Black guys are to white girls as white guys are to Asian girls

Black guys are to white girls as white guys are to Asian girls


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A very fair trade.

Taboo to be with?
Only if they have traditional parents or you're foreigner in their land.

A disappointment but likely true. At least I know I can always land some yellow strange if the whites let me down.


Literally retarded

White men are the cream of the crop
Black men are niggers

yeah, basically. Higher T and bigger dick, but dumber.

Black Baboon ...
Brutal, worthless
thieving GOON...
Often High, Thrives in Jail
His welfare check
is in the mail ...
Some 40 offspring have been had,
Not one will ever
call him dad ...
And yet he hollers day and night:
"i blames de white man
fo my plight,
it's him spreads trash
all round my shack...
it's him what makes me
smoke dis crack,
he push my kind
to burn and loot,
an sends de po-lice
dat we shoot ...
but inch by inch we takin' hold
like when the white bread starts to mold...
i'll overrun
yo home and soon...

ahahahahah im black and this is funny as fuck

No.. White men are the most desired of all of the races and genders. Asian women are the most desired, but not by as large of a margin.

Black women are the least desired.

I bet her sweaty groin tastes phenomenal

This is true.

>White girls love black guys

>Asian girls love white guys

Why is it always like this?

Asian here. There are plenty of our women to go around. In my culture, we relish the opportunity to welcome guests.

Hell man, that works out well for me.
I'd love a submissive housewife.

No white men like Asian women besides you weaboo faggots

in a predominantly white society, the nigger would be considered "exotic" and going back to primal instincts, the female would like to mate with something with exotic traits. Same applied for any other race mixing.

Dude... submissive? trust me... when the doors are closed, they're in charge... for better or worse they are!

Obviously she's never met Mr. Backhand.

White women are the most desired and the most easily gained for some reason. White men are just men. No one seeks men. Not even asian women. They are just receptive to white men because their offsprings will have lighter skin. The main objective of it all is to either lighten or darken skin. You either stand on one side or the other. I personally stand on the side of eradicating all niggers because I actually hate black people. Ironically, the more they breed out of their species, the weaker their lineage for example. Lets say this half nigger here breeds with a white woman. That offspring has 1/4 of nigger. Then that child grows up to be hopefully not even slightly niggerish and ends up breeding with a white woman/man. 1/8 nigger. And so on and so on until all the niggers of America are completely absorbed into the melting pot. There are more white people than there are niggers so I'm fairly happy. Also, with all these beaners invading our country theres a good chance they will breed and create an easier diluted race to absorb. Thus lighter skinned people :D

>neckbeard detected

Would any white guy here let black guys have the white girls if it meant white guys get the Asian girls?

Nah whites are smarter than Asians overall

they can have all of them as far as i care. asian girls are hot as fuck

Yeah, sure.
It's not like it means I get any girls though.

strangely enough, I actually have a taiwanese girl... 26 years old... VIRGIN! and she straight up gets crazy hot turned on when I spank the living hell out of her. We've tried to fuck three times now... but as I'm not into rape just yet, when it hurts her too much going in I get limp. Thinking I might have to just fuck her from behind so I don't have to look into her crying eyes as I insert it... :-/ Anons, what say you about this stratagem?

you're kidding right
the majority have flat chests and or no ass
and brillow pad hairy purple lipped cunts

You're going to have to look into her eyes sometime.
Start jacking off to rape porn to degrade that empathy response.

Implying you, me, or anyone on this board has a choice in the matter.

It can't be EVERYONE on this board.

purple cunts... nah... those are the philipina chicks man... japanese often have pink pussies. :-)

White guys don't give Asian girls STDs at alarming rates.
White guys are 12 times less likely to murder their partner.
White guys are 200 times less likely to assault their partner.

Really makes you think.

There are plenty of white grils that won't fuck black dudes.

And I think there are alot of Azn grils that only get down with Azn dudes.

Top 3 reasons Asian girls like white guys so much..

Top 3 reasons white girls like black guys so much..


asian chicks are cool. yesterday afternoon at work, one of them started massaging my shoulders just because i told her my neck was sore. i hardly even know her.

that being said, i've never lost a white girl either. certainly not to a black dude. only Sup Forums's low-t cuck-cage wearing forever alones wanna believe that's a phenomenon.

Tell me, are you guys virgins?

what about the half asian half white chicks? the ass and tits of a white girl with the smokin looks of the azns

Fine Sir... you might have a point there. I was thinking after her v-card is over and done with, it wouldn't hurt so bad. hmm... Thinking to take this over to advice and see what the chicks that don't want to share their tits think about this. :-/

you big American PENIS, it so big!!!

Top 3 reasons Asian girls like white guys so much..
>typically more masculine than asian men
>typically better looking than asian men
>typically bigger cocks than asian men

Top 3 reasons white girls like black guys so much..
>because they believe the myth of nigger cocks
>because they enjoy being single parents
>the benefit of having free bicycles for as long as the nigger stays around

I have actually seen quite a few Asian girls with black guys lately.

Not sure the reason. Its a college city though.

both are covered in hair and gross
also they don't get as lubricated as the other races of women do
what the fuck is up with that
they don't ovulate normally
they get a chunky runny mucus
now most women upon full arousal excrete a delicious smooth lubrication that is supposed to be what makes our dicks slide in nice and easy. But asian women. Holy fucking shit. Every single one I've fucked has had

1. a tiny hairy cunt (dick doesn't fit)
2. a shallow cunt (dick isn't all the way in but hits bedrock)

there were a very select few asians I've fucked in the last 10 years that have defied all these points I'm listing, but the majority I've had the pleasure of womb slamming since my teen years have always been dry and unsatisfying. Also whats with that screaming. It's like they all watched the same tutorial video on how to be a 10/10 japanese pornstar. Screaming like fucking dolphins. It's taken me a lot to not punch them mid stroke god fucking damn. Hate gooks. Anyway, white women are superior. The end.

You're delusional in many different ways user.

Of course people seek men. Women love men, men need other men. This is culture. Men are loved and revered in our culture. Perhaps in different ways than women, but it is still there just the same.

Clearly you've been reading too much of the shill propaganda because the rest of your post is just drivel. Humans are drawn to partners by a variety of factors, as far as race goes we want two things and they happen to be polar opposites - we crave our own homogeneous group for the evolutionary benefits of safety and security. We also crave the exact opposite of our group, because our instincts push us that direction in order to introduce biodiversity into our genes so that we don't interbreed.

So like I said, White men are the most valued, by actual statistics gathered from dating websites, of all the races and genders. Asian women are the most valued of the female gender, but not by as large of a margin. They are followed very closely by White women. Black women are the least valued, by actually quite a large margin. Black men don't even like black women, unfortunately.

I've had the pleasure of fucking some beautiful black women, and they very clearly have much larger issues with the race difference and, in my experience, take it to a higher taboo level than I've experienced with any other race. They really get off on it.

Not according to IQ tests.
And Asians have a higher income on average.

you're speaking in halves.
half and half.
half chances.
theres also the chance of a disgusting half breed with the ass and tits of an asian girl with the moderately pleasing face of a white woman that is now ruined by slanted eyes.

the way I see it, take those half breeds and force them to breed with beaners or niggers to someone bring out the curvature of the buttocks and genitals more, then breed that offspring with superior white genetics to lighten the skin and beautify the face

>higher income

Based on what sample size?

2% compared to over 60%.(in the US)

Unfair comparisons and you are being an annoying weeb that needs to get the fuck out of my thread.

>And Asians have a higher income on average.
Uh, no they don't. Maybe in America alone, but this is something that many Americans ignore when making sweeping assumptions about groups of people.

Every American thinks Indians make good money because they're all doctors and engineers and own three businesses. The fact of the matter is, American immigration only accepts successful people who can obtain scholarships or have certain skills. We only see the most successful of these people. We ignore the other billion that have diarrhea on their designated shitting street right now as we speak. For every person in China who makes $40k, there are a million that make



>Black guys get their precious white wommenz

>White guys get their precious Asian wommenz

What about the Asian guys?

I would never fuck a black guy. Never. Ever. And why the hell do they always have that body odor, when they are so obsessed with soap?

Top 3 reasons Asian girls like white guys so much..
1. White men are generally taller
2. White men are generally more masculine
3. Generally more confident

Top 3 reasons white girls like black guys so much..
1. Current american culture glorifys them (trends, rap is cool, being a hoe is cool, twerking is cool etc)
2. Believe all Negros are rocking a BBC
3. Believe them to be more masculine/dominant

>Be white
>Have Asian honey mr's
>White girl friends have dated blacks/samoans
>My life is fucking great, they are always in drama or breaking up over dumb shit.

They're obsessed with soap? I've had black friends my whole life and I never noticed this. They were always obsessed with cocoa butter to stop from getting "ashy".

And you're right, they smell awful all the time.

Precious black wimminz
Or 2d wimminz

... wtf are you on about sperg lord?
If anything I've only had the complete opposite experience. Sounds like you got some real duds

>op sees white girls with black guys a few times.
>op likes asians and sees other people with asian fetish.
>op doesnt notice that the extreme majority of couples are same race.

I think some people just have different tastes, man...

Now days it seems like most interracial couples are either black guy/white girl or white guy/Asian girl.

Its like those 2 groups just really want to fuck each other.

Few white guys are into Asian girls, mostly nerds. All black guys would like to have a white girl, just look at all those "u mad white boi" threads. I feel mostly bad for black women, they should put their men in place like Michelle did

Ya, a lot of the times in these relationships its the girl craving the guy.

But its odd how its usually these 2 combos the majority of the time.

Black guys go for the easiest target. White girls are slutty and easy
White guys watch too much porn and think all Asian girls are kinky geishas

My girlfriend is west indian and im white.

Not really. I never see white women with black men. It's really only common in large cities, like New York or Los Angeles.

It's mostly because they stand out, you notice them more than normal couples

improve your reading comprehension

Because that's where most of the people are.

I mean its usually just those combos when its interracial. Black guy/ white girl and white guy/ Asian girl.

You watch too much porn.

So much cringe ITT. You guys are really retarded and autistic.

Speak for yourself.

Someone hasn't posted an example of each pairing fucking?

What happened here?

Black guys get there American white girls, Ive never seen an Eastern European white girl with a black

Because BM/WF is bestiality and WM/AF is just gross. Take your miscegenation fetish somewhere else.

if black guys are into white girls, white guys are into asian girls, and everyone can dig latinas, then who is into black girls?

Asian Men.

Asian guy with a cuckolding fetish here... sigh... but yeah, pretty much.

Physically, at least, since there's a much bigger social taboo/stigma of a white girl fucking a black guy than an asian girl fucking a white guy, know what I mean?

Indian is still Asian doe.

As there should be.

>Black guys are to white girls as white guys are to Asian girls

No. In the case of the former the women can't get a man of their own race and so settle outside it.

In the latter, the women are able to get a man outside their race as a preference.

I've tried them all except Arab yet, but I'll complete my collection soon enough. I don't see what your problem is.



No problem.

Just curious and asking for fun.

Are there any white guys here that have watched interracial porn in a non cuck way? Like seeing a black guy fuck a white girl doesn't bother you as long as the girl is hot and the production value is high?

True shit

Jesus, I just realized that these chicks are the highest/best looking epitome of woman that koreans have to offer. Knowing that just makes me feel better, like I can find a chick like this easy enough.

I'm not that invested in the dude. Don't really pay attention to that aspect of it.

Do Asian girls like Hispanics?

So, as long as the said white girl is really hot, you don't care if its a black guy thats fucking her?

I watch blacked all the time, dont give a fuck about the racial aspect, they get fine ass girls and theyre well made porns

Not that guy but I know for me personally it fucks with the immersion. Like when I am imagining me fucking these chicks and whatnot, then there is a clip with a black dude and not even my imagination can pretend it is my dick.

As long as it isn't cuck shit it doesn't bother me.

I've been into gangbang/sluttery pornwise lately. It's impossible to keep track of the ethnic groups passing through. Not really the point, either.
In real life this question isn't part of my sexlife since I don't involve guys and I don't have trouble picking them up. And as far as women go I have a broad taste, there isn't a race they couldn't make work for me. I've had fun adventures with all sorts from black caribbean to javanese to german.

ewwwwwww NO

Asian women were made for white men, come to think of it, so are all women.

A white man committing bestiality, interesting.

White women have fucking jungle fever.

What do Asian women have? White fever?

Wow, guess you're right. Jungle fever, huh?

I'm gunna drag you through the fucking driveway.

This is so ridiculously uncomfortable

I'll take that for sure. Fuck yeah!

Please don't samefag.

she looked more hot standing...