Y do I like my girl fucking Dildos bigger then my dick

Y do I like my girl fucking Dildos bigger then my dick

Because you're retarded trash.

that's tragic if that dildo is bigger than your cock




OP I'm similar.

Try bad dragon w/ cum tube. It's awesome.


I will check them out




More like this.

Also face and creampie.



Nothing wrong with it op. It stretches back and to most womem a real cock feels better since body heat and the connection to the partner

Couple more pics then she cums

Yes she also told me this

Embrace her fetish.buy a thinner dildo for example and dp her pussy or dildo in ass etc.


let me fuck her, my dick is bigger than that dildo

We not there yet

She starts to cum now

take a bd, boil it so it's warm, fhritp

> pump her full of cum lube
> fuck her right afterward

Haha my dick is smaller than that dildo and ive fuck hotter bitches than any of you faggots on Sup Forums. I would never let me girl even get a black dildo. She knows daddys not having that.


Because they don't make ones smaller than it.

Dont be a cuck you fucking faggots

>you faggots on Sup Forums
>on Sup Forums

Is this about a farm animal with a dildo?






Should try an actual dog though. Super warm cum.

She wants to

How does one seduce doge