

only if lions attack at night, becouse the sun is sleeping

>1 lion

well if the sun has daytime on its side...

>doesn't understand scientific notation

Only one lion vs the sun?
Im betting my left 3rd nut on the sun m8.

it's not 1 lion
it's 1 to the power of however the fuck many 9s

>lion attacks sun
>Sun get hurt
>explosion kills earth
>lion is kill
>it's a tie

1 to the power of anything is still 1 you retards

You saying im going to lose my 3rd nut then?

LMAO you have no fucking idea how to do basic arithmetic
Go back to grade 7

Wrong actually. The sun can sunburn, but one lion will fuck your shit up

1 x 1 = 1^2 = 1
1 x 1 x 1 x ... x 1 = 1^n = 1

maybe he meant 1e999...

the lien

>1^9999999 lions
>1 lion
C'mon, man.

It really is a question of whose house you're fighting in.
At the sun, specifically during the daytime, the temperature is millions of degrees celsius, and there is no oxygen to breathe. Obviously in space, the sun would win.

However, in the Saharan African desert, the lion is in his home territory. He is familiar with his surroundings. He can hide in the bushes, or in the shadows (the enemy of the sun) and can use the element of surprise.

o shit your right

i mean thats alot of lions

I mean, that is a lot of lion

nice one brah
he'll never know how right he was now after reading a post so autistic he to became the autismo

The sun knows the lion's weaknesses.
It was there, watching since his birth.

1^99999999 is a absurd number,

Is it day or night?

gtfo nigger


>what is photoshop

it's still 1, dipshit.
No matter how many times you multiply 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 it's still 1.

o shit, my mistake. i mean 10^9999999

Go back to school

why the fuck would I take the time to photoshop something this retarded?

Because you literally are just that retarded.

>being this autismo just to cover up being autismo

you're retarded.

I don't understand how people like you justify wasting time like this

like come on user, life is short enough already



>accuses someone of not understanding scientific notation
>doesn't understand scientific notation

 P R O P E R   S C I E N T I F I C   N O T A T I O N

1.0 x 10 ^ 99999999

If that amount of lions (assimong you meant 1e99999999 lions) (at 200kg per lion) were contained in a sphere 4.2e99999965 LIGHT YEARS across, the gravity would be so immense it would create a black hole that would swallow the observable universe quadrillions of times over

So yes, I think the lions would win

>however the fuck many 9s
ffs user
it's just eight
there are eight 9s

1 lion vs the sun?

>there is no oxygen to breathe
if that's true then the sun can't burn the lion
no oxygen = no fire
lion is basically invincible to the sun even in space


well that would bequite alot of lions, if each lion was a plank length cubed and the observable universe was a googol times larger then they still couldn't fit :D

This number is completely absurd, there'd be more over a google times more lions than there are particles on the observable universe

That's a lot of lions.

It's simple, just travel to alternate universes gathering lions in the sphere until you have enough. There are unlimited universes = unlimited lions.

Regardless, the lions would probably form a black hole that would swallow the sun. Even if they attack one at a time the cumulative lion-sun system wouls become a black hole from all the mass


Mass of Sun=1.989 × 10^30 kg
Mass of an adult male lion=190 kg.
(190 x 10) ^99999999=? There ya go, yall can figure it out

That means one lion, faggot.
Of course the sun would win…

op obviously meant 1^{periodic 9}
which actually is the infinity
so yeah
so much lion it crashes the matrix and humanity is free

please refer to


how could the sun even affect the lion in any way?
>oh no! harsh lighting! my only weakness
get real faggots

that poor perch

Are you claiming that I have no awareness of the fire triangle?

Oxygen, fuel, and ignition source?

Skill yourself, irl.


Nice joke m8


only correct answer so far


That's alot of lions

The sun doesn't need oxygen to burn. It is not a fire. It is a nuclear fusion reaction.

Light couldn't travel 93,000,000 miles, if it ran out of breath faggot.

read my post
i never said the sun couldn't burn
i said the lion couldn't burn

there are like 4 lines in your post and no tl;dr. It's not my fault I missed the point

>inb4 the lions enter nuclear fission process

found the underage MODS

and the ugly people losers smell like poop and the ugly freak that smell like poop try to hurt me the ugly way when i talk to my family that is why the ugly people losers is lame and ugly and not creepy and the ugly people losers smell like poop and try to hurt me the ugly way cause is a loser and the ugly people losers smell like poop

this nigga doesn't understand basic thermodynamics


>time to fap

it's never not time to fap




They'd probably only last a few hours, then.

>meant 1^99999999 [=1]
either the lion suffocates on its way
or melts before it can even get as close as mercury
>meant 10^99999999
average lion weight : 160 Kg (or N if you're a physics nerd)
average mass : 16.3098878695 Kg
mass of 10^99999999 lions = 163098878695 x 10^89 Kg

The lions would become a black hole with all that mass generating gravity, consuming the earth, the sun, and probably the galaxy.
But they would die first so sun still wins.

at night lions are sleeping too you dumb fuck

>average lion weight : 160 Kg
>average mass : 16.3098878695 Kg
come again?


This fucking thread kek

Put me in the screencap

weight is the force with wich you are attracted to the earth so:
>weight = mass * gravity
>weight / gravity = mass
>160 / 9.81 ~= 16.3098878695

>160 Kg (or N if you're a physics nerd)
>Kg = N

dude stop

oh ok
thank you for the explanation

correct answer

it's contagious


you made me piss myself laughing at that pic.

allahu ackbar, brother

no they're not actually

Kg is most commonly, yet incorrectly used as a weighing meassure, not one to meassure mass.
N is the correct one, but just wanted to make it understandable for tards

>Kg is most commonly, yet incorrectly used as a weighing meassure
yeah we don't have this problem in america
we use pounds to measure force (weight)
thought it makes teaching kids about mass way more arduous

so Kg = N?

I can confirm
>Mass x Gravity = Weight
Since gravity is a bare constant, a unit-less measure, it means Mass and Weight must be measured in the same units.

No, they're just very commonly used for the same thing.
They still only have the correlation through m/s^2
but still, why do you have such a weird system for distance?
why 12i = 1f? it makes calculations and conversions more complicated

put me in the reddit screencap probably titled "b argues about lions and math"

>bare constant
maybe, depends on the calculation though, and as long as we're not talking about the gravitational constant wich is a completely different thing.
>unit-less measure
>listen ere u lil shit
1G = 9.81 m/s^2