Sup Forums I was rubbing my wiener on the floor and then this white goo came out. wat does it mean?

Sup Forums I was rubbing my wiener on the floor and then this white goo came out. wat does it mean?

drink it

this is eternal bleeding
go see a doctor

it means you're a faggot

Eternal bleeding? Like, I'm going to bleed forever? ='(

drink it

lick it, its good for u

We can't say more without pic of your wiener.

I licked it all up and it tasted salty. Ty

Your lacking in iron and vitamin b.


ok here it is. look out it's quite a big one

Just keep telling yourself that buddy

Sorry, can't see any details.
Post a vid of fit

that penis is huge i am very impressed

Obviously not yours

It means you need help OP, post a link to your facebook profile, and I can give you private advice on what to do

sorry i can't my mom says im not allowed to make penis videos anymore

Stop for the love of God! Your dick isn't ripe yet and you'll break it if you keep it up! You might have broken it permanently already.

How did you bleach the colour of that BBC?

y u say that

what a nice penis

Make full sized penis photo

my mom says no more penis pictures either she says only one per day is allowed =(

wizard milk
drink it and gain super powers

how old are you?


You might want to leave this site

already licked it up and no powers. plz no troll


that is special wiener juice you should drink all of it

i love big dildos in my butt

You need to be 25+

no you only have to be 18. You can't fool me

that is semen

I am still unsure of wat this means will someone plz help

it's cum

i made more and now I'm drinking it

Eternal bleeding is the perfect name for my death metal band. Thank you. Check out the logo.

that logo is terrible

Well, if a man and a floor love each other very much they do a special hug. The man shoots his sticky love seed (see the OP pic) all over the floor. Some of the seed will run down between the floorboards, where a little baby floor will grow. In 9 months it will pop out and the house will be one story taller.

That's manly essence, produced by the nut bladder.

I lol'd big

Does this mean I am man

wat does it mean of the goo only comes out when I think of men

that means you are gay

I can see from your original woman that the floor is clearly a woman. You shouldn't tease her like this. If you think you are interested in male floors (tiled or laminated) you should tell her, but try to let her down gently, floors mate for life.