicrously evil, although there's no direct proof of it apart form the obvious stuff i.e betraying Roob at the RW

He certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to be outmaneuvered by a retard like Ramsay

>major malfunction

Except he's handsome in the show and even had a qt psycho gf.

I always imagined it was because he knew his father never truly saw him as a Bolton, and his image of a Bolton is a violent murderous Vlad Impaleroonie, so he went all out to impress his dad. Maybe I just completely missed the point but I dunno.

>Bad guys needing reasons for their actions

What show do you think you are watching son?

>stabs dad
>kills his wife and child
>okay man your in charge of the north now!
it's hard to take this show seriously sometimes

ohh cool, and in the books what other weird creatures appear that dont appear in the show?

Oh shit, it's Ash from Vicious.

He was born of rape and raised as a bastard of the Vlad the Impaler of the North so there's that.

His mother wed without fucking roose ( right of the first night ) so roose hung her boyfriend and raped her beneath the swaying corpse.

He would've killed the child but he kept him due to his obvious inhuman appearance.

( boltons descend from whatever was sired by white walkers and human inbreeding )

His malfunction was identity. He strived to rid himself of his bastardness and a true born like theon was something worth stripping his identity away due to his insecurity.

I liked ramsey because he was what jon could've been. Also characters that influence others to lose there identity are normally walking down a dark path.

Ramsey, shee eye aye, bran etc.

>Wed without fucking Roose
Wasn't it they didn't ask his permission, and hence he was denied his technical "Lord's right" and went full mental?

In the books he's an ugly twat that grew up mostly in a shit environment with his mother despising him being forced on her by rape and also a constant reminder of the husband she lost due to Roose murdering him for not letting him have a go at her on their wedding night per a now banned custom. One day Roose decides he'll pick up a bastard because he calculates every scenario(not getting a male heir by marital procreation, also he only married his wife because he would recieve the daughter he chose to marry's weight in silver, thereby selecting the fattest bride).

Ramsey is a dumb, sadistic cunt who loves to feel superior due to his shitty upbringing. He's not smart or attractive. He's just a fucking weird kid who one day found himself in a position of authority.

>( boltons descend from whatever was sired by white walkers and human inbreeding )
Is this theory actually credible?

Hes a white CIS male.

i've not read the books, but if roose was such an edgy vampire why did robb trust him and even keep him around?

Book Roose is probably more evil than his bastard's son, he's just extremely cold and have a calculative mindset, which makes him a fantastic villain.
Show's Roose is another whatever lord who is a cunt but his son is cuntier than him.

boltons are a northern house

>Roose didn't have his guards stab Ramsay to death and throw the corpse to the dogs to fake an accident the second he had another son
>At the very least didn't keep his wife under lock and key until he could send Ramsay somewhere else while staying the fuck away from him
Felt out of character

yes but surely he must know of his reputation and robb is supposed to be a decent guy.

i couldn't imagine jon keeping roose around let alone trusting him if he was king in the north

Coldhands (benjen in the show)

Also lots of characters, but they're just more storylines, not particularly cool/extraordinary

Roose Bolton always kept a low profile on the things he did. There's a dreadful reputation on Bolton's name but that's it.

Roose is told to be a great strategist so Robb needed him.

Cartoon villain

His was a member of a house which was famous for flaying their enemies alive, they even used a flayed man as their house sigil, what did you expect?
It's like you give a child to be raised by Charles Manson and then end up surprised when he ends up fucked up.

Because he was legitimately afraid of him.

So, Robb strongly distrusts Roose and you suggest he leaves him and his army behind in the North?

Roose follows the law and his lord. He kept all his shady shit on the down low, and also has a great deal of respect for discipline and order.

He followed Robb because he was a loyal bannerman, but at the same time the man's an opportunist.

Once he saw that Robb was making dumb decisions, that's when he decided to betray him since clearly this kid was fucking up and would get their army killed. Better to join the winning side.

Yeah Ramsay's just an ugly, dumb psychopath who likes torturing for fun. His saving grace is that he's part of a powerful house, otherwise he'd be killed in a day

>Undead partly decayed Catlyn who has to hold her slit throat closed
>Some old woman whose implied to be immortal
>Shadow cats
>An insane jester that used to live under the sea
>Army of zombie bears
>A based man so fat that his throat can't be slit
>Astopor ends up being ruled by the propped up corpse of a dead butcher slave.
>A teleporting masked woman (but she was technically in season 2 for like an episode)
>Dany's legion of furries.

Some people are just born without the capacity to feel very much empathy for other people. It's just the way his brain is wired.

>Book Roose is probably a fucking vampire and is implied to be ludicrously evil

Roose just has a genetic disorder where he has too much iron in his blood and while he is probably cruel at heart he's rational enough to know that indulging in such desires is counter productive.

"A peaceful land, a quiet people."

Roose is anti-war.

>i've not read the books, but if roose was such an edgy vampire why did robb trust him and even keep him around?

In the books Roose and Robb barely interacted.

Robb was afraid of Roose at Winterfell after he summoned his banners.

Then at the Twins after making the deal with Walder Frey, Robb sent Roose south along the Green Fork to engage Tywin.

The two never met again until the night of the Red Wedding.

So he never really trusted or liked Roose, but he was never around him and otherwise had no reason to act against him because all appearances were that Roose was faithfully executing Robb's orders.

>Is this theory actually credible?

Roose only brought Ramsay to the Dreadfort about a year or so prior to the books starting because his trueborn son died.


Why not? I think it's perfectly credible.

>Roose only brought Ramsay to the Dreadfort about a year or so prior to the books starting because his trueborn son died.

Ramsay was raised in the Dreadfort.

>House Bolton
>Has a man with the skin flayed off of him as its fucking flag
>No one in their right mind trusts the Boltons
>Somehow they stick around and have power

Shit like this is why I can't stand GoT sometimes. So much stupid edgy bullshit. If this was a world actually based on the harsh realities of the middle ages the Boltons wouldn't last a fucking day because no one would trust them.

I am so glad Ramsey is dead. What an utterly stupid subplot.

>calls someone a faggot for quoting Full Metal Jacket
Get your testosterone levels checked you little bitch.

Well hows it any different from the Starks? Such an honorable and naive family should have been blown the fuck out eons ago.

Really there is nothing strange about the Bolton sigil; real-life sigils have been edgy too.

In fact, the Starks have not always been good people. Plenty of them were monsters and aggressive assholes. It's how they conquered the North, after all.

In that same vein, we can speculate that not every Bolton has an a psychopath. In fact Roose's trueborn Son, Domeric, seems like he was a decent and well adjusted young man.

he was the bad guy and when he died it made you happy

The stark honor thing is very recent. Started with Ned because of his being raised by Jon Arryn.

how was politics normal and everyone just lived comfortably their entire lives until the events of the show?

>most powerful houses have managed to survive peacefully for centuries
>somehow almost all of these houses have become extinct or nearly extinct in the span of 5 years
bravo George bravo

Any details about the Starks in power before Ned? Sounds interesting.


>Undead partly decayed Catlyn who has to hold her slit throat closed
>Some old woman whose implied to be immortal
>Shadow cats
>An insane jester that used to live under the sea
>Army of zombie bears
>A based man so fat that his throat can't be slit
>Astopor ends up being ruled by the propped up corpse of a dead butcher slave.
>A teleporting masked woman (but she was technically in season 2 for like an episode)
>Dany's legion of furries.

Why do people think Ramsay is dumb?

Yes, roose was like the vlad of the north. But like a reverse vampire. Instead of drinking blood he leeches blood from himself.

2)Fucked up house
3)Bastard of a fucked up house
4)Product of rape

The Lord's Right of First Night was outlawed years ago, Roose is just a cunt.

>An insane jester that used to live under the sea

This is referring to Book Euron, right?

Reminder the only factual reference to vampires in Asoiaf are vampire bats in A History of Ice and Fire

he's dumb compared to the scheming mastermind the show wanted him to be
not that user, but by "dumb" I think he just means "nothing special"


No, Patchface.
The chubby fool/jester at Stannis' court, that drowned at sea and survived.

All his speach is mind-broken nonsense that starts with "under the see, people (...)"

He's clearly got some Wight or Other blood in him, Roose's general background is pretty mysterious and I guess it goes back to him being the offspring of the Night's King and his Other Bride.

>Domeric Bolton will never take over the Dreadfort and ensure the Bolton legacy continues for another thousand years

feels bad famalan

>jester/fool at Stannis' court
>at Stannis'

How, Stannis doesn't seem like the type to enjoy such things

>D&D giving a character a backstory


It was for his daughter

Plus the jester was supposed to be a present from his parents and the jester was the only survivor of the shipwreck where they were killed

all the great houses except maybe the baratheons have a high chance of continuing in the books

angry manlet syndrome

Wasn't it Roose's servant Reek that turned Ramsay from a troubled youth into a total psychopath?

To all the homos saying he is attractive: He was horribly miscast, a more fitting actor closer to his book version would look more like pic related

>insane jester who lived under the sea

Wasn't he also BFF with Shireen too?

thats because shireen was his daughter and book stannis was a cuck

>implying D&D care about character descriptions when they go to cast

Honestly that'd be pretty karmatic if Stannis burns Shireen but gets no miracle because she had no royal blood.

Of course I know you're jesting.

>House Gardener and House Hoare were btfo during the conquest
>All the former Kings of the Trident gone or vassals now
>Darklyns are gone
>Reynes and Tarbecks btfo
>Toynes in exile
>Big shake-up when a BUNCH of houses lose wealth or exiled for supporting Daemon Blackfyre

You have not read the books

There's supposed to be a whole Dunk & Egg novella about a Stark succession crisis but SOMEONE won't finish the book...

OK Littlefinger

Must read the book. Solely for the undead bear army

"A quiet boy, but most accomplished. He served four years as Lady Dustin’s page, and three in the Vale as a squire to Lord Redfort. He played the high harp, read histories, and rode like the wind. Horses … the boy was mad for horses, Lady Dustin will tell you. Not even Lord Rickard’s daughter could outrace him, and that one was half a horse herself. Redfort said he showed great promise in the lists. A great jouster must be a great horseman first."

Fucking Ramsay

There is no undead bear army. Just a unded bear that accompanies the other undead during their attack on the fist of the first men.

"Roose has no feelings, you see. Those leeches that he loves so well sucked all the passions out of him years ago. He does not love, he does not hate, he does not grieve. This is a game to him, mildly diverting. Some men hunt, some hawk, some tumble dice. Roose plays with men. You and me, these Freys, Lord Manderly, his plump new wife, even his bastard, we are but his playthings."

>All the former Kings of the Trident gone or vassals now

House JUSTman return to primacy when?

So would this boy grew up and realised his father was the personification of evil, would he care?

>teleporting masked woman
>immortal old woman

who are these? I dont remember that stuff

>Why not? I think it's perfectly credible.

It's stupid. Roose is not inhuman - he's just an asshole.

>Ramsay was raised in the Dreadfort.

Not in the books he wasn't which was what the other poster was referring to.

Ramsay was raised at a mill and brought to the Dreadfort slightly before or just after Domeric's death.

When he grew up and came back to the Dreadfort, he got really lonely, heard about Ramsay, and went to find him against Roose's advice...

What the fuck else can you do in North for entertainment besides getting drunk and fucking whores?
I'm sure he was just bored.

>stoopid xD

Try again

Him and Theon are the only ones that look nothing like they should. And Tyrion but all they had to do was give him lighter hair and one black contact.