I ate ass for the first time today. Ask me anything

I ate ass for the first time today. Ask me anything.

A girls ass I hope?

On a girl or guy?

did you gag a little bit at first?

Did you find little balls of toilet paper

Any booty crumbs?


Yep. A girls ass. Im a male

Nope. She took a shower before

No it was really normal. Just like eating a slightly tighter pussy.

Was it clean shaved?

Pics or it didn't happen

looks like it's over for you my friend. I remember the first ass I ate, it will lead you down a slippery slope.

I love eating my girls ass. What did you think?

We've dated for 4 and a half months. She doesn't like pics yet. Ill post pics and update thread as soon as possible. To answer tho, it was clean shaved

I liked it. She did too her eyes rolled to the back of her head

How so user?

15 replies with 8 posters... hmm

>her eyes rolled to the back of her head
Good job then. You did it right.

Thanks. It was awkward for both of us but it turned out good.

who's idea was it?

that's what happens when people ask questions and op replies to each one

Mine. Im always the one who decides everything. That's just how it is.

That's pretty normal. It's no different for me either.