Simpsons thread

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>Get out bart I'm trying to urinate
>You don't seem to be trying very hard

What was the joke here?

The schoolyards up and the shopping malls down!

Why was season 27 so good?

Bart, Get Out! I'm Piss!

It wasn't.

There have now been far, far more shit episodes of The Simpsons than goo ones.

Nothing else in history has ever been so tarnished.

Futurama is finished and they had to give all the good writers a job.




I sometimes wish I was autistic enough to create pieces of art like thi.

>Bart, get out, I need to use the toilet

That's how the first phrase is intended to be interpreted. Bart took it literally, meaning "I am making an attempt to urinate".




>with gold chain

Simpsons YES

*good vibes with mates
*family fun
*warm nostalgia

Simpsons NO


>Bart: So, any words for the bride and groom?
>Skinner: Not now, Bart! I'm trying to urinate.
>Bart: You don't seem to be trying very hard.

Here's the whole proper sequence. Are you saying he just didn't want to pee in front of Bart and he didn't get that? Because Skinner looks a bit embarrassed after so I thought there was more to it.



These are the betting odds for "Who Shot Mr.Burns"

This is high level Simpsons Arcana being shared with you here.


>no maggie

She was the only one who didn't look away when he asked who is man enough to stop him. If autism was invented back then, one of them would have figured it out.


Maggie is at 70/1 you utter clod

You've made an absolute idiot out of yourself

I am literally loling at you in real life.

You guys should check out TheRealJims on YouTube, I bingewatched his 60 second reviews a while back



Sorry I'm an idiot and really embarrassed.

Still long odds though.

That's Maccie Simpson you idiot.

Fourth from the bottom



How many endearing memes have come from the last 17 years of the show vs the first 10?


>After lunch, can I whip you?


20 years later and I'm still finding out new things about the good episodes.

>not putting a cheeky fiver on Martin

Where is this from?


what the fuck


sweet, sweet can



>Now that's a knife





>bad to the bone


more of these?

Classic 90's simpsons is my jam

>being this underage that you don't know the beatles

>official bootleg

Britbong here, did anyone give a shit about that?

Matt Selman. If he's listed as an executive producer before Al Jean, it's likely to be a good one.

tfw simpsons arent real

>tfw Edna turned into one of my favourite characters the more I watched the series
>tfw she's dead
>tfw I couldn't care because the series has been shit for so long

She always felt pretty real to me. Attractive teacher who feels lost at a dead end and is already getting too old for the home life and family she wanted. May just be because Bart the Lover is such a great episode.

this..the one with Bart writing her fake letters is the best Edna episode imo

there is nothing creepier than creepy simpsons shit

I thought it was a prostate cancer joke.

>I wonder what makes it turn.

What's the left side from?

>It's a The Simpsons meet a bunch of celebrity guest stars for no real good reason episode


>Haven't watch Simpsons in years
>Just found out Edna married Ned Flanders and was killed off.

The fuck? Did they give Ned a third wife to die on him as a running gag after that?

>no real reason
Damn, thats some weak b8 if i've ever seen some

>fucking faggot alert

Edna's voice actress died in real life. They killed off Edna because of that, but they didn't devote a plot or anything to it. It was literally a half-minute scene showing Ned being all sad about his dead wives, then Nelson comes in, laughs, then says "I miss her too".

in the future shows will alter in this manner automatically depending on your location.

More like this

Terminator Genesis you idiot

>he hasn't seen Terminator 2

Why did the fat jokes about homer get more and more ridiculous?

I swear in the first few seasons he even quoted his wait as below 300lbs.

>his wait
fuckin 'ell m8

Thnx, ne good?

Excellent (as are your trips)

What's going on here?




>It's a Homer's mother abandons him again so she can continue living the degenerate life of a hippie episode


I'm not getting the complaints about the newer seasons, I just started watching season 25 and the Treehouse of Horror episode had me in tears.

>its a homer gets cucked episode


From the thumbnail, I thought that was an SS logo on his shirt for a minute...

For this screen I just wish that Classic Simpsons got the 4K treatment

It wasn't, it was fucking shit like every episode since season 13.

>Far out man i havent seen a bong in years


>implying that would be somehow possible

>Official Boootleg

Will you two stop saying gummy?

bart simpson was pretty popular in the black community back in the 90s, so they produced tons of bootleg shirts with him being black