How to cure athletes foot quickly shit hurts

how to cure athletes foot quickly shit hurts

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nigga theres medicine for that, just buy some

Pee on it. No joke

no money

Throw some garlic in your sock for that new car scent.

stop being an athlete problem solved

been doing that for years already

Actually the right answer. Piss on your feet in the shower.

And keep them dry.

I'm not just don't keep my shoes clean or really clean my feet in the shower

so you just have a normal foot fucken normie

>bad hygiene
wew lad
nitric oxide, for those whom nothing else works.

You need to chop off the foot OP

Or, dance around in a barrel of newt eyes, under a fullmoon, while wearing a necklace of garlic..

Thyme oil extraxt. Apply to the feet after showering

Fill your shoes with iron before wearing them...

any moisture cream and stop being a pussy

they have antifungal cream at the dollar store you stupid faggot

This. During a shower. Then do some on your face for acne and gargle a little for bad breath.

change your socks 3x a day, apply cream at night, dont forget to actually wash ur feet in the shower next time dumbass

Concentrated sulfuric acid + hydrogen peroxide, the stronger the better.

dip your foot in for 5 minutes, I guarantee it will be cured.