Will you be ready for when the event happens?

Will you be ready for when the event happens?

what event op?

Will I be witnessed?

No, but my dubs will

They are doing a new movie or dont?

As shown on World War Z with 100% real life accuracy, my country will be the last one standing

Yes. If I survive the nukes, that is. I seriously hope for some big shit to hit the fan. The world in its current state is unbearably boring.

if you want apocaliptic action go to some shitty country?

Can someone post the smug shiny and chrome funny toad meme?

Much obliged

this. you can literally experience what a world with no rules is like. there are lots of places in africa like this. it isnt going to be sunshine and rainbows like the movies and games make it out to be. when the nukes hit, i want to be dead. i dont want to struggle to survive in a barren waste land where everyone is dying a horrible death and all you see everywhere you go is chaos and destruction.


I'll be masturbating in front of my computer, which makes my standard of readiness identical to that of everyone else in this thread and Sup Forums at large.


>Mad Max


ive been preparing for shit to hit the fan since 1996 my friend. i have a glock, revolver, crossbow, remington 700 model and a Benelli Super Black Eagle II with enough ammo for me to shoot 10 bullets out of each of them everyday for 6 months.

i have enough canned food for 5 people for a year (assuming were all eating 3 meals a day), water, walkie talkies with 7 24 packs of AA batteries and 4 24 packs of AAA batteries, 7 first aid kits, 3 dozen packages of matches, a radio, oh and did i forget anything else? oh right. a fully functional bomb sheltered built right underneath my barn that connects to my basement.

i truly believe we will see the end times in our generation. things are just too fucky right now with the world, with isis to let your guard down. keep your friends close, keep your family closer.


the real question is: are the preppers faggots, or are we?

man i could prep all i want once the shit hits the fan for real ill be dead in a week from trying to take control of an area

Tell me about The Humungus

Why does he wear the mask?

Who knows really. Having a supply of food and weapons at your disposal increases your chances.

I hope you've got the right gear, Sup Forums.

Witness these

>Sup Forums
I hope you fuck right off

If I pullt that off will you just walk away?

He's a big guy.

>live in nsw australia
>labor gets voted in
>greens form balance of power with indies
Its fucking happening and i blame pauline hanson!

>Society decays due to a lack of oil
>Bandits drive around in massive convoys while searching for more oil

Seems like a lack of long term thinking to me

>I've spent 20 years investing in a box to shoot myself in when I finally snap and take another life

The world is going to keep on turning. You should probably spend more time outside.


a planetary lack of oil is one thing, using oil for a thousands of car is other i guess

>diesel engines can run on vegetable oil
>petrol engine can be modified to run on alcohol

I will never understand why oil is such a big deal

They do eventually use methane as a fuel source but that's like 15-20 years after the end of civilisation

Given neither vegetable oil or booze were brought up in 1 and 2 they would of been shit out of luck until then


Never thought I'd see The Toecutter in a manga