Trump will build a wall that will keep all the Mexican rapists out

>Trump will build a wall that will keep all the Mexican rapists out

Oh wait.........

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying Mexicans can afford ladders


how the fuck they gonna get down the other side???

>oh wait

You fucking pick up the ladder and put it on the other side. How retarded are you?

sad when that's all you have. wouldn't you agree kid?

so what does the next guy do?


Goes up another ladder.
Ladders aren't expensive

Buy his own ladder

>mexicans use ladders to scale the walls
>shot by border patrol

>manhole ladder
Wouldn't work on a wall.

uneducated answer.

how about 1 mexican on top of the wall dedicated to moving the ladder from side to side?

too much work

What if Mexicans just dig under the wall?

>oh wait

they only can go about a foot.deep.
maybe a little deeper if its a tree.

beyond retarded.

How so?

this user is truly the smartest mexican

what if mexican develop telekinesis?
or they develop cross border jutsu techniques you bloody wanker.

Fucking stupid bait thread I am sage beating this shit harder than my step father after 2 rounds of poliatini.

What about the 77% of all Muslims that support Sharia law and the unending expansion of Islam?

Trump isn't even going to build a wall. It was a metaphor.