I have nobody to hug :c

I have nobody to hug :c

Other urls found in this thread:


i'd hug you, user.


probably, sempai.

would you also kiss me? :s

if you're cute

what do you think is cute, user?

kinda short, feminine, and just you know, cute.

would you still hug me? :o

looks pretty cute, take off the blanket or whatever it is.


that's not me rn, i took that like a week ago but it's cold user .-.

EPICCCC :=000000000000000000

omg guys if i post on 4chnans wil i get virus+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

well from what i can see in the image you're pretty cute, where you from?

omg same

saaaaaaaaaaaame epic memes right

guyse it's my first time on EPIC Sup Forums BOARD XD
please Sup Forums nice to me!!!!!!!! HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


omg i love trap porn XD

Just gonna sit here and watch this thread play out.

from Canada

Me too.

ah that's cool, canadian boys have cute accents.


what did he mean by this

even the french ones?

french accents are also cute

I wonder why he won't respond to me.
Maybe I did something wrong.


sad? wanna hug?

you should do a vocaroo or something so we can hear your cute voice

i'm a shy noodle i can't :s

we believe in u user

Just confused.
Thank you user, I'll take you up on it.

Thread is cringe and gay /soc/ is a board better suited for this type of stuff

there's LITERALLY nothing gay about this thread you faggot

You and me both. So what? Nobody cares...

sorry i'm too shy i can't :c
confused about what, user?

post more pics of yourself then?

I was chatting with someone kinda regularly and they haven't responded in a bit.
Worried that I pissed them off in some way or that they are in a less than positive situation.

i was chatting with people before but i got too shy to talk to them .-. don't take it bad if someone stops talking

So early...I could use a hug to wake up...or maybe some coffee.

Hey, another cute Canadian gay young man here what's up little friend.

Hope you are OKAY and WARM it is spoopy cold out there. Cheers from Nanaimo.

What about coffee and a hug?

you two should cuddle

What should the other person left hanging do though?

hai west coast user!

yes i'm warm and comfy thank you^^
how are you?

That sounds absolutely wonderful~

I'm good! Just pounded out a night of Rainbow Six Siege, drank a bunch of tea and coffee- stood up all night. I'm done exams at uni so I have nothing to sleep for, really. Cold as heck here, wet too.

Thanks for asking! I like your cute thing you're doing, pretty CUTE.

idk .-.
H U G ^^
you stayed up all night? what time is it in BC? :o
thank i like sharing cuteness and joy^^

It's 6am! I woke up pretty late in the evening yesterday, on that weird bodyclock time right now.

I think you do a pretty good job, you strike me as a very happy person. I can really dig that.

*hugs back super duper tight*
Aww goodness you are just too cute for this world little nugget~

OK, I'll just wait it out I guess.



Yes hi hello gib hugs

cut your hair, hippie. then you'll be cuddleable.

yeah i know how it is with sleeping hours .-. i used to sleep at like 6am but then by fixing my sleeping schedule i now wake up at 4am and sleep early

i like to be positive c:
i just don't usually stick around for too long and don't talk too much, dunno why
(btw cute operator comics :3)
mmm qt^^
i'm too fragile for the cold so i stay inside and wrap myself in everything!
wanna join in on the burrito? :p
hug eta: now^^

This thread is a nice, small change once it a while. You are doing good in your niceness, user

Do you have an email/steam/skype or something I can get in touch with you on? You seem extremely friendly and I can't pass up a chance to talk to you again, I feel.

I can provide mine instead if you are nervous.

Then kill yourself faggot


Thanks user ^^

Oh you poor little lamb, do your best to keep warm! Layers always help!
How could I turn down such a sweet invite? I'll gladly keep you warm and join your sunggly burrito of friendship!

Absolute degeneracy thread.
Bunch of old perverted fags, using "cute" pics to tease each other, pretending to be shy^^ :>
FUcking cancer


He figured us out! Scatter!

thank you user c:
i do have contact places (probabl will give discord, email or steam) but once again for some reason i don't attach myself to chats much and slowly talk less and less .-.
i mean we could always contact each other but i'm not very talkative i find

also nice double-dubs
nu uh~
yay! we can be blanket-buddies! ;p

this is a Slaanesh friendly thread you stay away u meanie

It's fine! Here, have my steam lil buddy.


Don't worry about pressure, I don't think there's any owness. Just talk to me when you're stressed/worried/not feeling it or wanna talk.

If you're a lonely/nice user in the thread feel free to add me too- just lemme know who you are so I don't get confused friends.

Hug me pls ;-;


We will be the toastiest duo in all the land!

i'll add you :3
pls don't be sad if i don't message often :s
join in on the hug!!! :D
mmm toast, i can really use toast rn, do you like toast?

I won't be sad! I'm not really expecting anything, it's more like an open offer for you if you're ever lonely or want to engage. I'm REALLY open and I love sharing my life and hearing others.

Also I do play the video games, so if you play the video games- we can play the video games.

Bye thread.

Toast is a little too dry for me right now, I've got a minor sore throats and swallowing is a tad hard. However, normally I like toast with peanut butter on it. What do you like to top yours with?

tfw when you have no one to hug because you look like a vampire or a distant cousin of the Adams family

oh no poor you :o
i also love mine with Pneanut BEE but i love mine with anything^^
but vampires are hot user!

awe thanks bud, you made this dark snowy morning a bit brighter

Yeah, it's been really annoying. I've been coughing so hard it hurts my collarbone. I'm also just a tad mellow dramatic when I'm sick. I'm actually now having a warm cup of tea with honey to help my thoat, I hope it goes away soon. I love peanut butter, do you prefer smooth or chunky? I'm personally like both but if I had to pick just one, I would say smooth.

>mellow dramatic
haha wow user

is this the CUTE thread?

david you gay fag, stop trying to dick other homos

i've been sick too but i have plenty of halls for my throat, i hope tea will be good^^
i like both smooth and chunky i can't decide! ;^;

lewdposting is illegal

CUTE isn't lewd user

Bah I can't help it! I suck at controlling myself emotionally and tend to be um a bit over the top.

do you want it to be?

that's what i said you dip

i mean you spelt it wrong, it's melodramatic. mellow dramatic doesn't make any sense.

Hugs are the best!

Hug your mom from behind while you have a boner

I actually didn't realize the typo. I'm not the smartest noodle. I'm sorry!

yes, naturally hugs are included


what did he mean by this



my boat

I hope so too I really need something to help clear my senses, something other than vapor rub. I hate that stuff, even if it does work. I know it's really hard to pick a favorite! Chunky has a good crunchyness but I like the smooth texture.
