Eternal /got/ general


Also a reminder to stop replying to tripfags

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Azor Jon

I have something to confess.

I am in love with Alfie Allen.

It began when I first started watching Game of Thrones back in 2011 when it originally aired. I enjoyed the programme a lot, it seemed to capture the essence of the books and most of the characters were well casted. We won't get into what it has turned into, I liked it at the time. I noticed Theon didn't look like he did in the Books, I thought he looked quite odd. As the season went on I realised how good an actor this young man is.

Something changed, I saw him stand beside Robb Stark and then witnessed the pure emotion he displayed as Ramsay's captive. Seeing his little face as Reek warmed my heart and filled me with a burning desire to rescue him. I no longer see the odd face, weak beard and greasy hair. I see a true beauty, a beauty that emenates from his most deepest being.

He is the reason I continue watching this show. I am filled with pure glee every second he is on screen, and I never want the scene to end. I feel both joy and sorrow: joy because he exists in all his deep brilliance, and sorrow, because I realise that this straight London boy, the son of the abrasive Keith Allen, will never be mine.

It feels good to finally express it. I thank you for sharing this moment with me.

Reminder that this show is shit and only getting worse

Bran/Meera best pairing. Most pure, most innocent.

I'm starting to think this is a script or something like that, it's always the first fking reply, gtfo

lads, what's after ADOS? AWINDOWS?

Reminder that you're a sexist cunt who needs to die, like right now!

How come Benjen was so sure that the Night King will cross the wall?

>"If war were arithmetic, the mathematicians would rule the world"

do you agree with him /got/ ?




Is there a single family with a male heir left in the show?

Aside from the Freys


I didn't know Ainsley was in GoT.

The Starks have Bran.

He's a not a real man anymore


Tully and Arryn

>if x were y, the people professionally skilled in y would be experts in x
Wow, this is really fucking deep.

He's paralyzed, not incontinent. No proof exists that he can't control his genitals.





>only man with a living direwolf
>climbed the wall
>killed white walkers
>shocked the night king
>told stannis to fuck off
>protected the wall
>made peace with the wildlings
>died and came back
>beat Ramsey 1v1 with his bare hands
>reclaimed his home in a short period of time


Edmure Tully
Theon Greyjoy (although no dick lol)
Jaime Lannister, Tyrion
Bran Stark (his dick still works)

Who do the Freys have left in the show?

Azor Maisie

What happened to him?
Did he drown on the way to the wall with Stannis?



Jon is Waters, not Targaryen


>king of the north jon snow
why can't they just call him jon stark?

can't salsa just legitimize him or something?

Walder had a shitload of sons.

Still rowing XDDD

He is saying more than that though. That is only its structure, he is making the claim that human beings are ultimately flawed and that the outcome of War is entirely dependent upon how those flawed decisions combine.

I was wondering as well. The Braavos scene with him and Davos was completely pointless.

First for Bran-fags are the most autistic.

Jon win legitimize himself

computer + phone combo

Jon Snow sounds better

Literally everyone in this thread (besides Branhomos) would cream their pants if she even talked to them.

Arya is Lady of the Crossing now according to the new inheritance laws

in Braavos he said hes not coming North with stannisfags

you probably need the father to do it like with today's courts.

What was with him taking Davos' gold?

What did she mean by this?


if you are a [insert character name]fag then you have problems

Davos in Braavos spin-off when?

>Only man with a livong direwolf which is never shown enough because MUH DRAGUNZZZ

What would Northern bastards be called after House Snow is formed?

She meant to be a character with no genuine motivations or discernible morals

she probably mean that conquering your sworn enemies has little to do with preying on peaceful fishers an farmers because you're too retarded to sustain yourself otherwise

yeah when Glover hailed him as KITN Jon Snow I cringed, I was like "wtf bro, should have called him Jon Stark", something felt off

That direwolf will not appear next season, guaranteed. They'll excuse his absence with "Ghost fell ill and died".

>Edmure, weak, malleable, imprisoned, got his uncle killed
>Robin, weak, malleable, half mad
>Jaime, Cersei's eternal bitch and shadow
>Stark, Jon Snow, apparently, Bran by law

You will notice a weak men, strong women pattern going on. Snow is the only one who breaks the mold. Just compare Edmure, Robin, and Jaime to Cersei, Yara, Dany, Ellaria, and Olenna.

She's telling the her idiot soldiers what they want to hear to get their support

I would like if she gets more than she bargained for with this though, with the Dothraki getting off their leash in Westeros


Does Jaime seriously have the will to kill Tyrion if he was in the same room together?

thought of becoming no-one, lads, but then I realized I already am one. fuck!

>white walkers
>fucking night's king
>who knows what else

Obivously they need a witcher, it makes sense now.


So, we can all agree the show would be better if it was just Dabid on his own?

tumblr, please

Wow, that freaking awesome. #NodsRespectfullyTowardsD&D

That hip to waist ratio makes my penis tingle

He looks like Ron Weasley with a better haircut.

If Geralt came to Westeros, he'd be as likely to kill half the people in Westeros for being monsters as the actual monsters.

Fuck, I hate to sound like a manchild but that makes for a great cross-over
>Geralt on the path in the North

We still have CIA. He must have a few more tricks up his sleave to come, or else D&D would have killed him off this season along with the rest of the house cleaning.

>you might find it difficult to rule over millions who want you dead, half the city will starve when winter comes the other half will plot to overthrow you


Name + Bolton would be pottery

maybe, he killed his father after all

You lack the capacity to discern true beauty.

Does anyone have that pic that shows compiled GRRM comments re Dance with Dragons's release from like 2004 - 2011 where he keeps promising it'll be released soon?

Geralt's signs would allow him to devastate basically everything in Planetos.

Seems like he should have said that then, instead of some shitty metaphor that doesn't even work like he intends.

Implying all the innocent fishermen and and farmers raped and pillaged by a dothraki horde will fair better?

>maybe, he killed his father after all

His father was a douche dou

d&d truly are targ and lannister fags arent they? I bet they got so butthurt whwn grrm told them things like Dragonbitch usurping Aegon or Stannis beating the Boltons so they cut themblel


Dabid knows. 0/10

His signs aren't that powerful.

>They'll excuse his absence with "Ghost fell ill and died".

I have to go now, my home planet needs me.

What the fuck is DABID about this? Cerseis reign is doomed from the start, and its not like the show is arguing against that

Post-war she will have them under control. Squidfags will need to watch themselves

Of course it does, you're just a mong.


Stannis is alive
I need wow this is my breaking point

>I bet they got so butthurt whwn grrm told them things like Dragonbitch usurping Aegon or Stannis beating the Boltons so they cut themblel

I wonder what the series would look like if we have someone who followed the books 100% to the latter.

You havent heard how Benicuck talks about Carol have you?

i have just about had it with GoT, lads

that's it!! no more fucking Bran and his fcuking warging, no more Dany and her tits, no more fucking Arya and her whatever!! i'm fucking done!

>Stannis is alive

I think they (Stannis) left the possibility of stannis being alive in case GRRM gave him an important storyline in The Winders of Winter or not.

Tommen would make more sense, for one thing.

Who /WarOfThe5BadlyWrittenQueens/ here?

Guess my analysis of X and Y was just off then, sorry, Petyr.

>I wonder what the series would look like if we have someone who followed the books 100% to the latter.
A season would have about 30 episodes.

This! retards just hating on Dany cuz Stannis died like bitch as it should because he couldn't make any decision without consulting the cunt of the red hag.

you live up to every negative stereotype of trip/namefaggots

seriously it's like clockwork

I wish you good fortune

see you next year

>i have just about had it with GoT, lads

I personally can't stands the fucking show anymore, but I'm far too down the rabbit hole. I tried not watching till SEASON 4, but I gave up and started watching