Faces of Sup Forums thread

faces of Sup Forums thread

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Why would you smoke in the shower you fucking retard?

Hey, you were in the last thread

No double dipping fagboi

when they get wet I just light another

Cause he cant have mommy finding out.
She'll kick him out of the basement.


HAHAHA i like it

Good question. I usually only smoke(in the shower) when i'm taking a dump(in the shower). You don't dump in the shower bro?
Even if I know it'll be a hearty solid dump, I do it anyway.

i have failed to become a real human..


Suh, dudes.

iggy pop whjat r u doin

i dig "the lost boys" look, but, are clothes covered in sharp metal studs comfortable? Is this battle garb?

Well the studs are flat on the inside when you close the prongs, so aside from weighing a lot more, you dont notice the feel of studs really when you wear it.

i bought a shitty hotel room with my girlfriend and we got the smoking room for the hell of it. we were just taking it all in

Dude's way too fat to be called Iggy Pop. Not sayin' he's fat, just sayin' Iggy Pop was a goddamn twig.


what is everyone listening to?

"Easy money!"

did you fashion the jacket yourself, or did you purchase it like that? I'm sure you get a lot of looks. Do you walk around looking like that for the looks? I'm not trying to sound any type of way, like I said, I like the look. Just genuinely curious.

heh i like it

rate me. Be critical but caring.

When i acquired it, it was a plain black leather jacket that you could buy anywhere. I put on each individual stud by hand, i did all the painting by hand, etc. The backside is fully covered also.

jesus christ am i the only one that thinks OP is drop dead gorgeous?

idk man. Makes me think of a slim jim more.




not bad not the best, bit of a weird face you coul pull off with confidence and dress

daniel avant?

whatchu got on the back?

eh? C is for cookie. That's good enough for me.

idk if i were gay id totally fuck him in the ass


why do you have bread on your shoulder

Dude everyone keeps fucking saying that. It's a pig jaw. I had the whole skull to put on, but my dog ate it.


cool. lol, at first, I thought that bone was a half eaten slice of bread. The bone makes a little bit more sense though. What did the studs end up costing?

acne scars yeeeee buddy. I'm getting laser treatment so we'll see.

lol, man i typed my post before even looking at yours. I guess everyone really sees the slice of half-eaten bread.

You never had chicken pox, and that's just from acne? How old are you now dude?

That's it, the jaw is coming off.
Studs cost about $50 for 1000, so I'm in it about $150 for the studs.


you could put it on a shelf somewhere

my dog once ate the ending to one of my books, if that makes you feel any better

I'm male on the front


get off the internet

take up watching sports in your socks and day drinking

you're old even in terms of old people

I was born without a face you insensitive fuck.

Nah, books are for nerds. Now post a face pic, homo.

19. It's pretty fucking awful. Tried accutane, but it flared my acne up 5x. Some rare, weird reaction. Most of my scars are from the six months I was on accutane. Most of the scars should flatten and even out and lighten. Still fucking sucks, but laser should improve.

not so bad i guess. I thought they'd be more expensive though.

week or so old

i think op is kill but how old would you guys guess he is?


But you should put something in its place.. Maybe a feather. Maybe fucking not though. I'm sure you could think of something badass

They're usually cheaper but the price has gone up for some reason.

Maybe like a big ol' dildo or something.

jesus man. I feel for you. Never had an acne problem myself, a few chicken pox scars though. That medicine is no joke. I may not have acne scars, but pharma has fucked my life up. Am 28 now.

im 19

I bet you're one of those people who don't take dumps in the shower. I'd bet 5 bucks on it. I'd bet a jawbone on it.

Liar, girls dont exist.

Well then it looks like im gonna be giving you my bone, buddy.

show dick

i have seborrhoeic dermatitis in my face and its way worse than yours

Awww yeah nah yeah.

found the gayest picture of myself

sure did

someone bump

caveman here

ever tried minocyclin?
its an anti biotic you take for a few months but hot damn does it work

Tiiiiiiiiiittttttttsssssssssss. Posssssttt titssss or GTFO!