What are some good asian people movies?

what are some good asian people movies?

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>i found a webm i want to post on Sup Forums but has nothing to do with kino

Now I'm curious how he lost the arm

That's savage. Although I have eaten dog, being here in worst Korea. It was terrible.

Memoirs of a Murder was pretty good though.

What did he mean by this?

How horrifying t. Asian

The frog wars. He is just getting some payback.

Frog ate it.

fucking brutal


I had frog legs at the chinese buffet and they're gross. Like undercooked chicken wings soaked in bog water.

Though to be fair if you had the opportunity to kill all non-white races except one had to be spared, I'd pick the asians at least

It's confirmed. Asians have no soul.



I'd choose Italians



let's not pretend it was casual, OP

Been confirmed since WW2, the shit they did in the Pacific man..

What did the italians ever do for me? I guess pasta and pizza is great but I'd still have it after they are gone.

Why are Asian dongs so little?


asian midgets fucking black giantesses

Have you ever used Italicized text?

Stop posting this camwhore faggot bitch is average

i hope none of you criticizing this man's behavior eat meat.


I'm not seeing a single post of anyone feeling sorry for the frog. Its just disgusting on a disgusting level, not a moral one. That frog was going to get eaten anyway, and he even bit its head first to his credit.

What went so wrong

What went so right


I eat it when it's already dead and not writhing in pain as I slowly eviscerate it. If I was going to eat some nasty ass raw froggo then I'd make sure to kill it before I eat because I'm not a fucking psychopath.

They could eat all my frogs if they wanted tbqh

If I was missing an arm I'd be fucked up too


lack of sex and porn


Especially if it was the korean armfrog that took it.

You guys talk about empathy for animals when this site is full of animal abusers pedophiles and people who would fuck a pillow over a real human being.

>What went so right
Modern plastic surgery. A Western invention

t. babykiller

>Still using gif

Epic cuckpost

o dear god

No one is talking about sympathy for animals faggot. We're talking about how socially retarded the azn is.

Memes are not real outside the internet.

Italians are white, even if they are tanned like a nog.

White = Caucasoid of European, christian or Western descent.





>asian holding live animal

Classic natty azns are best azns

more asian ass

I'm out f a m

>ywn be a fortunate son
>ywn get to rape 10/10 nam girls



Anybody got sauce on this one?

>someone could just walk up and eat me right now and I wouldn't be able to do anything about


No wonder why Frogbro cucked the one armed asian

I'd rather have late 80's early 90's jap girls

Give it a rest, Marcus
It's pathetic

you could piss in his mouth


Hello asian"masculinity"



Fuck Pikkon was ugly as fuck

>I Saved Warcraft From Flopping.webm


It ain't me either ;_;

fukken saved

I want to be her toilet

pure kino