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>apologizing because chinese people liked it
never, asians universally have shit taste and autism

>only making 45 million domestically
>bragging about that

is it possible for big budget movies to lose money these days?

BFG looking like a big ol bomb

so now they know that shitty level of quality will sell in China. expect Warcraft 2 to be identical.

good job accepting mediocrity user.

Regardless, it didn't completely bomb overall like most said it would

shit movie tho

Nah if they do make another since they already have China locked in they will try to focus on getting the domestic box office higher .

it did bomb though. The only reason it made any money is because China and India are horrible and will eat up anything

>it didn't completely bomb overall

learn to read

>i-it bombed guys
>it made enough that it wont be a loss when you include rights being sold to tv worldwide and other sales but it bombed :^)

>tfw I liked the movie

It wasn't amazing but it was better than the Hobbit

I think APOLOGIZE might be one of the dumbest/funniest things of 2016 just because I always see it used for the worst fucking things. Gal Gadot skeleton, apologize. George Lucas, apologize to him too. A video game movie with computer cavemen, you really better apologize.

I look forward to Ghostbusters doing well for true APOLOGIZE shitposting.

Same here user.

I went in expecting a cringe shitfest.

There were some really cheesy ass parts, everything with garona sucked.

The orcs though...
Fucking hell, they saved the movie big fucking time.

I hope Duncan notices this.
I hope he gives Gul'dan much more screen if the sequel happens.

Gul'dan carried the movie by himself

Its not even going to make 50 million domestically!


There's enough Chinks to float any content. Hell look at the game itself which has been held up by the li ttle fuckers since 2009

>muh america

movies aren't even made for america these days

enjoy the next ice age because it makes 800 million in foreign markets amerifat

>There's enough Chinks to float any content.

try 1.5 billion. that's 6 times what you got in your america.

>Mfw i expected him to be shit.
>Mfw he turned out to be amazing.
>Made WoD Gul'dan seem boring.

I wasn't expecting Daniel wu to pull that fucking voice either.
Fucking gooks...

movies are now geared towards making China happy. Even Marvel changed a character in the upcoming Dr. Strange movie because he's supposed to be from Tibet and even mentioning that makes them go into a kung-fu rage. Dateline just did a story on this recently and how it's absolutely affecting production of big budget movies to the point where every movie has a chinese cultural consultant to tell them how to better appeal to those slant-eyed dog eaters

thanks china

Thank you based China for the sequel.
I would watch 4 hours of orcs just fucking shit up

it was really good

Well that's what you get for believing the Jews lies and weakening yourselves for their gain, you become another countries bitch

Kek, this shit is even worse than fucking Resident Evil


I don't know shit about the stupid game but I enjoyed the film. I never expected to be a masterpiece just a decent popcorn flick and that was what it ended up being.

Good thing I'm Jewish.


There has been 0 discussion after the release, this is how bad and forgettable it is.

There isnt even any trolling it is so shit

I wonder how many tickets it even sold domestically

But can the Jews control China? In the end the hunters will become the hunted. Deep...
Fuck you! Have a shitty episode of humans in plastic armor.

Apoligize for what? A forgettable movie?


This piece of shit made 220m in china alone

It made over half of its total gross in what is basically a third world shithole

Yes but you aren't Chinese so you'll be getting on your hands and knees and sucking yellow dick like the rest of us.

>India: $923,000


lol... no it wasn't.

lol... yes it was

From the beginning I said this would never break 100m domestic.

Blizzdrones laughed at me.


>mfw this bombed HARD in the US
>mfw everyone in China saw it

So what will happen? Will they do a sequel?

>tfw Warcraft can BARELY outgross Pacific fucking Rim


>counting TV rights to make your box office look less terrible

That's the equivalent of shoving the ruler into your mound of pubic fat to try and get an extra quarter inch on the ruler.

>domestic total: $45.7m

does that take into account the money laundering costs

I had a retard argue that it would make 100 million domestic after the shit first week

I explained how box office numbers and weeks worked and he still said it would do 100 million because muh imax

Blame pirates.

>Blizzdrones insisting this would break 1 billion

>Surprised America wanted to see a movie all about shooting monsters more than a Warcraft movie

>he thinks those ironic shitposters were serious



To me - that's the saddest thing here.
Pacific Rim wasn't even an established property and it could still do 100m in the U.S.
Warcraft is struggling to break 50m total. How the fuck did that happen?

>421 million
>a hit
>800 million
>a flop


>generic EVUL POWER HUNGRY villain #289341
Blizzdrones really need to get out more. It's seriously unhealthy to be so insular and confine yourself to Blizzard games when there is much better out there.
Gul'dan was/is nothing special as a villain.

>made triple it's budget

Haters already BTFO and it's still in cinemas.

Haha the road to Pacific Rim 2 has been a disaster, m8. It's been on and off again so many times... heck maybe Warcraft 2 will get a sequel but this is NOT the result they were hoping for B.O. wise.

1 intends to make amends through charitable donations when at all possible.

>I..I was just joking bros!


The domestic market is dead. Hollywood movies aren't for Americans anymore.

Which is ironic since it's one of the highest rated films of the summer.


Literally the highest grossing videogame movie of all time.

I was the highest paid burger flipper at McDonalds once upon a time

Not really. But when you're spending 150-250 million on a movie, you simply have to cater to China or risk going out of business very quickly.

The amount of money they're spending to make these flicks is completely ridiculous.

>the domestic market is dead
>TFA makes 900m domestic
>Deadpool does 363m domestic
>Civil War does 400m domestic
>Finding Dory does 370m domestic in two weeks

Does it make you feel better to lie?

Will we get Jones' director's cut?

>Ha-ha!! I was just kidding when I said this would be the next Avatar!!! Lol!!!
Blizzdrones are hands down the most hilarious group of people on this board

>he continues to deny that he fell for the obvious shitposting
I bet you think the "realer than real life" stuff was genuine too.

For how much longer?

>my movie is better when I compare it to shit

>point out that you're wrong

I bet you thought the "it won't make 100m worldwide" stuff was genuine too.

Right? Or does it not work that way?

0 fucks given as long as they make two Warcraft 3 movies

Going to be is all that matters. Investors look for growth and the US market is shrinking.

So basically, you just posted an image proving your own point wrong?

Time to stop posting and go back to playing Overtrash.

problem is nobody outside America cares or knows about the childrens book The BFG

time to learn mandarin

The ONLY semi-interesting storyline in the entire Warcraft universe is Arthas/Lich King, and even that is pretty mediocre and uninspired by fantasy standards.

why, to watch shitty movies?

nah thanks, they can have them

>same as dead
Seriously I'm laughing too hard already. Please stop.

>US market is shrinking

>I don't know how numbers work

China is expanding. The US isn't shrinking.

>moving goalposts: the blizzdrone

>even that is pretty mediocre and uninspired by fantasy standards.
bullshit, but then again I just want to see Arthas on the big screen. No homo

What's interesting about it?

>generic hero turns villain story #6143634

Warcraft is babby's first fantasy

>Age of Extinction made $320 million in China
>Furious 7 made $390 million

Fine its entertaining not interesting. If you want interesting then watch some deepshit not high fantasy action.

>800 million
>a flop
It didn't flop. It underperformed. They expected it to break 1 billion easily. I mean how fucked up is your movie if you couldn't make the 2 most iconic superheroes of all time fight and not even break 1 billion? Fucking the worst Transformers movie made over 1 billion how could Batman V Superman not?

>WORST quarter since 2003
>with 60 more movies released and inflation


Superman is well known, but who really gives a shit about him? Same with Wonder Woman. Yeah, people know their names, but no one is really interested in them.

>chinks giving based duncan another chance
they are okay in my book

Entertaining is easier then interesting.

This is why Hollywood will cater to foreign markets. Hordes of peasants in China are eager to see dumb blockbuster movies. Americans/Westerners have a more specific taste.

Notice how the foreign markets add up to more then the US.

really, wow Warcraft must be even shittier if it only made 220 and china is where most fo WoWs playerbase lives


Warcraft shills are pretty bad but the anti shills are hilarious. It did enough worldwide for a sequel. yes it bombed in america like it matters. Haters btfo it didn't fail.


Did it actually make money?
Are people memeing me when they say that it needed to make 500 mil to break even?

So you expext us to take on faith the domestic box office is shrinking with only posting a snapshot of one year?
At least post previous box office figures too

It is generic but fantasy has been so shit for so long, outside Fellowship, we haven't seen a detailed fall from grace of that magnitude on screen for ages. It'd be refreshing.

>I don't know how numbers work

Have you ever heard of ratios and market share, son? The U.S. impact on box office IS shrinking due to the growth of other regions.

Why is Sup Forums always full of the dumbest motherfuckers?

They're moving goalposts. When it his 500 mil they'll be saying 600. Before they were saying it just needed to double is budget. When it did that they said at least 400. It's pure distilled desperation