Here's a topic. What's the youngest age of girl you'd have sex with with the current laws as they are now?

Here's a topic. What's the youngest age of girl you'd have sex with with the current laws as they are now?

also, if you were legally allowed to fuck any girl of any age, what's the youngest you'd want to go?

With the laws as they are now, the youngest I'd risk is at 14. If there weren't any laws, 12 would be the youngest I'd dare try.

Umm bit weird my anwser is a little controversial but I'm going to say 18 and 18

15 and 14

16/14, maybe as low as 12

I think I would be more inclined to let a younger girl blow me, but I wouldn't fuck her unless she was closer to my age.

My youngest was 14 and I was 15.
I recently fucked a 16 year old and im 20. This is the lowest I would go at the moment.

16 because that's the age of consent law. Morally 14, but that's too risky

local age of consent / 15

18, laws are laws, and no amount of pussy is worth the indictment of being an accuused child molester.
Even without laws if you're of age, then you should recognize the issue with fucking someone significantly younger than you, sick fucks.

They have to be out of high school, any younger than that and they would drive me insane

No limits..

if there was no laws i guess 12.

15, 13

You have this to look forward to
when you get to be my age... they ALL drive you visible sexual characteristics can make up for how fucked up american women lack of sexual characteristics can make up for what they are about to become...


18, statutory laws exist cus the overwhelming majority of teen girls are too stupid to make decisions for themselves

I would fuck 12 yr olds erry day

fuck your failed misdirection tactic

they exist because mothers of preteens and teens don't want their lesbian cryptosexual paradise to get cucked

men only get outraged at pedos after feminine mind control techniques have been applied

Mmmm fuck yes.. stroking to her now

you're giving me way more credit than is due buddy

>they exist because mothers of preteens and teens don't want their lesbian cryptosexual paradise to get cucked

men only get outraged at pedos after feminine mind control techniques have been applied

Its okay anonchan, his mind has already been tajen control of by the feminine type.

14 year old and one day.
That is completely legal here afterall.

I'm sad theres no porn of them.

14 because it's legal here

Youngest i'd go with current laws? 18. I'm not stupid.

Youngest i'd go if you were legally allowed to fuck girls of any age? 12 is as low as I would go. Any younger than that, and you really do have serious sick mental problems. Between the ages of 12 and 14 girls are sexually mature. I'd never go lower than that. That's just cruel. Let kids be kids.

None I would have to "stretch". As old as they can naturally take a dick is good enough

3 months old

17 is the legal age here. I wouldn't go below 22 because not interested in fucking children.
Otherwise 22 because not interested in fucking children.

On a side note why is 18 the age limit for porn on the entire internet even though some first world countries have ages of consent in the lower teens?


cause the USA rules the world, faggot.

i am muslim so would have to go with 9yr in honor of the prophet Muhammad PBUH

Any age that is young enough to get turned on or whatever the age is of the girl that would let me fuck her.

more like jacks off the most and pays the most for porn

"If she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me."

"If there's grass on the field, play ball."

Quads speak truth
16 y/o porn everywhere

21 and 21. I like booze and i cant connect/ not attracted to youth. I dig age and responsibility something fierce

>more like jacks off the most
USAs actually prude compared to other countries, too many religious wing nuts

>still controlling your country faggot

You mean dishonest.

You're telling me we're dictating domestic issues in all those countries that bitterly hate us? No wonder we get so much hate. I'd be pissed too if I was being cucked that hard.

16 and 15. I'm 20 atm.
Youngest i've done is 16



what was the pussy like? i bet it was tight with nice neat labia.

Your country is the best, the best at one thing - deluding itself into thinking it is the best at anything.

You can't have atheist politicans, ofcourse your general population is lying about their heretical fapping behavior.

18s legal. I`d do 16ish, not because i like younger girls, it being illegal turns me on


Already licked her holes out and sucked her toes and let her suck me.

How dat ass taste?


Best experiences are with 30 yr olds


21 officer. 21.

i mean, if you say so

Thoughts? Rate for moar, guess name for nudes.

well i fucked 14 when i was 14
when i was 16 i did 15... same girl dor two years

basically my guideline always was if the girl initiates it its okay.
however i am 23 now and 17 is my absolute lowest i'd go. the law says 16 where i am. but the last time i did 16 was when i was 19.
annoying cunt.
what turns me on is when i know she wants me so i am prety restricted to my own age and above. milfs can be nice sometimes - rarely.
however i miss the horny 18 year olds who want to prove thei maturity by doing almost anything you ask.

The youngest girl I've had sex with was my 2yo daughter.

Is queenchan the new librechan?

You mean abused up pussy that's had 30 bodies by now? Okay.

Tasted amazing..all of her did. I even licked her armpits.
Can't wait to have my tongue inside her butthole again and hopefully my dick.

Youngest I coukd legally have sex with in this country is 16. If there were no laws, I still wouldn't fuck any younger, but oral would definitely on my list. Giving, and maybe receiving.

I'm not fucking anything younger than mid 40s....goddamn pedos all over this board

As soon as she thinks she's old enough for a belly buttton


she's how old?

Feet pics?

Check those quads, bruh!

And yeah, I have the same questions. I guess there is what some would call "child pornography", but in some countries, the age of consent is significantly lower than 18
In my country it's 13, and in one of my neighboring countries it's 12.

>Guess where I'm from and you get a cookie.

Goat fucking land


the next country i'm moving to

21 so we could get hammered in a bar and then fuck

If there were no laws, it'd probably be around when they first start doing weirdly horny things

nice try NSA

Nope, no goats here. Or maybe, it's a big country, although one of our 5 neighbors, the one full of pedophiles and stoners, is small as fuck (another clue).

No, he means girls who know how to have sex and you don't have to coach.

I understand you're super horny due to not having much sex in your short lifetime, but having to tell her to suck it and watch her be timid about it is a huge turnoff.

You'll understand when you're older.

People base their morals on laws instead of the other way around. That said, an older teenager is way more likely to survive childbirth even if girls can get pregnant at age 10 or earlier