There's literally nothing wrong with letting Italians play Afghanis

There's literally nothing wrong with letting Italians play Afghanis.

Mommy needs cummy

What the fuck is she talking about? Someone stuff a cock down her throat pls

Afgans are inbred retards and they should not be acted by a white persons since it would confuse people thinking that these apes of middle east are human.

What's this airheaded cunt rambling about

I could make this slut feel warm. YEAH MY WARM COCK INSIDE HER ASSHOLE

They hired swarthy Southern Euros to play Afghanis in Whisky Tango Foxtrot and she defended it.

>Middle East

Why is she so hot?

>southern euro's

well she's right

I had a dream I met Tina Fey

I was so depressed when I woke up

- Feminist but not psycho third wave feminist
- Makes fun of everything on every side equally in her shows
- Cute librarian aesthetics
- Scar is cool
- Has a literally perfect ass

jeez dude that's probably a defect from all the chemical weapons we're using out there.

you're the animal

Need pics of her ass, preferably webms, RIGHT FUCKING NOW


I banged a married chick who looked just like er once.
>tries to take her glasses off during sex
>Me: "No."
>Say "GOOD GOD LEMON" When I cum.

Isnt she jewish?

her mother is a Greek immigrant and her father I believe was methodist

She's cute and both 30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt roast SJWs so I'm fine with her.

She's also right about the WTF casting.

Did, that thing grow a JUST haircut on purpose?

They're all shit skins, so what difference did it ever really make?

>There's literally nothing wrong with letting Italians play Afghanis.

They'd pass for Syrians/Turks at least

Actually afghanistan is very diverse because its between india,iran and central asia.

Yeah well they had an Aussie play Thor, and as a Scandinavia I feel offended, we're not even similar. They should use an authentic Scandinavia speaking one of the nordic languages. Even if it would make the film harder to make. Thank you Hollywood for literally killing Norse mythology.

South eastern turks maybe.

>afghans are Caucasians

Is there anything more ignorant than a white rich American woman?

all inbred places full of retards.

Nuke them and nobody would care


Yes, retards like you who don't understand that Afghans are Caucasoid.

>In U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923), the Supreme Court argued that although Asian Indians were technically Caucasian, they couldn't be U.S. citizens because they weren't "white."


those ears

If inbreeding and retardation is that huge a problem we should probably nuke most of the red states.

And this is why you dont take advice from Sup Forums or Sup Forums

She is a member of the"rat people",google it(if you dare).

Are we supposed to believe that other Turks are are of somewhat European origin?

>middle east

Are you american?

>I believe there are about 10,000 rat children in Pakistan controlled by a mafia of beggars who are all over the country.

let's not forget Irish barely count as white too

Either that or it's a vulcan

>Tina Feyllujah
Jesus FUCK

>Americans thinking their great grandfather who was kicked out of Italy makes them Italian

That's what I never got out of the Sopranos.

Bobbity boopy spaghetti ravioli

I didn't watch the second season of Kimmy Schmidt, but the first one was a hell of a lot more SJWy than 30 Rock. Does it get better?

What about Slavs?

Come on

Yes and no. They do have a group of SJWs that they only insult.


tina fey has an annoying face

How come?the presence of Asiatic admixtures in their gene pool is beneath 3%,with the most recent markers being several thousands of years old,plus they statistically have more blondes in their ranks than their Germanic counterparts.

I don't get the Canadian one

It wasn't SJWy, in fact it made fun of them a couple times. It was just full of gays and women. Unless you think that makes it SJWy in which case welcome to the 2010s and can I please see your time machine.

canada is full of asians

>full of
Wrong, unless Vancouver is all of Canada.

thanks for clarifying.